OstoCLEAR Medical Adhesive RemoverOstoCLEAR Medical Adhesive Remover is a gentle but highly effective medical adhesive remover to help you remove your pouch or flange and any stubborn adhesive residue. It contains tea tree oil which is widely believed to have antiseptic and antifungal properties and lavender oil, a universal healer that will soothe tender skin. OstoCLEAR Medical Adhesive Remover can be used on colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy devices.OstoCLEAR Medical Adhesive Remover Wipes are individually wrapped and are ideal for use whilst out and about.
Compatible Models:Universal; Type:Stylus Pens; Material:Metal; Compatibility:Phone Electronics; Features:All-In-1; Net Weight:0.052; Listing Date:05/08/2015; Base Categories:Mobile Phone Charms Straps,Mobile Phone Accessories,Telephony,Communications,Electronics; Popular Country:Denmark,Norway; Special selected products:hot
Compatible Models:Universal; Type:Stylus Pens; Material:Metal; Compatibility:Phone Electronics; Features:All-In-1; Net Dimensions:0.0000.0000.000; Net Weight:0.000; Listing Date:05/08/2015; Base Categories:Mobile Phone Charms Straps,Mobile Phone Accessories,Telephony,Communications,Electronics; Special selected products:hot,COD
Keep calm und keep distance – Abstand halten sieht gut aus! Mit unserer Community-Maske sensibilisierst du deine Mitmenschen für Social Distancing und kannst dazu beitragen, ihr Ansteckungsrisiko und die Verbreitung der Pandemie zu reduzieren. #staysafe
Weil #stayhome nicht für alle gilt: Pro zwei verkaufter Masken spenden wir eine Maske an Obdachlose!
Beachte die geltenden Hygieneregeln wie Abstandhalten und regelmäßiges, gründliches Händewaschen mit Seife. Wasche deine Maske nach jedem Tragen bei 60°. Mehr zu Handling und Hygiene sowie Infos zu unserem Masken-Projekt erfährst du in unserem Blog.
Type:Stylus Pens; Material:Silica Gel; Compatibility:Phone Electronics; Features:Adorable; Net Dimensions:0.0000.0000.000; Net Weight:0.000; Listing Date:07/22/2019
Durex Pleasure Me CondomsDurex Pleasure Me feature uniquely designed and positioned ribs and raised dots enhance stimulation for you and your partner.The special way Durex Pleasure Me are made means they smell better, so there are no unpleasant distractions - you can just relax and enjoy.Nominal width 56mm.Transparent, lubricated and teat ended.Easy-on shape.Dermatologically tested.100% electronically tested.