Do what you love! Schreib dir die Welt, wie sie dir gefällt! Der neue College Fashion zeigt die stylishen Trends aus der aktuellen Mode. Eine Extraportion Vitamine gibt's mit dem Exotic Fruit in leuchtend gelben und grünen Farben. Noch bunter? Triangle schlägt die Brücke zwischen harmonischen und kontrastreichen Farben. Die angesagten Dreiecke zeigen klar, dass auch Geometrie stylish sein kann. Trendbewusste Vielschreiber werden in der College Fashion Line sicher fündig. Das Best Writer Geschenkset von ONLINE mit dem Schönschreibfüller in trendigem Design und zwei weiteren Griffstücken, ausgestattet mit drei hochwertigen Kalligrafie-Federn in den Federstärken 0,8 mm, 1,4 mm, 1,8 mm für kreatives Schreiben garantiert ein angenehmes, flüssiges Schreibgefühl. Nachfüllbar mit ONLINE Kombipatronen oder Standard-Tintenpatronen. Mit dem Best Writer macht Schreiben und Gestalten richtig Spaß. Stück für Stück geprüfte Qualität - Made in Germany. Auf die robusten Federn gewährt ONLINE 5 Jahre Garantie.
FRANKEN Hinweisschild ""Libre-Occupe"" (B)102 x (H)27,4 mm manuelle Besetztanzeige Französisch, aus Aluminium - 1 Stück (BS0118)
The Paragon 650 also has an impressive 50 calls log and has 10 last number redial. This phone is hearing aid compatible with a visual ringer indicator and adjustable ringer volume. Also included in the BT paragon 650 phone is text messaging capability, and a built-in speakerphone.Corded telephone with digital answering machine, 36 minutes record time, 200 name & number directory and 3 number speed dial, 2 pre recorded outgoing messages
Soft White Laptop Desk for home office , study or small office use When you need your workstation to look more like a piece of elegant furniture than something from the office choose this Soft White Computer Laptop Desk. The Soft white Laminate Desktop provides ample space for writing and laptop work and with it's Unique leg styling 'Flip down' keyboard shelf / drawer and additional stationery drawer this White computer desk is more of a statement piece than just a boring old worktop This laptop desk includesSilver effect handlesChunky desk topSide panel insertsTapered leg detail for a bit more style Supplied Flat Pack - see instructions aside
Phoenix Fire Fighter FS0443E Size 3 Fire Safe with Electronic Lock The Phoenix UK FS0443E Fire Safe is ideal for protection of your files against fire and burglary in the home or office, with its advanced high security electronic lock with clear LED display and internal alarm. This Size 3 Fire and Security Safe offers security protection for up to £2,500 cash or £25,000 valuables and is fitted with a lockable drawer for increased security. The FS0443E comes supplied with one height adjustable shelf and additional shelves are available for purchase. The Phoenix Fire Fighter offers 90 minutes of fire protection for your paper documents and 60 minutes protection for digital media. It is constructed with a double walled steel body and door filled with multi layered fire resistant barrier material and is drop tested from 9.1 metres to ensure survival in the case of building collapse. Additional extras available: Extra height adjustable shelf Extra drawer key Equipped for storage of: 12 Lever arch folders 10 Foolscap lever arch folders 9 Foolscap box files Also available with a key lock or fingerprint lock