Vor über 120 Jahren bauten die Londoner eine Brücke, die zu einer der berühmtesten Attraktionen Londons wurde. Die Fußgängerstege wurden gebaut, damit Menschen die Themse überqueren können, während die Brücke hochgezogen ist um große Schiffe die Tower Bridge passieren zu lassen. Heute dienen diese Fußgängerstege als Aussichtsgalerie, die den Besuchern die spektakulärsten Blicke auf eine sich stets wandelnde Londoner Skyline ermöglicht. Fußgängerstege & Ausstellung: Besucher betreten die Tower Bridge Ausstellung über den North Tower. Sie werden dann mit dem Aufzug auf die Spitze des Turmes gebracht – 47 Meter über der Themse – Dort können Sie das Stahlgerüst der Brücke von innen bestaunen. Ein kurzer Film erklärt die Geschichte der Brücke und es besteht die Möglichkeit, von den beiden überdachten Fußwegen den Blick über die Dächer Londons wandern zu lassen. Auf dem östlichen Übergang gibt es eine fantastische Sicht auf die Docklands. Vom westlichen Übergang können Sie das neue GLA Gebäude sehen, den Tower of London, St. Paul’s, Big Ben und das London Eye. Interaktive Multimediaangebote (mehrsprachig) und Tafeln geben den Besuchern Informationen zu den jeweiligen Aussichten und zum Bau der Brücke. Im Südturm gibt es einen weiteren Film zu sehen. Besuchen Sie vor dem Abstieg den historischen Maschinenraum. Der Zutritt ist ebenfalls im Ticketpreis inbegriffen. Viktorianische Maschinenräume: Hier erhalten Sie faszinierende Einblicke in das Konstruktionswesen des späten 19. Jahrhunderts. Die großen und guterhaltenen, kohlenbetriebenen Maschinen wurden mit Fertigstellung der Tower Bridge im Jahr 1894 installiert, um bis 1976 Tausende der Brückenhebungen zu ermöglichen. Obwohl die Hebevorrichtungen elektrisch angetrieben werden, sind die originalen Dampfmaschinen immer noch vorhanden. Die Maschinenräume geben Besuchern die Möglichkeit mit Modellen zu experimentieren, welche die Technologie der Brücke veranschaulichen. Es werden sehenswerte Fotografien der Tower Bridge aus den vergangenen Jahrhunderten gezeigt. Ein Highlight ist ein Foto der schweren Stahlstruktur der Brücke, bevor die Steinverkleidung montiert wurde. Klicken Sie hier um die Tower Bridge App herunterzuladen!
Celebrating 60 years in show business Paul Anka plays an exclusive run of shows at the Encore Theater. Buy the best seats in the house on
JORVIK Viking Centre Take hold of the past and explore the excavations which first unearthed the Viking-age city in our brand new exhibitions. As you travel around Viking-Age Jorvik aboard our state of the art ride experience - which now includes commentary in sixteen languages, from all major Scandinavian dialects to Mandarin Chinese – you will encounter Old Norse speaking citizens on the streets of the city and in their homes. Discover the Arabic trader bringing his wares to trade, and the Viking storyteller recounting the apocalyptic Ragnarok myth. At the end of an unforgettable journey, visitors disembark to the JORVIK galleries where they can see some of the fascinating Viking artefacts. Cutting edge displays help you to investigate all of the information gathered from the 5-year-long dig at Coppergate and piece together the jigsaw of where the Vikings came from, why they came here, how they lived and died, and where they travelled to. At JORVIK Viking Centre you are standing on the site of one of the most famous and astounding discoveries of modern archaeology. Between the years 1976-81, archaeologists from York Archaeological Trust revealed the houses, workshops and backyards of the Viking-Age city of Jorvik, as it stood 1,000 years ago. Ticket Details Please Note: JORVIK tickets purchased through this channel do not entitle the holder to jump the queue – you must join the queue as normal and will be able to exchange your 365 Vouchers for tickets at the admissions desk. Vouchers must be printed off before visiting JORVIK, entry won't be granted without your 365tickets Voucher. York City Cruise Please note: The River Ouse in York can occasionally rise to levels that can have an impact on this cruise's daily operations after periods of heavy rainfall in the catchment area upstream. The local operators will always attempt to sail for as long as it is safe to do so. There can come a point where their smallest boat can no longer fit underneath the bridges. Depending on the height of the river, they may not be able to sail at all. In this instance, you will either be eligible for a full refund or your ticket(s) will happily accepted on another date during your stay if sailing is possible.
