Please present the printed voucher at the beginning of the tour.
Please make sure to show up on time. Being late might prevent you from taking part in the tour
All the tables are situated next to the picture windows to allow everyone to enjoy Paris with all modern conveniences. All their boats have an open deck, which affords a magical, all-round view of the City of Light.
Cruise commented in up to 10 languages*
Free itinerary translated in 25 languages
Boats with an open upper deck
1h10 mns cruise
* Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, german, russian, chinese, japonese, corean.
Bus Tour
Pass for 1
4 lines, 50 stops and more than 100 sights
Hop-on, hop-off as you wish
Audio guide available in 10 languages*
Stories and tales of Paris for children (in french, english and espagnol)
Free Wifi
Click here to view The Map and The Timetable
Besuchen Sie das königliche Observatorium in Greenwich, London. Heimat des Nullmeridians der Erde, der Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) und des Londoner Planetariums.
Stellen Sie sich auf die Nullmeridianlinie
Stellen Sie sich vor den historischen Nullmeridian der Welt und springen Sie von östlichen in die westliche Hemisphäre
Machen Sie ein einmaliges Selfie von sich und Ihrer Begleitung
Entdecken Sie die bemerkenswerte Geschichte hinter der Referenzlinie für die Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Entdecken Sie den grünen Laserstrahl, der die Meridian Line am Abendhimmel von der Spitze des Hügels im Greenwich Park in Richtung London Skyline markiert.
Die Heimat der Zeit
Erfahren Sie, wie das Königliche Observatorium das Zuhause der Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) und der ersten staatlich finanzierten wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung seiner Zeit wurde. Bewundern Sie John Harrisons wegweisende Zeitmesser aus nächster Nähe und erkunden Sie den Arbeitsplatz der königlichen Astronomen.
Der leuchtend rote Zeitball auf dem Flamsteed-Haus ist eines der frühesten öffentlichen Zeitsignale der Welt und wurde erstmals 1833 aktiviert und funktioniert noch heute. Schon vor über 100 Jahren gab das Great Equatorial Telescope den Astronomen neue Einblicke in das Universum. Es befindet sich in der riesigen Zwiebelkuppel des Observatoriums.
Das National Maritime Museum und das Queen's House befinden sind Teil des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes Maritime Greenwich und sind nur einen kurzen Fußweg von der Sternwarte entfernt. Beide Attraktionen können kostenlos besichtigt werden. Cutty Sark, der weltweit einzige Tee-Klipper (Segelschiff), ist heute ein preisgekröntes Museum und Besuchererlebnis und ein weiteres Muss bei einem Besuch in Greenwich.
All the tables are situated next to the picture windows to allow everyone to enjoy Paris with all modern conveniences. All their boats have an open deck, which affords a magical, all-round view of the City of Light.
Cruise commented in up to 10 languages*
Free itinerary translated in 25 languages
Boats with an open upper deck
1h10 mns cruise
* Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, german, russian, chinese, japonese, corean.
Bus Tour
Pass for 2 consecutive days
4 lines, 50 stops and more than 100 sights
Hop-on, hop-off as you wish
Audio guide available in 10 languages*
Stories and tales of Paris for children (in french, english and espagnol)
Free Wifi
Click here to view The Map and The Timetable
Visite el galardonado Museo Mary Rose en Portsmouth para ver el buque insignia de Enrique VIII.
Aspectos destacados
El buque insignia de Enrique VIII, levantado del fondo mariona después de 437 años.
La mayor colección de artefactos la época Tudor.
Vea, toque e incluso huela artículos auténticos.
Descubra cómo vivían los hombres a bordo.
Pantallas interactivas sobre los tiempos Tudor.
A lo largo del museo hay guías disponibles para responder preguntas.
Proyección diaria de ‘La historia de Mary Rose’.
La entrada incluye
Entrada al Museo Mary Rose.
Entrada válida por 12 meses a partir de la fecha de compra – ¡regrese GRATIS!
Vea a Mary Rose rodeada de sus artefactos y de las posesiones de la tripulación
Información adicional
Acceso a los 3 niveles de la galería.
