Madame Tussauds de Londres Millones y millones de personas se han congregado en las puertas de Madame Tussauds desde que se abrieron hace 200 años y actualmente sigue siendo una actividad tan popular como antes. Hay muchas razones para este éxito duradero, pero en el fondo la clave de todo es la curiosidad humana. Los visitantes de hoy son enviados en un viaje extraordinario y emocionalmente por los reinos de los poderosos y famosos. Las típicas barreras de los museos desaparecen aquí para que los visitantes realmente se puedan acercar a las celebridades, leyendas del deporte, pesos pesados de la política y iconos histórios, dando a conocer hechos históricos, eventos y momentos que marcaron el mundo. Camine a través de la alfombra roja y pose al lado de Kate Winslet, justo antes de retar a sus deportistas favoritos como Tom Daley o Lewis Hamilton. Empiece su experiencia real con una audiencia con la Reina antes de posar junto a los Duques de Cambridge. También podrá acercarse a sus Superhéroes Marvel preferidos antes de vivir la espectacular y exclusiva película Marvel Super Heroes 4D, donde los Superhéroes de Marvel lucharán para salvar Londres de un mal creciente. ¿Con quién desea hacerse una foto? Crucero Turístico por el Támesis Con este pase para el Red River Rover viajará lujosamente en una flota de barcos por el río que le permitirán bajarse y subirse en cualquiera de los muelles en cualquier momento durante el día. Mientras el Río Támesis serpentea hasta el corazón de Londres hay historia detrás de cada curva y no hay mejor manera de ver y experimentar las vistas y esplendor de esta fantástica ciudad desde uno de los modernos City Cruises y los RiverLiners™ aptos para sillas de ruedas. Disfrute de inigualables vistas de algunos de los puntos más importantes de Londres desde un lugar único en las cubiertas abiertas superiores y los amplios salones inferiores con ventanas panorámicas. Aproveche los dos bares con bebidas y aperitivos. Los Cruceros salen frecuentemente de Westminster Pier, Waterloo Pier (London Eye), Tower Pier y Greenwich Pier todos los días del año excepto Navidad (25 de diciembre). Los viajes más cortos entre muelles duran unos 20 o 30 minutos mientras que el trayecto completo dura unas dos horas y media.
Amongst the most famous historic attractions in our care are:
Mysterious Stonehenge and Hadrian’s Wall - both World Heritage Sites.
The Home of Charles Darwin, Down House, just south of London.
1066 Battle of Hastings Abbey and Battlefield, East Sussex
Dover Castle, Kent
Tintagel Castle, Cornwall - legendary birthplace of King Arthur.
Audley End House & Gardens, near Cambridge - a superb Jacobean mansion set in beautiful gardens.
Apsley House - also known as Number 1 London
Magnificent Osborne House, Queen Victoria’s beloved seaside retreat.
Customer Benefits:
Save money with this great value pass by visiting as few as THREE attractions. So even if it is used for a weekend break - it can still save money! The more the pass is used - the greater the savings.
What is an Overseas Visitor Pass?
The Overseas Visitor Pass is a one-price entrance ticket to all English Heritage properties valid for either 9 or 16 consecutive days.
What is included?
FREE entry to over 100 stately homes, castles, abbeys, Roman and prehistoric remains. You can visit all attractions directly managed by English Heritage free of charge. Find out more about our historic attractions.
FREE or reduced price entry to hundreds of action-packed events.
FREE overseas visitor guidebook.
I can’t possibly visit 100 attractions in 9 days. Why should I buy an Overseas Visitor Pass?
We don’t expect you to visit that many attractions. The Overseas Visitor Pass is incredible value for money and you can start making savings from as few as two or three visits!
How much will I save?
You will realise what great value the pass is as soon as you make your first visit. For example, the price of the guidebook plus the combined normal adult admission price to Dover Castle; 1066 Battle of Hastings, Abbey and Battlefield; Walmer Castle & Gardens; and the Home of Charles Darwin, Down House - just four attractions in the South East - is £54.65. With your 9 day Overseas Visitor Pass you save £29.65.
Remember, you can visit as many attractions as you like. The more you visit, the more you save!
If I stay for less than 9 days, does it still make sense to buy the Pass?
Yes, the Pass pays for itself after approximately three visits so you can enjoy savings from the first or second day of your stay!
Who can buy the Pass?
The Pass is available for overseas visitors only. Visitors may be asked for proof of overseas residency when visiting a property.
The Pass is available to groups and individuals. Groups should contact the first property they are planning to visit with a list of names of the group's members, so that we can prepare the passcards and make sure we have enough guidebooks on site.
Do children need their own Pass?
