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1.Battery capacity: 350mah 2.Battery core: HGB Battery 3.Thread: 510 4.Dia: 11.2mm length:82mm 5.Charge voltage: 4.2V 6.Protection: short circuit
Vidge Max is a disposable e-cigarette product that can be consumed in a single mouthful. It has a capacity of 8.0 mL and can use 2000Puffs. The battery model is 18350, with a capacity of 1250mAh. Its core resistance value is 1.6ohm, which makes it feel more delicate in taste than other products. Made of aluminum and rubber paint, it feels very comfortable in the hand and is not easy to slip off. Simple and elegant appearance can attract more customers. In Australia, USA and other places are sells well.
eGo ce4 vape pen. We'd love to provide the best price and service to our customers as a manufacturer.Welcome to Contact us, if any questions.
Black/ Silver chorme color; deep ceramic chamber for extra space for wax; replaceable coil head; fit ego evod ego-c twister vision spinner batteries