Vollmundiger Wein mit gut abgestimmter Holznote der amerikanischen Eiche und dichter Struktur. Vielfältige Aromen von Beeren und Gewürzen prägen diesen aus optimal ausgereiftem Lesegut gewonnenen Wein.Perfekt zu Fleischgerichten und Wild, kräftigen...
Découvrez le coffret Thé Noir bio goût Russe Plantasia : 24 sachets de thé noir aux extraits d'agrumes bio, le tout dans un magnifique coffret en forme de livre. A déguster en famille ou entre amis !
Fruchtbetonter, zarter Pinot Grigio Blush aus Venetien. In der Nase ein angenehmer Duft von Pfirsich und Grapefruit. Im Mund saftige Frucht, im Abgang voller Geschmack nach Zitrus. Ein aussergewöhnlicher und verführerischer Rose Norditaliens - frisch und delikat Passt zu leichten Vorspeisen, Pasta oder mediterranen Speisen.
Es gibt wenige Weine, die weltweites Renommee besitzen, der Sena gehört zweifelsohne dazu. Jedes Jahr wieder schafft es Chief Winemaker Francisco Baettig einen wunderbar komplexen Wein zu kreieren. Der Jahrgang 2013 zeigt super intensive Aromen von...
The CoilART Mage 24mm RDA is the highly anticipated rebuildable platform following the Mage series, featuring a horizontal two-post, dual terminal build deck and dynamic dual bottom airflow. Intended for use with complex and demanding coil configurations, the Mage RDA measures 24mm in diameter with effective build space and simplifying the functional design mantra within a streamlined chassis. The 24K gold-plated build deck features two-post, dual terminal build deck in horizontal orientation to enable a larger degree and variety of build styles. Coil leads are sandwiched between surface area and screws, top-secured via Phillips screws for secured and consistent contact. Airflow enters the Mage 24 RDA through dual bottom airslots that feeds into dual internal airholes located in the central chamber, providing extensive cooling properties. This range, coupled with an included Delrin widebore drip tip allows for effective use of high-powered configurations. With a compact and streamlined structural chassis coupled with performance orientated build deck, the Mage 24mm RDA by CoilART caters to power users looking for a great balance between functionality and capability. 24mm Diameter Deep Juice Well Superior Stainless Steel Construction 24K Gold-Plated Build Deck Horizontal Two-Post, Dual Terminal Design Split-Post Configuration Top-Secured via Phillips Screws Deckmilled Negative PEEK-Insulated Positive Post Single or Dual Configurations Dual Slotted Bottom Airflow Two Internal Airholes Black Delrin Widebore Drip Tip Gold-Plated 510 Connection Brand: CoilArt Brand Model Mage Vaping Type Direct Lung Diameter 24mm Size 40 x 24mm