Italienisches Superfeeling pur Die Trauben für diesen grossartigen Weisswein werden handverlesen. Er überzeugt durch seinen wunderbar frischen und fruchtigen Geschmack mit floralen Noten und hat dabei eine wohl balancierte Säure.
Tief rubinrote Farbe. Aromen von Schwarzkirsche, Pflaume und roter Beerenfrucht, von dunkler Schokolade und floralen Noten untermalt. Am Gaumen zeigen sich rote und schwarze Beeren, mit feinen weichen Tanninen, die dem Gaumen schmeicheln. Passt zu: Fleischgerichten wie Ochsenschwanz, Rinder-Topf und geräuchertem Huhn.
OBS Crius II Dual Coil RTA is a 4ml rebuildable tank atomizer with 25mm diameter. It also adopts easy top side refill, adjustable bottom airflow, detachable structure and high-tech Zirconia piece just like the original Crius II RTA. The new dual coil version supports dual coil building for intense flavor and violent vapor production. It has juice flow control function so that you can you use different PG/VG ratio e-liquids for better vaping experience. 304 stainless steel + glass construction Removable wide bore drip tip Easy top side refill Juice flow control Adjustable bottom airflow Dual coil deck with high-tech Zirconia Detachable structure for cleaning 510 threading connection 25mm overall diameter Brand: OBS Model Crius II Dual Coil Version Tank Capacity 4ml Diameter 25mm Size 57 x 25mm Weight 63g
Das Weingut Paul Mas schafft es wie kein zweites die sortentypischen Eigenschaft einer Rebsorte in das Endprodukt Wein zu bringen. Auch der Paul Mas Syrah ist dafür ein gutes Beispiel. Ein wunderbar saftiger, kräftiger Wein mit einer stark violetten...
Frills Mustard Leaves Have A Fabulous Flavour, Giving A Mustardy Punch To Salads And Other Dishes. You Can Start Harvesting As Soon As The Leaves Reach 5-10cm And If You Keep Picking Off The Leaves It Will Keep Producing More For You To Enjoy Right Through The Summer Months And Into Autumn.the Texture Is Crunchy Yet Tender With A Robust Mustard Flavour And Mild Sweet And Spicy Pepper-like Finish. The Young Leaves Are Mild And Best Used Raw In A Salad, But More Mature Leaves Stand Up Well To A Light Saut Or Can Start Harvesting As Soon As Youre Happy With The Size, Cut Leaves Carefully From The Stem, And Theyll Keep Frills Mustardplants Arrive Bare-rooted Approx. 10-15cm Highsupplied In A Pack Of 10 Plantsdelivered From April Onwardsready To Harvest From June Onwards
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