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Augvape VX200 Mod is a 1.3 Inch colorful screen mod, the bigger screen offers you more clearly detail. Made of high-quality ABS and PC plastic, the straight line produce an elegant appearance. Powered by dual 18650 batteries, the Augvape VX200 Mod can fire up to 200W max output with VW/TC mode. Equipped with the advanced chip, Augvape VX200 Mod can fire so quickly, and allows the device to operate is a plethora of modes that include power mode (normal, max, minimum taste setting options), power curve mode, temperature control with all standard heating elements (nickel, titanium, stainless steel), temperature control curve mode and TCR. 1.3inch color display 200W maximum output available Inspired by cell phone, comes with edge-to-edge panel, comfortable in hand Pocket size and compact design Temperature range at 100-315
The Ammit RDA is a compact MTL RDA that features three-dimensional, airflow system transferring air from top to bottom producing unbeatable, flavor while retaining leak-proof capability. Innovative dual-layer chamber structure to provide outstanding heat dissipation effect.12 airflow adjustment options, providing the most variable restrictions for different preferences. 3D airflow transferring from top to bottom Leak-proof design with top to bottom airflow system Surround airflow design delivering from three different directions directly at the coils producing unbeatable flavor Professional Mouth-to-Lung drip tip fits on 510 connector and comes with two different diameters for various preference 510 threading connection 22mm diameter Brand: Geekvape Model Name Ammit MTL RDA Coil Type Single Coil Diameter 22mm Size 38.3 x 22mm
"Das schaffst du!" ... mit Rose & Hibiskus In bestimmten Situationen hilft es, gut zwischen den Gefühlen unterscheiden zu können. Etwa: "Empfinde ich jetzt wirklich die durchaus nützliche Angst? Die mich heil von einer auf die andere Straßenseite bringt? Oder sind meine Befürchtungen unbegründet?" Mach dich dann gerade und begegne dem Moment: mit Wildrosenblüten und Hibiskus. Nur Mut! ist ein handgefertiger Tee aus Bio-Kräutern und Gewürzen mit Rose & Hibiskus. Die köstlichen Hari Tees sind nach alten vedischen Prinzipien zusammengestellt. Sie werden in feinste Baumwollsäckchen gefüllt. So "ruhen" sie, um später ihr wunderbares Aroma entfalten zu können. Inhalt: 10 Baumwoll-Teesäckchen, Gewicht 20 g (10 x 2 g). Zutaten: Wildrosenfrüchte* (Hagebutte), Apfel*, Fenchel*, Hibiskus* (17%), rote Bete*, Brombeerblätter*, Rosen-blüten* (3%), natürliches Rosenaroma*, Wacholderbeere*, schwarzer Pfeffer*, weißer Pfeffer*, Lorbeerblatt*, Lavendel*, Gelbwurz*, Ingwer*. * = biologisch.
Ein Hauch von Sommer zu jeder Jahreszeit. Trauben aus dem südlichen Rhonetal verleihen dem Rosewein seine attraktive leuchtende Farbe, die aromatische Frucht und feine Mineralität. Tres charmant mit schöner Frische.
The Hellvape Rebirth RTA comes with 25mm diameter and 2ml juice capacity. The pack also attach a 5ml bubble tube for large juice storage. It features adjustable honeycomb airflow design, and the airflow hits coil directly, which will bring great taste for you. The Rebirth RTA also adopts dual-post build deck for easy coil installation. Plus easy screw-to-open top refilling design and colorful 810 resin drip tip, the Hellvape Rebirth is really an ideal rebuildable atomizer for DIY vaping fun. Dual-post build deck for easy coil building Honeycomb airflow for great flavor 2ml e-juice capacity with 5ml extra bubble tube 2 Post build deck with gold plated positive post 14x1mm and 2x1.5mm honeycomb airflow holes on each side Quarter turn top fill 2ml with straight glass and 5ml with bubble glass 7.5mm coil cutting tool 810 Cobra drip tip and 810 frosted drip tip included Easy screw-to-open top refilling design Colorful 810 resin drip tip Dual Post Build Deck 25mm diameter Size: 50 x 25mm Brand: Hellvape Model Rebirth Tank Capacity 5ml/2ml Diameter 25mm