The Stiga SLM 3648 AE 48v Cordless Lawnmower uses the Stiga 48v, 5Ah lithium-lon battery, which are interchangeable with all the Stiga 48v cordless tool range. This lightweight cordless mower offers practical cable-free mowing, plus it’s environmentally-friendly due to its fume-free battery power.Able to mow up to 200m2 on a single charge, the The Stiga SLM 3648 AE comes with a cutting width of 34cm. The cuttings heights have 6 settings which range from 25-75mm and are easy to change with a single lever adjustment. The Stiga SLM 3648 AE is built with their 3 in 1 grass cutting technology, which function’s allow you to either collect grass cuttings into the grass box or return cuttings back to the lawn. The grass box has a 35L capacity and a handy window so you can monitor the grass levels. The mulching function discharges the cuttings via the rear of the mower. The grass clippings are cuts it into very tiny pieces which are distributed back onto the lawn, this method adds to the health of the lawn by adding nutrients and deterring moss.The The Stiga SLM 3648 AE is designed with a lightweight polypropylene chassis. The larger rear wheels make the mower easier to manoeuver across uneven ground. The handles are soft-grip for comfort and fold for storage.Comes complete with the Stiga SBT 5048AE 5.0Ah battery, Stiga SCG48AE battery charger and mulch plug.Specifications:Type: 4 wheel rotary cordless, hand-propelledMotor: 500w DigiTorq BrushlessBattery Required: 48v Lithium-IonBattery charging time: 2 hoursStarter: Push ButtonChassis: PolypropyleneCutting Width: 34cmCutting Heights: 6 from 25-75mmCutting Height Adjustment: Single LeverGrass Collection: 35 litres, rigid plastic with window3-in-1 Collection and mulchingWheels Size: Front 140mm, Rear 170mm groovedHandles: Folding and Soft GripWeight: 12kgManufacturer Warranty: 2 years (terms and conditions apply)
This traditional style 4x6 shiplap apex shed has a compact design making it an ideal storage space in small gardens. The door has safe and secure hidden hinges and the unbreakable polycarbonate glazing allows extra light in and is fixed with security screws. Manufactured from high quality interlocking shiplap boards which are dip-treated and guaranteed against rot for 10 years, provided that the shed is isolated from ground contact and is regularly retreated with timber preservative. Home delivered and assembled.
Features: Articulated structure: This folding marquee has an innovative system of connectors and very durable high-density nylon junctions and new clamping rings allowing you to set your marquee on 5 levels of height. The oval-shaped connection bars are consolidated by an internal aluminum blade in order to ensure a good balance and to strengthen the stability of entire structure and reinforcements. The central tube connecting the ridge tip has a metal spring providing a constant and effective damping against possible shocks or bad weather conditions. A hand crank allows you to adjust the tension of roof tarpaulin up to additional 10cm. 100% waterproof tarpaulin: Its 100% waterproof roof covering in PVC coated polyester 300g/m² consists of 8 triangular assembled pieces. Each set of side curtains consists of three full walls and a door; It's fixed with the top covering by fastening tape. Each point of contact with the structure is reinforced by the double resistant covering. All these features provide a perfect flexibility and solidity. Stable fixation: For regular use, the articulated structure with octagonal tubes and thick ground anchor plates can provide a stability in all circumstances. It can be fixed on soft ground (soil or grassland) with tent pegs (sardines type) supplied in the set. Practical usage: The PLITECH QUALITY folding tent is the perfect solution for professionals and individuals looking for reliable equipment for regular use. Its 40mm aluminum structure and 100% waterproof tarpaulin make it a robust hardware for all your sporting, cultural and professional events. Standards and Services: The tent, coming with its very resistant black nylon handbag with casters, is very practical and easy to carry while traveling and it will give you a very quick and safe installation without tools. This model of professional quality is guaranteed for 2 years. Note: All artificial damages and conditions are beyond the scope of the 2-year warranty. The specific circumstances need to be appraised by professional customer service.
Technische Daten:Einlegeplatten geeignet für Ständerkreuze von Ampelschirmen. Zum Füllen mit Wasser. Gefüllt 100 kg und somit geeignet für Ampelschirme. Begehbar! Durch die Verzahnungen entsteht eine zusammenhängende Einheit. 1 Set besteht aus 4 Elementen. Gesamtgröße ca. 100 x 100 x 12 cm, Leergewicht ca. 12 kg / Set.-Nur für den privaten Gebrauch im Außenbereich- Durch die Verzahnung an den Einlegeplatten eine zusammenhängende Einheit, welche für eine zusätzliche Stabilität sorgt.
Wilkinson Sword Stainless Steel Digging Fork offers high quality and performance with ergonomically designed weatherproofed ash handle. Ideal for forking heavy compacted earth and for removing plants, tending compost piles, aerating and turning soil. The tool head is made from mirror polished stainless steel with a guarantee of no rust.
Gartenhaus in stabiler Blockbohlenbauweise, Farbe außen: anthrazit, 28 mm Wandstärke, mit 19 mm Massivholzdach und Massivholzboden (Haus), Dachüberstände: Seiten je ca. 20 cm, vorn 30 cm, hinten 10 cm Bemaßung: Gesamthöhe 259 cm, Seitenwandhöhe: 248,5 cm Einzeltür (lichtes Maß Türöffnung): B 81 cm x H 193 cm Ausstattung: 1 großes Fenster, Anbau 150 cm Dachbelag: Bitumen-Dachbelag Aufgrund der speziellen Dachkonstruktion ist eine Eindeckung mit Bitumen-Dachschindeln nicht empfehlenswert. Unser WEKA Designhaus 213 Plus versprüht mit seiner modernen 5-Eck-Bauweise besonderes Flair in Ihrem Garten. Die farbigen, 28 cm starken Wandbohlen mit den weißen Akzenten betonen das Design und geben dem Premium Designhaus seinen besonderen Charakter. Das Haus ist 238 cm breit und 283 cm tief. Ein 150 cm großer Anbau sorgt für zusätzliche schöne Momente und Platz für Sitzgelegenheiten. Optimal geschützt ist unser Premium Haus durch die werkseitige, zweifache Vorbehandlung mit Wetterschutzfarbe. Verbringen Sie gemütliche Stunden mit unserem Designhaus oder nutzen Sie es in den Wintermonaten um Ihre Gartenmöbel und Gartenutensilien unterzustellen. Technische Daten: extra hohe Einzeltürinkl. Anbau-RückwandMassivholzdach & -bodenDreh-Kipp-Fenster mit Echtglas28 mm starke Blockbohlenin verschiedenen Farben und Größen erhältlichGr.1 : 385x238 cm in anthrazit, grau, schwedenrot und natur Gr.2 : 442x295 cm in anthrazit, grau, schwedenrot und natur