Mild cleansing and care for increased suppleness A mild and gentle exfoliating cleanser suitable for all skin types. This simple formulation gently lifts dirt and transports it to the skin's surface without removing natural oils or affecting the skin's natural balance. Botanical powders and oatmeal add refining and nourishing properties. Application: Place a teaspoon of the powder into the palm of your hand or small bowl. Add enough warm water to make a paste. Apply all over face and neck rubbing gently with fingertips in small circles, concentrating on troubled areas. For best results leave for 5-10 minutes (try and relax for best results). Rinse off gently using a warm water or soft face cloth. Pat face dry. The skin may feel a little tight for up to 20 minutes. This is normal. If you can resist the temptation to apply a moisturiser at this point after about 20 minutes the skin's own sebum glands will kick in and your skin will begin to feel and look amazing. Active Ingredients: Fine oatmeal, chamomile flowers, calendula petals, lavender flower tops, lemon balm. Fragrance: Mild, creamy, herbal notes Texture: Coarse yet soft powder Skin feel: Deeply cleansed, silky, smooth White Witch cosmetics are 100% plastic- and BPA-free. The packaging is made from upcycled and recycled glass and sealed with a corkscrew. The lid is biodegradable whereas the glass container can be reused. Ingredients: Fine Oatmeal (Avena Sativa), Chamomile Flowers (Anthemis Nobilis), Marigold Petals (Calendula Officinalis), Lavender Flower Tops (Lavandula Angustifolia ), Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)
Ein wärmendes Herz - ein wunderbares Geschenk für Menschen, die einem lieb sind! Herziges Unikat, handgefilzt aus feinster, weicher Merinowolle. - - herzförmige Wärmflasche von Hand mit hochfeiner, weicher Merinowolle eingefilzt - Wärmflasche gibt wunderbar gleichmäÃig die Wärme ab, ist...
Les Sels de bain Harmonie Silice et Fleurs de Bach 320gr Biofloral vont apporter Paix et Bien-etre. Aux Zestes d orange et a l Hibiscus. Pour retrouver la paix interieure, ces precieux Sels de Bain, enrichis en silice naturelle pour une meilleure efficacite, harmoniseront votre equilibre emotionnel et affectif, afin de retrouver un esprit serein et plein de joie. Grace a la triple action des Fleurs de Bach soigneusement choisies (Sweet Chestnut, Pine, Agrimony, Impatiens, Walnut), combinees a une selection d huiles essentielles, aux zestes d oranges et aux fleurs hibiscus, ces Sels de Bain vous permettront de retrouver l harmonie dans votre corps, votre ame et votre esprit.
Le Gel eclaircissant South Beach pour zones sensibles permet d'eclaircir les parties les plus sensibles et intimes de votre corps. produit vu a la television. - 3
Striagen-N Neck Firming cream is ideal for targeting loose neck skin, and aspires to tighten, smooth & lift with innovative AuraSphere, TensUp & Pronalen compounds. Striagen-N Neck Firming boosts each of these w botanicals Aloe Vera & Cucumber, plus Hyaluronic Acid. It’s applied twice everyday.