Apto para todas las edades.
Cafetería y tienda en el edificio.
La estación de tren más cercana es el Portsmouth Harbour, a solo 90 minutos de Londres.
Tenga en cuenta:
Por favor seleccione la primera fecha que visitará Mary Rose.
Debe llevar el vale IMPRIMIDO en la fecha que seleccionó, y canjearlo en la taquilla.
Come experience these unique and amazing Exhibits:
Explore the power of play with giant Lego built structures and building challenges.
Coal Mine - Descend the mine shaft, take a ride on the rails and learn the technology of coal mining.
U-505 Submarine - Experience the real U-505, the only German submarine in the United States.
Future Energy Chicago - Collaborate in a fast-paced simulation to create a more sustainable city.
Genetics and the Baby chick Hatchery - Discover the complex interplay between genes and environmental cues that produce new life.
Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze -0 Discover the mathematical patterns that abound in the natural world.
Science Storms: Feel the physics and consider the chemistry of nature phenomena like tornados and avalanches.
The Great Train Story: Travel from Chicago to Seattle in intricate detail on this massive model railroad.
YOU! The Experience: Examine the experience of life itself and the connection between mind, body and spirit.
All Aboard the Silver Streak: Pioneer Zephyr: Step aboard one of America's first diesel-electric streamlined passenger trains.
Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle: Experience the enchantment of fairy's dream home in Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle.
DARPA: Redefining Possible: (through Sept. 6): Meet the agency behind some of our favorite technologies.
The Idea Factory: Young children can splash, stack and spin their way to testing scientific principles.
Transportation Gallery: Explore how humankind has flown, soared, sped and chugged throughout the years.
Farm Tech: Step into a modern farm and explore the innovations that bring food to your table.
Fast Forward Inventing the Future: Immerse yourself in a world of tomorrow's inventions and today's visionaries.
Henry Crown Space Center: Recapture the excitement of the Space Race and learn about the future of space exploration.
The Art of the Bicycle: See the art and function of rarely displayed historic bikes alongside new cutting-edge bicycles.
Earth Revealed: Get an up-close and near "real-time" view of our planet Earth.
Materials Science: Explore the history and future of materials that impact our lives every day.
Ships through the Ages: Follow the store of man's quest to travel the seas with the Museum's collection of model ships.
Swiss Jolly Ball: See the world's largest pinball machine right before your eyes.
ToyMaker 3000: An Adventure in Automation: This assembly line of robots manufactures fun while assembling custom toy tops before your eyes.
Whispering Gallery: Investigate the reflection and focus of sound by sending the tiniest whisper across the room.
Yesterday's Main Street: Journey back in time and experience America in the early 1900s.
The following additional experiences can be purchased at the Museum. They require an additional timed-entry ticket: $12 Adult, $9 Child (ages 3-11). Subject to availability.
Coal Mine
The WOW! Tour
U-505 Submarine On-board Tour
Te invitamos a visitar más que un edificio, un mito del arte, de la arquitectura y del modernismo, la Casa Batlló, donde la luz, el color y la forma se conjugan con la madera, el hierro, el cristal, la cerámica y la piedra gres a la manera fantástica y sorprendente que caracteriza la obra de Gaudí.
Recoge tu audioguía y comienza el recorrido por veinte puntos explicativos, descubriendo múltiples detalles difíciles de percibir a primera vista, con metáforas y representaciones de la naturaleza, especialmente del mundo marino, que te inspirarán y estimularán tus sentidos y emociones. Y si lo prefieres puedes alquilar la innovadora videoguía con realidad aumentada, con la cual te transportarás a un mundo mágico normalmente oculto a los ojos. Ambas guías las encontrarás en diferentes idiomas.
Visitarás la legendaria planta noble, antigua residencia de la familia Batlló, las golfas que servían de antiguos trasteros y lavaderos, el tejado, las míticas chimeneas y el fantástico patio de luces, antigua escalera de vecinos privilegiados. Y no podéis marchar sin disfrutar del espléndido vestíbulo y escalinata principal, ¡estamos seguros de que os impresionarán!