¡Está invitado a hacer lo que hacen las celebridades! Madame Tussauds Las Vegas sumerge a los visitantes en experiencias únicas e interactivas que crean recuerdos personales con algunos de los iconos más grandes del mundo. ¡Golpee la bola en el hoyo con Tiger Woods! No se pierda la oportunidad de meter el hoyo 18 en el último torneo Pro-Am como lo hace Arnold Palmer. ¡Haga un swing los palos de golf de Tiger! Experimente la euforia de formar parte de Blue Man, el grupo le invita a jugar con los instrumentos de PVC. El legendario “Intimidator” de NASCAR, y siete veces campeón de la Copa Winston, Dale Earnhardt te invita al Círculo de Ganadores con Dale Earnhardt Jr. y Jeff Gordon, así como el rey Richard Pretty. Vístase como su equipo favorito de carreras, agite la bandera a cuadros y tomase una foto mientras experimenta la carrera en la línea de la victoria. ¡Coja un coctel, ponte unas orejas de conejo y un pijama de seda y festeja con Hugh Hefner! ¡Cante con el Rey! Experimente el auténtico ambiente de concierto con un escenario deslumbrante, iluminación de última generación, asientos en primera fila y un letrero distintivo de Elvis Presley. Todas las celebridades en figuras de cera. Puede haber cambios en la exposición de celebridades, además sujetas a cambio sin previo aviso. Algunos de los superhéroes de Marvel han cobrado vida en la nueva e increíble sala Marvel Super Heroes 4D. Experiencia cinematográfica animada en 4D de 360º, con efectos especiales de alto impacto de agua, viento y temblores ¡haciéndote “sentir” como parte de la acción! La historia une al equipo de superhéroes Hulk e Iron Man en una batalla contra uno de los villanos más notorios de Marvel. Esta nueva experiencia se incluye en la entrada de acceso total.
Louvre Museum Priority Entrance Skip the line with this ticket and quickly gain access to the world-famous Louvre museum, located in the heart of Paris on the banks of the Seine. Previously a residence for the King of France, the Louvre is now the most-visited museum in Paris and one of the most famous internationally. Admire the glass pyramid at the museum entrance, which was inaugurated in 1988. It allows visitors to directly reach the main lobby. Your ticket gives you open access to artwork of varying styles from many different eras, completed in numerous countries the world over. Among them, you will find: - The Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci's prized work and a portrait of Francesco del Giocondo's wife, Lisa Gherardini. - Venus de Milo, a sculpture representing the deity Aphrodite—or Venus in Roman mythology—which was discovered in the Cyclades. - Winged Victory of Samothrace, a Greek sculpture representing the deity Nike posed on a ship's bow - Marriage at Cana is the largest painting in the Louvre. The work of Paul Véronèse, it depicts Christ as he performs his first miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding. - The Coronation of Napoleon is a painting depicting the coronation of Napoleon I and Empress Josephine in Notre-Dame Cathedral. - The Raft of the Medusa is a painting by Théodore Géricault depicting the shipwrecked frigate Medusa that washed ashore in Mauritania in 1816. After your visit, you can wander through the Tuileries gardens to Place de la Concorde. If you decide to continue your stroll down the Champs-Élysées, why not visit the Arc de Triomphe, which stands tall at the end of the avenue? 58 Tour Eiffel Lunch - Picnic Chic Soak up the spectacular views of the city of Paris whilst enjoying high-quality French cuisine. Dine on the first floor of the most famous monument in Paris, the Eiffel Tower. The restaurant offers a minimalistic, contemporary design and a relaxed atmosphere for lunch or dinner. Choose from a chic, trendy menu and have your own personal hostess cater to your every need. Menu Picnic Chic Spring/Summer Season 2018 : Click HERE to discover the Adult menu Click HERE to discover the Child menu Click HERE to discover the Wine list Seared salmon, creamy polenta with Parmesan, tomato butter with a hint of Rosemary
12 family attractions & activities 4D cinema, Kingdom Quest laser ride, Merlin’s Apprentice ride, LEGO City Soft Play Zone... and more! Discover the city in miniature See all of Melbourne’s top attractions made from LEGO in our MINILAND®
Guided Tours Our friendly Marine Educators invite you on a guided tour of The Lost Chambers Aquarium at scheduled hourly throughout the day. These interactive tours give further insight into the legend of Atlantis, traditions of the Seven sages and amazing facts about the marine life that inhabits The Lost Chambers Aquarium. Guests under 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult at all times, including during participation in the Behind The Scenes Tour, Ray Feeding, Shark Safari and the Ultimate Snorkel.
