Crucero con Cena París – La Croisière Gourmande Menú degustación Trio de Entrantes Rollos de vegetales BIO Gaspacho Hojaldre de queso de cabra caliente Surtido de 4 platos Sushi de lujo Salmón y juliana de verduras Pincho de pollo caramelizado Hachis Parmentier reconstruido Postres Gourmet Pastel de chocolate Ensalada de frutas Crème brulée Encontrará el menú detallado en la página web. Tour por el Panteón En el interior del Panteón, podrá observar las decoraciones que adornan el santuario desde 1874. Además, de pinturas sobre lienzos que ilustran la historia de Santa Genoveva y la epopeya de los orígenes cristianos y monárquicos de Francia. También descubrirá las grandes personalidades enterradas en la cripta, que dibujan una parte de la identidad nacional francesa. Una presentación permanente resume la vida y el trabajo de quienes descansan allí, de Voltaire y Rousseau a Alexandre Dumas. En el Panteón podrá encontrar el péndulo de Foucault que demuestra la rotación de la Tierra que se instaló en el edificio en 1851, durante unos años fue desmontado y en 1995 fue reinstalado.
Experience the natural wonders of the ocean at the Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay Not your typical aquarium the Shark Reef Aquarium is a unique experience.
Get a taste of life on the ocean waves, including the chance to take the ship's wheel and learn how to steer 963 tons of Victorian tea clipper through storms and high seas Learn the story of one of the most famous and magnificent ships in the world Take in epic views of the London skyline. Initially built for the China tea trade and launched in 1869, Cutty Sark’s original wooden planks and iron frames have been meticulously conserved. As part of an ambitious six-year conservation project, the ship was raised over three metres, giving visitors the unique opportunity to stand directly underneath this world wonder and see her elegant lines and ground-breaking design. It has now been developed into an award-winning museum and visitor experience. Located in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Maritime Greenwich, the National Maritime Museum and the Queen’s House are both located within a short walking distance from Cutty Sark and are free to visit. The Royal Observatory is another must-see attraction when visiting Greenwich; it’s the home of Greenwich Mean Time and the Prime Meridian.
Tower Bridge Walkways & Exhibition: Visitors enter Tower Bridge Exhibition via the North Tower. They are then transported by lift to the top of the Tower (47 metres above the Thames) where they have a unique opportunity to see the Bridge’s steel skeleton from within. A short film explains the history and provenance of the Bridge and then there is the chance to admire the spectacular views – from both covered Walkways. On the east Walkway there are fantastic views of the Docklands and from the west Walkway you can see the new GLA building, the Tower of London, St Paul’s, the city, the Pool of London and Big Ben and the London Eye in the distance. Interactive computerised kiosks and graphic panels explain the significance of the views to visitors, as well as providing more information on the history and building of the Bridge. The interactive material and graphic panels are written in seven languages and an audio loop for the hard of hearing is also in place for the video show. There is another film to view in the South Tower before descending for the short walk to the historical Engine Rooms, included in your ticket price. Victorian Engine Rooms: These provide a fascinating insight into late 19th century engineering. Installed for the completion of Tower Bridge in 1894, these huge, and beautifully maintained, coal-driven engines were used to power the thousands of bascule Bridge lifts performed until 1976. Although lifts are now operated by electricity, the original steam engines are still in place. The Engine Rooms give visitors a chance to experiment with models demonstrating the technology behind the Bridge. There are also some amazing photographs of Tower BridgeTthroughout its lifetime – including a revealing picture of the heavy steel structure of the Bridge as the stone cladding was installed over it.
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La Super Aventura en Stavanger empieza en la Terminal de Cruceros Strandkaien, donde podrá caminar hasta el Casco Antiguo para apreciar su belleza, mientras se empapa de la auténtica cultura noruega. Vuélvase a subir a bordo para que el bus le lleve al Centro de Información Turística, así como a la Catedral de Stavanger – una magnífica pieza de arquitectura perfectamente localizada entre el mar y el parque. Vaya dentro y vea el espectacular interior antes de volver a subir al autobús. La siguiente parada es el Petroleum Museum. Este museo ofrece un entorno moderno e interactivo para aprenderlo todo acerca del petróleo y el gasóleo, dónde se encuentran y para que se usa. El autobús pasa por el extravagante Hotel Victoria, justo antes de dirigirse hacia dos museos fantásticos en las paradas 8 y 9: el Museo de Arqueología y el Museo de Arte. A continuación hay la Residencia Real Ledaal, donde podrá practicar su salutación real mientras cruza este maravilloso edificio, antiguo hogar en Stavanger de la familia real. Finalmente la ruta vuelve a la Terminal de Crucero, donde acaba el recorrido de 50 minutos (si no realiza paradas, claro). ¡Reserve sus entradas online y empiece a disfrutar de su viaje a Stavanger!