Ferrari World Abu Dabi En Ferrari World podrá experimentar el máximo desafío de carreras. Agudice sus habilidades de carrera en la increíble pista de 290 metros de la Academia de Karting inspirada en el icónico circuito Yas Marina. Abróchese el cinturón y demuestre que tiene lo necesario para ser un piloto de Scuderia haciendo maniobras hasta la línea de meta. ¿I si puede ir más rápido que un coche de F1™? Preparase para volar a 240 km/h en 4.9 segundos en la montaña rusa más rápida del mundo. Ferrari World es para toda la familia, con atracciones y paseos divertidos diseñados para cautivar niños, jóvenes y padres. Además, en el parque temático podrá comer como un campeón de Ferrari en Mamma Rossella. Trattoria al aire libre que hace honor a la verdadera Mamma Rossella, el restaurante favorito en Maranello de los pilotos y equipo de gestión de Ferrari. Famoso por su delicioso menú de pasta fresca y pizzas cocinadas en un horno tradicional de leña. ¡Preparados, listos, ya! En la Escuela de Conducción Junior después de ver la película educacional, Junior Grand Prix, los niños recibirán instrucciones de expertos antes de ponerse al volante para pilotar un Ferrari F1™ a escala reducida. Pilotando entre curvas y rectas sus hijos vivirán una experiencia única. ¡Y mucho más! En Ferrari World encontrará infinitas experiencias únicas, puede visitar su página web para obtener más información. En Ferrari World Abu Dabi NO se permite: Comida y bebidas de fuera (esto incluye comidas, refrigerios grandes, refrescos, zumos, alcohol y otros artículos similares). Neveras portátiles Peleas y/o lenguaje despectivoabusivo Fumar fuera de las áreas designadas para este fin Drogas Saltearse las colas Cualquier articulo considerado dañino (como armas, cuchillos o químicos) Animales (excepto animales de servicio en casos especiales) Recuerde llevar ropa apropiada. Aparcamiento – Hay amplios espacios disponibles. Se ofrece servicio de aparca coches por 35AED si quiere llegar con más facilidad y estilo. Taquillas – Las taquillas están disponibles en Plaza, en el área de entrada, por 35AED cada taquilla. El almacenamiento de equipaje también está disponible por 45AED. Cambiador de bebes – Las instalaciones para cambiar y alimentar a los más pequeños están disponibles en los niveles Plaza y Mezzanine. Cochecitos – Disponible el alquiler de cochecitos en el mostrador de alquiler en el área de entrada, en Plaza, por 40AED. Yas Waterworld Abu Dabi Atracciones y toboganes Falcon’s Falaj: esta montaña rusa para 6 personas le llevará por el agua a través de curvas, giros, caídas y rápidos. Bandit Bomber: esta atracción tiene el récord de ser la montaña rusa suspendida más larga del Medio Oriente ¡con 550 metros! Marah Fortress: parque acuático para los más pequeños. Con toboganes, tiradores y cañones de agua, géiseres de agua y ¡mucho más! Rush Ride: esta ola interminable trae diversión al estilo del surf. Rush Ride es el lugar ideal para comenzar la carrera de surfista. Jabel Drop: la plataforma desde lo alto de este tobogán te ofrece a mejor vista del parque. ¿Te atreves a bajarlo? ¡Y mucho más solo tienes que visitar el mejor parque acuático del mundo!
Werther loves with thrilling intensity. But passion blooms into a dangerous obsession when the young poet discovers his love can never be realised. Goethe’s powerful novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther, moved the world upon its release in 1774. Young men cried their anguish into tiny glass vials and carried around their tears to prove the depth of their emotions. They wore the poet’s signature clothes, and a few lovelorn souls even followed his path, seeking death over a life without love. In the ultimate Romantic opera, Massenet’s rich score magnifies the drama and emotion of the story. Werther falls hopelessly in love with Charlotte in lyrical, melodious phrases. As Charlotte chooses duty over heart, Werther’s turmoil is palpable in restless music that bursts out of an enormous orchestra. The French composer’s ability to evoke mood and moment in music is on brilliant display. Any tenor that can master the psychological range and musical difficulty of Werther is guaranteed a new signature role. Young star, Michael Fabiano, is renowned for his intense, character-driven performances. Hear his role debut as the troubled poet, with acclaimed mezzo-soprano Elena Maximova as Charlotte and Carlo Montanaro as conductor.
Additional Info: Visiting Gulliver’s Gate Location: 216 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036 (between 7th & 8th Avenue) Hours of Operation: Open Daily. Duration: There’s a lot you’ll want to see at Gulliver’s Gate and we want your guests to take their time enjoying our miniatures. A typical visit is 1.5 to 2 hours but you are welcome to stay as long as you’d like! Inclusions: Your ticket includes general admission, a lanyard & key that will allow you to interact with our models (i.e. turn on lights, move cars within our models, etc.), and a complimentary map. Guests have 6 months from the date of purchase to redeem their ticket. Types of Experiences at VR World There are a wide variety of experiences for all types of people. Some will enjoy shooting droids in space and fighting off zombies to racing on a track, while others will enjoy flying on a paraglider or climbing a mountain. Others still will enjoy watching short films or painting in the green room. Some experiences require full body motion while others are seated activities. Queues Each participant gets approximately 5-10 minutes at each experience. Most experiences have a tablet that keeps track of the queue for that experience. Participants can only wait in one queue at a time. However, there are some experiences that have no queue and can be done at any time, even while waiting in a queue for something else. Participants who checked in a with their own phone number will receive a text message when it is their turn in line Checking in At the gate, each participant will sign up using their real name, a screen name, an email, a phone number, and other pieces of information. While not required, if a participant signs up with their own phone number, they will receive a notification when they are at the the front of the queue for their attraction. After this process, participants will be given a wristband that will be used to check into the queue at any VR experience and are free to explore the entire space. Food and Drink There are offering a wide selection of non-alcoholic drinks, beer, wine and liquor. Our house cocktails will not disappoint. Try the VRWorldian, Simon’s Escape, Caipirinha Assassin or Salty Borzoi to name just a few. No food at this time. There is no food inside the building, but guests are able to leave and re-enter the building during the time of their ticket.
A day to remember. This is a land that abounds in mysterious and remarkable formations of rich, red rock. Bryce Canyon is an extraordinary sight, a highlight in the traveler's journey.
T.C. Bailey once said, " There are deep caverns and rooms resembling ruins of prisons, Castles, Churches, with their guarded walls, battlements, spires and steeples, niches and recesses, presenting the wildest and the most wonderful scene that the eye of man ever beheld."
The views are truly breathtaking. Enjoy a romantic picnic lunch at the rim. After a stunning visit we reluctantly we leave Bryce for the wonders of Zion. Artists and photographers have been drawn to Zion for many years in an effort to capture its infinite variety of moods. The pinnacles and extraordinary formations continue throughout the journey. The incredible landscape of Zion is a magnificent display of beauty that is a perpetual source of inspiration and renewal for us all. Once you experience Zion, you will long to return again and again.
Continental breakfast
lunch, unlimited bottled water and snacks
professional guides
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