Vandy Vape Pulse V2 RDA comes with fully upgraded airflow system. It includes three different airflow rings and supports dual or single coil builds. Both of them allow the airflow hit the coils directly. You can enjoy different vaping experience. The Pulse V2 RDA adopts an innovative floating deck, which supports top squonk feeding and bottom juice return design. Easy to build and avoid leakge. Fully upgraded airflow system, enjoy different vaping experience Three different airflow rings allow airflow hit the coils directly Support single or dual coil build Top squonk feeding & Bottom juice return 2ml e-juice capacity available 510 threading connection 24mm atomizer diameter Brand: Vandy Vape Model Pulse V2 Atomizer Capacity 2ml Diameter 24mm Size 32 x 24mm
Organic 58% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Giant Buttons. The neck of this jar is carefully designed to ration the speed of giant button delivery fast or very fast! We like our Giant Chocolate Buttons to be the ultimate social chocolate. Spread around the joy of great chocolate in a button and don't be shy about offering them around, although you may want to hide half the packet first! All are fabulous and will make more well known buttons pale in their shadow. 900g Large Jar
Sehr helles Strohgelb mit grünlichen Reflexen. Elegantes, eine Spur exotisches Bouquet von weiss- und gelbfleischigen Früchten Pfirsich, Ananas, Maracuja, Nektarine, Grapefruit, Limette und Mandeln. Am Gaumen saftig, trocken, geschmeidig, lebendig mit feinem Spiel von rassiger Säure und aromatisch gereifter Apfel-Pfirsich-Zitrusfrucht, sehr elegant und harmonisch, leicht würzig-pikant, leicht mineralisch, alles perfekt in Balance, im Nachhall fruchtig-aromatisch mit zartem Schmelz. Passt zu: Fisch gegrillt, Müllerin, an Sahnesauce , knusprigem Brathähnchen oder Wiener Schnitzel mit lauwarmem Kartoffelsalat, zu frischer Pasta, Lachs- und Gemüsestrudel, Quiche, Risotto mit grünem Spargel.
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