El spray perfumado Pherofem es perfecto para las mujeres que buscan potenciar su atractivo frente al resto a traves del olor. El spray perfumado de Pherofem tiene un aroma calido y sensual, presentado en una botella pequena, atractiva y discreta para usar cuando desees.
¿Quieres ser mas atractivo para las mujeres? Pheromen es un spray perfumado cuyo objetivo es potenciar el atractivo masculino, aumentando la confianza a traves de un aroma sensual. Pheromen se presenta en una botella elegante, pequena y discreta, para usar cuando desee.
Discover Serum Estimulador del Punto G es perfecto para potenciar el deseo sexual femenino, a traves de una formula completamente natural. La formula de Discover Serum Estimulador del Punto G incluye Menta Silvestre, Bayas de Goji y Citronella, potenciada por el aminoacido Arginina.
About VISMED and Dry Eyes VISMED Single Dose 20 x 0.3ml The classic version of VISMED Eye Drops. VISMED Single Dose Vials contain 0.18% sodium hyaluronate, and also a number of important essential ions (salt nutrients) for the cornea. The special formulation of VISMED ensures immediate relief from the symptoms of dry eyes, and sufficient moisturisation of all the tissue in the eye. VISMED is the only lubricant eye drop preparation that contains both sodium hyaluronate and essential ions, and, as such, is very close in characteristics to the natural tear film. The inclusion of both sodium hyaluronate and essential ions in VISMED is possible because of its unique patented formulation. VISMED offers patients with sensations of dry eyes an unmatched combination of symptomatic relief and comfort. We recommend VISMED for a reliable treatment of the sensations of dryness in the eye. VISMED is available in boxes of 20 single dose vials, handy when you are out and about. It is preservative-free. How to Use VISMED Single Dose Vials Twist off tab.Unless otherwise recommended, place one or two drops into the conjunctival sac of the eye as often as needed.A sensation of blurred vision may be experienced immediately after application, as VISMED spreads over the eye.This will quickly diasappear as the solution forms a long lasting and transparent coating on the surface of the eye.VISMED may also be used while wearing contact lenses (rigid or soft). As VISMED does not contain preservatives, any solution not used immediately after opening should be discarded.
La Copa Menstrual maxmedix de silicona es un articulo para la higiene femenina comodo y reutilizable para simplificar los periodos menstruales. Al durar hasta cinco anos, este producto ecologico, alternativo a tampones y compresas, ¡le ahorrara dinero y visitas a su farmacia! Creemos que es la mejor