The family pass is valid for two adults and up to four other family members under the age of 19 living at the same address. Other than the family pass, there is no reduced child pass. Children under the age of five are admitted free of charge to our attractions, and children up to the age of 15 qualify for reduced entrance fees.
For how long is the Overseas Visitor Pass valid?
The English Heritage Overseas Visitor Pass is valid for a period of either 9 or 16 consecutive days.
How is my Overseas Visitor Pass activated?
The Pass will be validated at the first property you visit and it can then be used for the following consecutive 9 or 16 days.
When are English Heritage properties open?
Many properties open daily from 10.00 in summer. Nearly all are closed 24-26 December and 1 January. All sites have reduced opening times during the winter months (October to March).
The exact opening times are listed on our website as well as in the Members’ and Visitors’ Handbook, which is included free of charge with the Pass.
What documents do I need to take with me to collect the Overseas Visitor Pass?
You need to print out your booking confirmation (voucher), and take this with the credit card used to make the booking.
You must also have proof of identity with you in the form of a passport, identity card or driver’s license to authenticate that you are the rightful owner of the voucher and as proof of overseas residency. This can be a photocopy.
What happens if my Pass is lost or stolen?
The Pass is not transferable, refundable or replaceable when lost or stolen.
TERMS OF SALES : Tickets must imperatively be kept throughout their period of validity Spot checks can be performed on vehicles Lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced Tickets are not refundable Any resale or reuse ticket constitutes fraud and, as such, is subject to prosecution A place on the top floor can not be guaranteed The organizer can not guarantee the return of personal effects and luggage left behind or forgotten in vehicles, and it can not be held responsible for their failure to return The organizer reserves the right to cancel or modify certain tours without notice if the comfort or safety of travelers demanded it, and in case of strike or demonstration Prices, times and duration of the tour may change
Die Kuppel der St. Paul's Cathedral ist aus der Skyline von London nicht wegzudenken. Nach dem der große Brand von London im Jahr 1666 den Vorgängerbau zerstörte, wurde die Kathedrale in den Jahren 1675 - 1710 nach den Plänen des berühmten Architekten Sir Christopher Wren gebaut. Sie war die erste Kathedrale, die zu Lebzeiten des Architekten fertiggestellt wurde. Seitdem werden in der St. Paul's Cathedral Ereignisse von nationaler und internationaler Bedeutung zelebriert. Königliche Hochzeiten, Thronjubiläen und Staatsbegräbnisse für britische Helden wie Winston Churchill fanden in den Gemäuern der Kathedrale statt. Sir Christopher Wrens architektonisches Meisterwerk wurde anlässlich des 300. Geburtstages der Kathedrale über 15 Jahre für 40 Millionen Pfund grundlegend renoviert. St Paul's Cathedral der bedeutenste sakrale Bau im Herzen von London und wird jedes Jahr von Millionen Menschen aus der ganzen Welt besucht. Besuchertickets können für Montag bis Samstag gebucht werden. Sonntags ist St. Pauls nur für Gottesdienste geöffnet. Die Standardtickets von 365-Tickets beinhalten einen Rabatt und werden einfach bei der Ankunft Eingang vorgezeigt. Kombinieren Sie Ihren Besuch der St Paul's Cathedral mit anderen attraktiven Zielen in London wie dem Kensington Palace oder einer Fahrt auf der Themse.
En este tour privado de 2 horas por la Nueva York nocturna, usted y su grupo pueden elegir viajar en una limusina de lujo o en un Party Bus. Puede empezar o finalizar su tour en el lugar que elija de Manhattan. Pasee por la ciudad con más encanto del mundo, durante el regreso a la ciudad de Nueva York abra una botella de champán de cortesía mientras escucha du música favorita. ¡Qué mejor manera de ver y experimentar Nueva York! Incluye: Copa de champán. Bebidas. Conductor/Guía Transporte en vehículo privado No incluye: Propinas (Altamente recomendado)
How does Share Ride work? If you are going to EWR airport: The driver picks up passengers in order from the destinations furthest from the airport to the closest. Your pick-up time will depend on the relationship between your location and how many other share passengers will be picked up and their respective locations. If you are the furthest away from the airport, you will be picked up relatively early to your flight time and will have to visit other locations to pick up share passengers before arriving at the airport. We guarantee that you will arrive to the airport on time. Please remember to allow for sufficient travel time to EWR Airport. Please take traffic into consideration when booking your reservation. Please keep in mind that they cannot control traffic, flight delays and other unforeseen circumstances that may increase travel time. Go Airlink NYC EWR Airport share-ride shuttles: Up to 11 passengers. Share ride shuttle with other travellers, allows you to meet new people and socialize! Economical, environmentally friendly. 24 hour/ 7 days a week transportation service. Door to door service Baggage allowance: 1 Suitcase per person and 1 small carry-on per person.