The Brompton Folding Bike is the Original Folding Bike, The M type handlebar The original Brompton ‘look’, offering a more upright ride (height 1015mm), at the cost of a little more weight. The all-rounder in the range, with plenty of room for luggage at the front. Choose the number of gears that suit your ride, with more gears you can travel greater distances on your commute or weekend adventure without the worry of getting up any hills you may face, or if you ride mainly on the flat why not go for a Brompton with less gears which will mean less maintenance costs. Brompton's are as simple and user friendly as they come, using their patented folding mechanism, no folding bike can fold as fast and as compact as a Brompton can.
The Alpinestars Tech 8 RS continues the legacy of continuous development and improvement started in the mid-1990s, and combines premium materials and innovative design for a boot with unrivalled levels of safety and performance. A breathable inner ankle sleeve and class-leading closure system enhances comfort and fit when riding the toughest tracks, while Alpinestars dual density sole is further developed for durability and is easily replaceable. Features Upper constructed from a combination of full grain leather and innovative and light microfiber that is flexible and abrasion resistant. Alpinestars inner ankle sleeve is constructed from leather with 3D mesh panels and incorporates adjustable shock absorbing gel inserts on the ankles and a removable anatomic footbed for enhanced comfort, fit and protection on the ankle and lower leg. Alpinestars exclusive high grip, dual density rubber outsole includes footpeg area which is reinforced with hard polymer compound for durability and comfort. The outsole is fully replaceable. Reinforced lateral flex zone above outward facing ankle helps prevent torsion. Contoured shin plate injected with high modulus polymer for superior impact and abrasion resistance is perforated for ventilation. Contoured calf protector plate is injected with high modulus polymer for impact resistance. Extended, internal protection plates constructed from injected polymer to guard the ankle and lower foot as well as the toeâbox area. Advanced closure system features strong techno-polymer buckles for easy adjustability with a precise, secure and streamlined fit. Top and bottom reverse closure design provides superior impact security and improved fit. Low profile toe for improved control and sensitiveness in the shift area. Fullâlength, sculpted rubber panel on the inner side of the boot gives superb grip against the bike and is insulated with aluminum foil for improved heat resistance. Instep and Achilles flex zones for superior comfort, control and support. Replaceable kick starter protection insert located on the right boot. Stamped steel sole and heel guard. Soft, polymer gaiter provides effective seal around the top of the boot, preventing excessive water and dirt entry. Breathable 3D tech mesh lining reduces heat buildup and improves comfort. Contoured tempered steel shank is over injected inside the midâsole assembly for rider safety and support.
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