1 x Übernachtung mit Frühstück, 1 x Flasche Sekt zur Begrüßung, 1 x Leih-Bademantel, 1 x romantisch dekoriertes Zimmer, kostenloses W-Lan, Entspannen und Wohlfühlen in der Hubertusoase
3-D Stickerbogen mit selbstklebenden 3-D Motiven, verschiedene Größen, mit Schmucksteinen veredelt, ca. 12,7 x 18,8 cm.
10 edle, ausgestanzte 3-D Motive "XL Damen mit Hut", ca. 8 bis 14 cm.
Use these Salon Services Mask Sponges to remove masks and for facial cleansing. Pack of three.
The Facom 440 OGV® metric combination wrenches combine high mechanical performance with compact design, complying with aeronautical standards. Ring clearance is designed for better access to recessed or closely spaced screws and the 12-point OGV® profile of the 15º angled ring head allows for a high torque without damaging the nut. The wrenches have optimised open end / handle geometry, offering increased accessibility and feature ground contact faces. Finished in satin chrome.Industrial and automotive: Conforms to ISO 691, NF ISO 691, ISO 7738, NF ISO 7738, ISO 3318, NF ISO 3318, ISO 1711-1, NF ISO 1711-1 and NF E74-306.Aerospace : Conforms to SAE AS 954E.The FCM44023 Combination Spanner has the following specifications:Head size: 23mm.Length: 275mm.
Designed with a 0.5HP motor and a 3 litre aluminium tank this compact and ultra-quiet 240 volt Compressor comes with a 1 Year Warranty. With an option of two voltages to choose from (110 and 240) its low-noise oil-less motor is even ideal in domestic situations.Offering portable pneumatic power for a various amount of applications, such as 2nd-fix joinery, sheathing, upholstery, pipe-testing, trimming and beading.