Wer kennt nicht die berühmten Valpolicella-Weine?Der "Ripensato" ist eine Spezialität aus dieser Gegend: Er besteht zu 100% aus der für das Valpolicella-Gebiet typischen Rebsorte Corvina. Der Wein stellt eine Art Bindeglied zwischen Amarone und dem...
Introducing a new addition to our kit range, the Aspire Typhon 100 Revvo Kit A brand new kit, combining the imaginative, innovative Revvo tank, and the Typhon 100 mod.The Revvo tank with an all new coil design, the ARC, Aspire Radial Coil, where the coil itself sits horizontally in the tank similar to a 'stove-top' for great flavor and great vapor production.It's a 24mm diameter tank with a 3.6ml standard and a 2ml TPD version.The tank has a fully adjustable top airflow by way of 3 airflow slots, and super easy top fill through a spring loaded filling tube.The mod itself is both compact and ergonomic, with a curvy design and is powered by a 5000mAh internal battery, with a maximum output wattage of 100W.The Typhon 100 also supports VW/VV/Bypass/CPS/TCR.The kit comes with three splashed colors: Blue, Green and RedThe tank comes in a TPD compliant 2ml version and a standard 3.6ml version.No one has yet produced such an innovative replaceable coil for an RTA tank until...
Lachs Thai Der Lachs für den Lachs Thai zeichnet sich durch sein festes aber zartes Fleisch die kräftige Farbe und den hervorragenden Geschmack aus. Verarbeitet werden nur die besten Fische die fangfrisch aus Norwegen nach Bremerhaven gelangen und hier von den Fischexperten filetiert und portioniert werden. Die Kombination aus Limettenöl und Zitronengras im Zusammenspiel mit milden roten Chilifäden macht diese Komposition zu einem raffiniert exotischen Geschmackserlebnis. Sorgfältig von Hand ...
Sattes Purpurrot, intensive Aromen von dunklen Beerenfrüchten und Schattenmorellen, feinwürzige Röstnoten. Gut strukturiert, komplex, feinkörniges Tannin, harmonisch. Passt zu: herzhaften Fleischgerichten, pikanten Fleischterrinen, würzigem Nudelauflauf und mittelreifem Hartkäse.
OBS Crius II Dual Coil RTA is a 4ml rebuildable tank atomizer with 25mm diameter. It also adopts easy top side refill, adjustable bottom airflow, detachable structure and high-tech Zirconia piece just like the original Crius II RTA. The new dual coil version supports dual coil building for intense flavor and violent vapor production. It has juice flow control function so that you can you use different PG/VG ratio e-liquids for better vaping experience. 304 stainless steel + glass construction Removable wide bore drip tip Easy top side refill Juice flow control Adjustable bottom airflow Dual coil deck with high-tech Zirconia Detachable structure for cleaning 510 threading connection 25mm overall diameter Brand: OBS Model Crius II Dual Coil Version Tank Capacity 4ml Diameter 25mm Size 57 x 25mm Weight 63g
The Advken MANTA MTL RTA is such a single coil RTA that is inherited from the Advken MANTA family with a 510 drip tip, 24mm diameter and large 3ml e-juice capacity. Coming with a vacuum gold-plated build deck, MANTA MTL RTA gives you a large place for easy single coil building and cotton location. Also, it has a side-air intake design of posts to bring better flavor and clouds. With the precise bottom airflow control and easy top filling system, the MANTA MTL RTA will bring you the best MTL vaping experience. 304 stainless steel construction 2/3ml juice capacity Bottom airflow control Removable wide bore drip tip Vacuum gold-plated build deck Side-air intake design of posts 24mm overall diameter 510 threading connection Brand: Advken Model Name Manta MTL RTA Coil Type Single Coil Capacity 2ml/3ml Diameter 24mm Size 43.2 x 24mm