La pommade EmuaidMAX, connue sous le nom dEmuaid Rouge, est la formule renforcee du revolutionnaire soin Emuaid. Sa formule a base dhuile demeu et dargent colloidal vise a cibler plus de 100 problemes cutanees dont les eruptions cutanees, lherpes labial, le psoriasis et beaucoup dautres.
Hello welcome to our shop we mainly send it directly from the factory we check the quality of each piece so the product quality is very good the price is very favorable our service is also very good we hope to be friends with you Can cooperate for a long time hope you have a happy life thank you
La creme Striagen-N a ete specialement concu pour sadresser aux problemes de peau distendue ou ridee dans le cou. Sa formule, enrichie en acide hyaluronique, vise a raffermir et lifter la peau relachee du cou. Elle aide aussi a reduire les rougeurs et soulager les irritations de cette zone.
Eco Masters Carrot & Argan Face Cream was created for a luminous complexion with a balanced botanical formula that has a premium Carrot & Argan blend at the core. Eco Masters Carrot & Argan Face Cream is enriched with Aloe Vera & Jojoba. The cream is ideally applied once everyday.
Die Skin Doctors Capillary Clear Creme zielt darauf ab, das Aussehen kaputter Kapillaren im Gesicht zu behandeln. Mit hoch angesehenem Arnika Blutenextrakt und angereichert mit hautvertraglichem Vitamin B3, hinterlasst Capillary Clear ein seidiges, cremiges, feuchtigkeitsspendendes Gefuhl und ist le
Features: ?Working Principle?After inflated, it can provide a traction and enough decompression for waist spine to elongate the intervertebral space in lumbar spine, and to reduce vertebral burden alleviate back pain. ?Relax Muscle Disease?It can relax lumbar muscle spasm, strain and pain. ?Help Treatment Relief?Reliable to help relief pain of degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, sciatica, spondylolysis, pain in back, hip, thighs, legs and feet caused by bulging discs and herniated discs. ?Good Lumbar Support?Design to maintain proper posture, help intervertebral disc, nucles pulposus back to its natural position. ?Hand Pump Inflation?Equip with hand pump to adjust air pressure manually. With air pressure gauge to monitor the whole process. ?4 Size Selectable?4 size for people in different waistline: S(24.9-28.8);M(30.1-34.1);L(35.4-39.3);XL(40.7-43.3). ?Double Strap Design?Double inside and outside adjustable strap to provide good fasten function, help to back support. ?Widely Usage Product?Suits people who doing strenous work, heavy lifting, driving, and people with upper disease. Can be used at home, office, car, standing or sitting use acceptable. Light-weight, can be wear over thin clothes. ?FDA CE Approved?Good product, reliable with FDA and CE certificates.