threading is a highly popular technique for hair removal as it doesn't require application of any products to the skin. mastering this ancient art can give you a quick and simple alternative method of eyebrow and facial hair removal.
this course covers all the anatomy and physiology required for beauty treatments. written to match the current national occupational standards, the workbook brings anatomy and physiology to life and covers exactly what you need to know.
this course is essential for beginners and those wishing to refresh their knowledge or improve proficiency. the emphasis is placed on acquiring practical competence in salon system’s just wax warm waxing techniques combined with the essential theoretical knowledge.
warm waxing is one of the most popular salon treatments all year round, giving your business an excellent regular income. this course covers all areas of face and body waxing using the pot and spatula system.
an informative and interactive spray tanning course, giving you all the information and techniques required to provide your clients with the perfect tan.
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