Noten von dunklen Beeren und Tabak prägen das Bukett des Rustenberg Cabernet Sauvignon. Am Gaumen mit mittlerem Körper, einer guten Struktur und einer schönen Länge. Dieser Rotwein aus Stellenbosch ist schon in seiner Jugend zugänglich und von hoher...
Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA is a tank atomizer designed by Vapin' Heathen, who is a vape enthusiast, vape reviewer and designer of Dead Rabbit RDAs. This RTA will be the king of dual coil RTAs, bringing you unprecedented vaping experience. With the unique "Rabbit Ear" design, it has ample build space and generous post holes for easy building dual coil or single coil. Slide in top coil deck takes the guesswork out of pre-cutting your coil leads. The RTA also comes with adjustable top side diagonal airflow which keeps the excellent flavor and minimizes leaking. This RTA can hold 2ml e-liquid and also can be extended to 4.5ml via extra glass tube. Featuring top airflow and excellent wicking, it has no any dry hits or leaking problems, and the colorful resin 810 drip tip and the Dead Rabbit's logo make this RTA more attractive. Stainless steel construction Unique "Rabbit Ear" design Single or dual coil configurations Ample build space and generous post holes Knurled grip to remove top cap ad refill with ease 2ml or 4.5ml juice capacity with optional bubble tank Slotted or hex head post screw options Protruding 510 pin and peek insulation 510 threading connection 25mm overall diameter Brand: Hellvape Tank Capacity 2/4.5ML Coil Type Single/Dual Coil Size 37.2 x 25mm
Hell glänzende goldgelbe Farbe mit grünlichen GlanzlichternDuftiges Bouquet von frischen Mandarinen, Orangen und saftig frischen Limonen, fein unterlegt mit zarten mineralischen NotenDie lebhafte Frische und wunderschön ausgewogene, rassige Säure...
Ehpro Armor Prime Mech Mod, constructed with high quality brass, is compatible with a single 20700 and 18650 battery. The Ehpro Armor supports a coil resistance range from 0.2ohm to 1.2ohm. It adopts various protections for a safe vaping too. The LED indicator shows battery life clearly. The Ehpro Armor Prime Mech Mod is definitely an ideal choice for cloud chasers. All-brass construction Power by 1x 18650/20700 (sold separately) Various battery protection for safe vape LED battery life indicator - Red light: power is lower than 30% - Yellow light: power is between 30% to 70% - Green light: power if over 70% Multiple protection - Short-circuit protection - Over heat protection - Reverse battery protection - 10S cut-off protection 510 threading connection Color: Black Brand Ehpro Model name Armor Prime Resisteance range 0.2-1.2ohm Battery Type 1 x 20700/18650 (sold separately) Battery cover Bottom twisted Size 90.5 x 24.7mm
Type:Butane Lighter; Style:Novelty; Features:Case; Material:Metal; Package Contents:1 Lighter
Südafrikanischer Wein mit französischem Flair: Die Class Collection ist eine Auswahl der hochwertigsteneinzelnen Rebsorten aus den edelsten Rebsorten der Welt. Farbe: dunkles Rubinrot mit zart violettem Glanz. Aromen von Brombeergelee, Heidelbeeren, mit feinen Kräuternoten, Gewürznelken und einem Hauch von Minze. Saftig-rundes Mundgefühl mit harmonischer Tanninstruktur und satt-fruchtigem Abgang. Passt zu: kurzgebratenem Fleisch, z.B. Rinder- oder Lammfilet, Straussenfleisch, aber auch bestens zu überbackenem Schafskäse.