Siam Park Just some of the attractions for you to enjoy at Siam Water Park include... Siam Parks’ most iconic feature, The Tower of Power, is also its most jaw-dropping thrill ride. Climb the tower, take a deep breath and hang on to your swim wear as you plunge down the almost vertical 28 metre drop in “free-fall” and emerge (unscathed but screaming your head off!) via a mysterious aquarium. The Lost City uncover the secrets of this splashy water fortress as you venture across bridges, through waterfalls and down gentle slides. This is the park attraction for kids that adults love! Baby Zone not to leave anyone out, Siam Park also has a special area for water babies! The really young members and their parents can enjoy slides that have been specially designed for them. Relax and sunbathe underneath the palm trees as you take in the beautiful views at La Gomera and the ocean or enjoy a snack on the white sand beach and in a wonderful Thai atmosphere. With its comfortable sun beds and sun umbrellas available, the turquoise waters will transport you to paradise. Water temperature 24º. Sea Lion Island as you enter the park there is a warm welcome from the fun-loving Sea Lions. They can be watched as they swim and play, showing you just how much fun can be had in the water.
After a refreshing dip in the ocean, enjoy a tasty buffet with rice and peas and sweet corn, chicken meatballs in tomato sauce, bread and banana with drinks. Please let us know if you are vegetarian and we will do our best to accommodate you. Your drinks including beer, soft drinks, sangria and water are included during the journey, and after enjoying your lunch you will sail back to Puerto Colon enjoying spectacular views on the way. When the whales and dolphins are close to the boat you can get excellent views through the glass bottom, or window in the catamaran but if they are a distance away you will get a good view of them from the deck. Through the glass bottom you will see plenty of fish and if the whales appear beneath the boat you will really see them up close and personal! The return trip will give you the chance to enjoy a different view of this spectacular coast with its sophisticated resorts, volcanic beaches, hidden coves and wide bays sailing down to Puerto Colon, where the journey will come to an end. An unforgettable day out for all the family. As you sail on the crystal clear water you will be treated to spectacular views of the coastline and of the beautiful island. A perfect way to enjoy a family day out with sun on your face and a soft gentle and welcoming breeze blowing through your hair! Bon Voyage! Including on-board service: - Drinks: beer, soft drinks, sangria and water included during the journey. - Type of Food: Buffet with rice and peas and sweet corn, chicken meatballs in tomatoe sauce, bread and banana. - Special menu for vegetarian people. - Funny bath in the crystal water of our coasts and under the waterfall of our boat. - Specialized guides on board. - Panoramic windows with submarine vision. - Live submarine TV. Don't forget to bring with you bathing suit, cap, sun cream and suitable shoes!
Bring your I.D. - All passengers booked on a tour must have government issued forms of identification.
Be sure to book your tour as early in your trip as possible.
Water: You may bring a bottle of water, however the bottle is not allowed to be opened in the aircraft.
Don’t forget your camera! Cameras and phones are allowed and encouraged, but please be aware that the use of "Selfie Sticks" and extending camera poles are strictly prohibited in and around the aircraft.
Not sure what to wear? Layered clothing is recommended through the months of March to September, and winter clothing should be worn from October to mid-March.
Wear sensible shoes. The ground at the Grand Canyon is rough, rocky and uneven. It is important to wear sturdy, toe-covering shoes that can handle rough terrain. Sneakers or hiking boots are highly recommended.
Hotel Pick-Up
Passengers are picked up from most major Las Vegas hotels.
Check In
Arrive at our state-of-the-art terminal for check-in.
Flight to Grand Canyon
Depart on an approximate 35-minute flight with views of Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and the Colorado River en route to Grand Canyon West.
Self-Guided Tour
Spend approximately 4 hours at the canyon to explore and enjoy the views from multiple stops along the rim. Shuttle service is offered for free transport to each viewpoint.
VIP Dining
A reserved table awaits guests at the Sa'Nyu Wa Restaurant located at Eagle Point. With floor-to-ceiling windows, guests will enjoy the dramatic views of the Grand Canyon while savoring an exquisite three-course meal.
Guano Point
Explore and take advantage of the photo opportunities this lookout point has to offer.
Return Flight and Hotel
Return to the terminal and depart on an approximate 35-minute flight back to Boulder City. After arriving, check in at the transportation desk for transfers back to your Las Vegas hotel.