Dunkles Purpurrot mit den Aromen von Pflaumen, Süsskirchen und etwas Cassis. Feine würzige Noten Kakao werden von der körperreichen Frucht des Weines eingebunden. Weich, vollmundig mit reifen Tanninen und langem Abgang. Passt zu: kräftigen Fleischgerichten, speziell zu Wildgerichten, Lamm sowie leicht gereiften Käsesorten.
Premium green tea from China Praised as the national tea of China, this legendary tea is made of loose leaves and known for its high quality. The history of tea goes back to the Qing Dynasty, where it was given the status of an imperial tea, as it was often served to the emperor. Some say that this tea is best made with water from Dragon Well, one of the four best natural springs in Hangzhou. Dragon Well, with its combination of green tea and osmanthus flowers, has a very malty and warm scent while at the same time having a fresh and spicy flavour. Preparation: Add 2 g of Dragon Well to 200 ml of hot water (80 °C) and leave to brew for about 3 - 5 minutes.
Das Weingut Pilandro ist ein Weinbaubetrieb mit internationaler Anerkennung. Die Wurzeln reichen bis in das 13. Jahrhundert zurück. Die ausgezeichnete Lage am Gardaseeufer bietet beste klimatische Vorraussetzungen für das Reifen der Trauben für den...
Infusion plaisir The Vert Citron bio Romon Nature L Infusion plaisir The Vert Citron bio Romon Nature est une boisson naturelle et benefique pour l organisme. Composee d ingredients 100% naturels et biologiques, ce the vert au citron est ideal pour un moment de detente en toute tranquillite. C est le melange original et unique de citronnelle, the vert, gingembre, ecorce d orange, jus de citron, huile essentielle de citron et de Stevia qui donne a cette infusion Romon Nature The vert citron ses saveurs si agreables. De plus, le the vert est un antioxydant tres bon pour le corps qui permet d eliminer les toxines. Cette infusion a donc des vertus purifiantes. Enfin, la stevia qui est un edulcorant substitut de sucre naturel donne un leger gout sucre au the. Cela permet donc de ne pas ajouter de sucre tout en conservant des saveurs douces et gourmandes.
High cycle life greater than 500 cycles ensures optimal number of recharges for extended consistent use.Flat top 18mm battery design fits securely with most 18650-compatible devicesHigh-current discharge for excellent device performanceHigh Drain Rechargeable 18650 battery with high cycle life (see above) for extended useLow discharge at 2.5V provides extended use before a necessary swap to charged batteries.
The Hellvape Rebirth RTA comes with 25mm diameter and 2ml juice capacity. The pack also attach a 5ml bubble tube for large juice storage. It features adjustable honeycomb airflow design, and the airflow hits coil directly, which will bring great taste for you. The Rebirth RTA also adopts dual-post build deck for easy coil installation. Plus easy screw-to-open top refilling design and colorful 810 resin drip tip, the Hellvape Rebirth is really an ideal rebuildable atomizer for DIY vaping fun. Dual-post build deck for easy coil building Honeycomb airflow for great flavor 2ml e-juice capacity with 5ml extra bubble tube 2 Post build deck with gold plated positive post 14x1mm and 2x1.5mm honeycomb airflow holes on each side Quarter turn top fill 2ml with straight glass and 5ml with bubble glass 7.5mm coil cutting tool 810 Cobra drip tip and 810 frosted drip tip included Easy screw-to-open top refilling design Colorful 810 resin drip tip Dual Post Build Deck 25mm diameter Size: 50 x 25mm Brand: Hellvape Model Rebirth Tank Capacity 5ml/2ml Diameter 25mm