Las rocas de Montserrat son de un cemento natural de arena que durante siglos han sido modificadas por el viento y la lluvia, es por ello que tienen esa forma tan extraña y variada. La imaginación popular ha visto formas humanas o animales en alguno de sus picos, dándoles nombre e inventando leyendas para explicar su fantástico origen. Visitará la Real Basílica de Montserrat, la cual acoge la talla románica del siglo XII, la Verge Moreneta (la Virgen Negra). El santuario de Montserrat Benedicto fue fundado en el año 1025 y ofrece un telón de fondo místico de la Virgen de Montserrat, patrona de Cataluña, que está consagrado en la Real Basílica del monasterio. El pequeño monasterio pronto comenzó a recibir a peregrinos y visitantes que han contribuido a la difusión de historias de milagros y prodigios realizados por la Virgen. Hoy, Montserrat ha sido modernizada para seguir atendiendo las necesidades de los peregrines mil años después de su fundación. Tendrá tiempo libre para poder visitar la sala de audiovisuales en donde se proyectan imágenes de la historia y creación del monasterio. Y también podrá degustar los típicos licores creados por los monjes del monasterio. La escolanía de Montserrat es uno de los coros de niños cantores más antiguos de Europa (S.XIV). Los días que hay canto podrán admirar sus magníficas actuaciones. El calendario de actuaciones está sujeto al calendario escolar y a eventos especiales de la escolanía y del monasterio.
Come experience these unique and amazing Exhibits: Explore the power of play with giant Lego built structures and building challenges. Coal Mine - Descend the mine shaft, take a ride on the rails and learn the technology of coal mining. U-505 Submarine - Experience the real U-505, the only German submarine in the United States. Future Energy Chicago - Collaborate in a fast-paced simulation to create a more sustainable city. Genetics and the Baby chick Hatchery - Discover the complex interplay between genes and environmental cues that produce new life. Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze -0 Discover the mathematical patterns that abound in the natural world. Science Storms: Feel the physics and consider the chemistry of nature phenomena like tornados and avalanches. The Great Train Story: Travel from Chicago to Seattle in intricate detail on this massive model railroad. YOU! The Experience: Examine the experience of life itself and the connection between mind, body and spirit. All Aboard the Silver Streak: Pioneer Zephyr: Step aboard one of America's first diesel-electric streamlined passenger trains. Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle: Experience the enchantment of fairy's dream home in Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle. DARPA: Redefining Possible: (through Sept. 6): Meet the agency behind some of our favorite technologies. The Idea Factory: Young children can splash, stack and spin their way to testing scientific principles. Transportation Gallery: Explore how humankind has flown, soared, sped and chugged throughout the years. Farm Tech: Step into a modern farm and explore the innovations that bring food to your table. Fast Forward Inventing the Future: Immerse yourself in a world of tomorrow's inventions and today's visionaries. Henry Crown Space Center: Recapture the excitement of the Space Race and learn about the future of space exploration. The Art of the Bicycle: See the art and function of rarely displayed historic bikes alongside new cutting-edge bicycles. Earth Revealed: Get an up-close and near "real-time" view of our planet Earth. Materials Science: Explore the history and future of materials that impact our lives every day. Ships through the Ages: Follow the store of man's quest to travel the seas with the Museum's collection of model ships. Swiss Jolly Ball: See the world's largest pinball machine right before your eyes. ToyMaker 3000: An Adventure in Automation: This assembly line of robots manufactures fun while assembling custom toy tops before your eyes. Whispering Gallery: Investigate the reflection and focus of sound by sending the tiniest whisper across the room. Yesterday's Main Street: Journey back in time and experience America in the early 1900s. The following additional experiences can be purchased at the Museum. They require an additional timed-entry ticket: $12 Adult, $9 Child (ages 3-11). Subject to availability. Coal Mine The WOW! Tour U-505 Submarine On-board Tour
Sprachen: Die Audio Guide Beatles Story wurde von John Lennon's sister Julia zusammengestellt und eingesprochen. Es gibt ihn in auf brasilianisch, gnglisch, französisch, deutsch, itlienisch, japanisch, mandarin, polnisch, Rrussisch und spanisch. Rollstühle: Die Ausstellung ist barrierefrei. Wegen der Sicherheitsbestimmungen könnnen aber nur drei Rollstühle glichzeitig im Museum sein. Ein Stadard-Rollstühl ist verfügbar. Sie können ihn vorab telefonisch reservieren unter +44 (0) 151 709 1963. Zeichensprache: Falls Sie Erklärungen in Zeichensprache wünschen, rufen Sie vorher an:on +44 (0) 151 709 1963
Explore what's inside Madame Tussauds Sydney? History Zone Meet historical greats and discover interesting facts in our History zone. Leaders Zone The Leaders area provides the opportunity to meet and interact with some of the most influential spiritual and political leaders in recent history. Sports Zone Meet and interact with famous sporting heros in the Sport zone of Madame Tussauds Sydney. Music Zone Hop on stage with your favourite rock and pop stars and show off your singing skills. Do you have what it takes to make it? Culture Zone Test your knowledge with Albert Einstein in the Culture zone of Madame Tussauds Sydney TV Zone Ever wanted to get up close and personal to your favourite TV stars? You can in the TV zone at Madame Tussauds Sydney. Film Zone In the Film zone of Madame Tussauds Sydney you can meet and interact with both Australian and International film stars. A-List Zone Discover glamorous and gorgeous A-Listers in our A-List zone at Madame Tussauds Sydney.
ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO One of TripAdvisor's Top Museums in the World—Four Years in a Row - 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 SHEDD AQUARIUM EXHIBITS UNDERWATER BEAUTY – A SPECIAL EXHIBIT, included with admission. Our living world is full of wonder. Celebrate with us the unbelievable beauty living in our oceans, lakes and rivers in a new special exhibit at Shedd Aquarium: Underwater Beauty. Get a glimpse of the grandeur beneath the waves as 100 species from around the world come together in an evocative new space. What is beauty? Spark your curiosity as you see all the ways beauty moves and coexists. Watch sea jellies pulse, eels ribbon and a rainbow come alive with reef fishes. Feel the rhythms, embrace the colors and savor the patterns found only underwater. Experience a world worth celebrating – and saving. Waters of the World Travel the world in 80 habitats. Dive into Oceans, from coastal kelp forests to the seafloor. Explore the self-contained ecosystems of Islands and Lakes. Visit Rivers—big and small—and learn more about our local waters in the new At Home on the Great Lakes exhibit. Meet hundreds of amazing animals, from tiny mantella frogsto a a giant octopus, from a Grand Cayman blue iguana to Nile knifefish, and from moon jellies to sea stars. We even have map turtles, in case you get lost. Caribbean Reef Take a 360-degree tour of an underwater reef community. Follow a green sea turtle. Peek at a moray eel in a rocky crevice. Watch regal rays glide by. Get eye-to-eye with parrot fish and sharks. Visit Caribbean Reef, Shedd’s award-winning 90,000-gallon circular habitat in the grand rotunda. Amazon Rising Take an exotic journey in the Amazon, home to one-third of all living things. Watch out for anacondas and piranhas, spiders, rays and a camouflaged caiman. In churning river channels, still lakes and even flooded treetops look for tetras, turtles and fruit-eating fish called tambaqui. See how the region’s animals, plants and people adapt to the water’s dramatic annual rise and fall. Abbott Oceanarium The Abbott Oceanarium immerses you in the vibrant coastal ecosystem of beluga whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, sea otters and sea lions. You’ll also find a host of fishes and invertebrates that make their homes where freshwater flows into the ocean or where tides turn seascapes to landscapes and back again each day. Use our self-guided map to discover how animals are linked to each other, their homes and you. Polar Play Zone Kids have a place at Shedd that they can call their own—Polar Play Zone. It’s cool as ice and twice as nice! The penguins think so, too. Play! Splash! Pretend! What would you like to be? A sleek sliding penguin? A deep-sea explorer? How about both? In Polar Play Zone, you can slip into a penguin suit and try being a bird in the Icy South play area. From there, head to the Icy North to explore the belugas’ Arctic waters in a kid-sized submarine. Don’t forget to shake hands—or is it arms?—with colorful sea stars in the touch pools. In Polar Play Zone, you’ll learn about polar opposites—big and small, fast and slow, shallow and deep, even north and south—while you play. The Oceanarium Aquatic Presentation is included however based on available seating and remaining show times at the time of guest arrival. (2018 Aquatic Presentation Schedule) Stingray Touch (seasonal experience) is included. Open late May through October. 4D Experience is not included however the 4D experience tickets may be purchased at the theatre for $3.00 per -person Pets are not allowed in the aquarium
Languages Living History Audio Guide at Beatles Story Albert Dock has been compiled and is narrated by John Lennon's sister Julia and is complimentary. Ten languages: Brazilian Portuguese (new), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin (new) Polish, Russian and Spanish. We also have a family audio guide in English. Accessibility Parking – Albert Dock has a number of car parks on site and has in total eight accessible car parking bays, with three available in car park A, near to the estate’s main entrance and five in car park B opposite The Beatles Story and Premier Inn hotel. Wheelchairs – The exhibition is fully wheelchair accessible. Due to fire evacuation procedures, we can only admit three wheelchairs on site at any one time. We have a standard wheelchair available which can either be booked in advance by telephoning +44 (0) 151 709 1963 or borrowed on the day by asking a member of staff at the main entrance (subject to availability on the day). Lifts – We have two accessible lifts: One situated at our main entrance (accompanied with audio announcements) and one located in our Fab4 Store going down to the Fab4 Cafe. Toilets – Wheelchair-accessible toilets are available within the exhibition and also in the Fab4 Cafe area. Please see a member of staff for assistance. Induction Loops – Induction loops are available to use with our audio guides. Please see a member of staff when picking up your audio guide. Large Print Gallery Books – We have large print transcripts available in all 10 languages offered on our audio guide, which are available at our Admissions desk. Please ask a member of staff for more details. Guide Dogs – Guide dogs are welcome. Sign Language – Should you require sign language assistance, please contact us on +44 (0) 151 709 1963 and we will check staff availability to ensure that help is on hand during your day of visit. Cloakroom – Our cloakroom allows guests to store coats, prams/buggies and suitcases. Fab4 Cafe – The Fab4 Cafe is located on basement level and is accessible via the exhibition and our Fab4 Store. The Fab4 Cafe is partially self-served – however, assistance is available if required.