Disneyland® Paris is an enchanted kingdom where all your dreams and wishes come true, brought to life by your favourite Disney stars from classic tales and contemporary hits. Explore five magical lands, where you’ll be captivated by a variety of spectacular attractions. From Space Mountain Mission 2, which takes you on a journey to the edge of the universe, to the jolly ‘it’s a small world’ ride, which allows little adventurers to sail around the world, there’s an attraction to suit every member of the family. Meet your favourite Disney characters Visit the wondrous Disneyland Park®, where you can meet your favourite Disney stars! Say ‘howdy’ to Goofy, give Mickey a high five and get your photo taken with childhood favourite Winnie the Pooh. It’s party time all the time at Disneyland® Paris! There’s always a parade or show to get excited about, no matter what the time of year, so there’s constantly something to look forward to. Walt Disney Studios® Park Right next door to the magnificent Disneyland Park®, you’ll find Walt Disney Studios®, brimming with thrilling attractions and remarkable shows for the whole family to marvel at. Explore four studio lots, where you can make your big screen debut at Toon Studio, Production Courtyard, Front Lot and Backlot. You can go behind the scenes with Disneyland’s never before seen tours, before rounding off your day by taking in the spectacular Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic. So what are you waiting for? Book your ticket now and let the adventure begin.
Las plantas más famosas del observatorio (86th y 102nd) ofrecen vistas increíbles de la ciudad de Nueva York, e incluso durante un día claro se puede ver New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania y Delaware. A 320 metros del ajetreo de la ciudad, se encuentra el piso 86th con vistas desde una terraza de cristal. 200 metros más arriba se encuentra el piso 120nd, en un ambiente privado y tranquilo situado en el centro de la mejor ciudad. Empire State Building El observatorio ha sido una atracción de visita obligatoria para millones de visitantes cada año desde que abrió al público en 1931. Cada año, aproximadamente 4 millones de personas visitan las dos plantas. Podrá visitar el observatorio durante los 365 días del año, durante noche y día, llueva o haga sol, para contemplar las magníficas vistas de Manhattan. El Empire State Building alberga el sentimiento y espíritu de Nueva York. No es solamente conocida por su icónico paisaje que ofrece algunas de las vistas más espectaculares de la Tierra sino que también es reconocida como un símbolo internacional de esperanza, sueños y éxitos. Accesibilidad: disponemos de lavabos adaptados a personas con discapacidad, así como también paredes bajas y binoculares. Los perros guía pueden acceder al edificio acompañados de su propietario. También permitimos el acceso de vehículos motorizados y no motorizados. El piso 86th tiene rampas para facilitar el acceso. Información del edificio El observatorio de la planta 86 está a 320 metros de altura. El observatorio de la planta 102 está a 380 metros de altura. La antena de retransmisión se encuentra a 443 metros de altura. 103 pisos. 1.872 peldaños hasta el piso 103. El edificio ocupa 7.366 metros cuadrados. Pesa 365.000 toneladas. Su volumen es de 1.300 millones de metros cúbicos. Más de 7 millones de metros cúbicos de piedra caliza y granito de Indiana para el Revestimiento exterior. Aproximadamente 10 millones de ladrillos fueron utilizados en la construcción. Se usaron 730 toneladas de aluminio y acero inoxidable en su construcción. 57.000 toneladas de acero fueron usadas en la construcción. Contiene 761 km de cableado eléctrico y 113 km de cañerías. 6.514 ventanas. 210 columnas en la base que soportan todo el peso del edificio. La construcción duró unos 45 años. Hicieron falta 7 millones de horas de trabajo humano para construir el Empire State Building. El coste final de la propiedad ascendió a 41 millones de dólares. 73 ascensores. 5 entradas. 265.000 metros cuadrados habitables. Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium is New York City's Must See Times Square attraction. What is an Odditorium you ask? An Odditorium is a museum like no museum you have ever seen in your lifetime - Believe It or Not! Venture off the hectic New York City streets to enter a world showcasing the odd and celebrating the weird and outlandish from around the world. Your self-guided adventure is sure to astonish as you come face to face and interact with remarkable relics and rare treasures from around the world in our New York City museum attraction. For over 40 years, Robert Ripley - the real-life Indiana Jones - traveled the world collecting the unbelievable, the inexplicable and the one-of-a-kind. His vast collections praised as “amazing”, “ludicrously strange” and “extremely amusing” are now on display in our exhibits for you to see, hear and touch, Believe It or Not! Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square invites guests of all ages to experience the unbelievable mysteries of our world. As one of the most popular things to do in NYC, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square is home to rare artifacts and thrilling interactive exhibits. Our one-of-kind attraction welcomes visitors to immerse themselves in the unusual, the unexpected and the unbelievable. Only in Ripley’s Times Square will families rediscover wonder around every corner. A FAMILY FRIENDLY ATTRACTION IN TIMES SQUARE Ripley's Believe It or Not! Times Square showcases some of the most incredible exhibits found in New York City! While touring our amazing attraction you'll see unbelievable artifacts and treasures, many of which were collected by Robert Ripley himself. You will be utterly amazed and entertained with the astonishing exhibits and activities our unique attraction has to offer. OVER 500 UNIQUE AND UNBELIEVABLE EXHIBITS Along with seeing unbelievable sights, you and your family and friends will experience immersive interactive exhibits! Most importantly, you'll learn how diverse and weird our world really is! With over twenty themed galleries spanning two floors, our family friendly attraction in Times Square is the largest Ripley's in North America. Our NYC attraction is home to the most amazing interactive exhibits. Some of these amazing exhibits include: The Little Apple - A New York Experience The Impossible LaseRace™ The Black Hole