Transvasin Heat Rub 40g Transvasin Heat Rub is used for the relief of rheumatic and muscular pain and the symptoms of sprains and strains. Applied topically as an analgesic cream, Transvasin provides rapid, effective warming relief. Ingredients: Cream containing: Ethyl nicotinate 2 %w/w Hexyl nicotinate 2 %w/w Tetrahydrofurfuryl salicylate 14 %w/w Directions: Adults,children 6 and over only,and the elderly: massage into affected area at least twice daily until pain is relieved.Use sparingly.Gently massage Transvasin into the affected area until it has been fully absorbed.The application may be repeated two or three times a day or as your doctor directs.Wash hands after use.Transvasin is a heat rub, it is normal for the skin to warm and redden.
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