Leuchtendes Goldgelb. In der Nase vereinen sich zartfruchtige Aormen mit einem dezenten Hauch Vanillevon der Reife im Holz. Wunderschöne Eleganz, leichte Cremigkeit und ein Hauch prickelnde Mineralität erwarten auf einen am Gaumen. Langanhaltend und intensiv im Abgang. Passt zu: Edelfischen oder Muscheln, zum Beispiel zu Jakobsmuschel mit Safranschaum.
VZONE Graffiti 220W TC mod is made of PC and zinc alloy materials, durable and environment. The maximum output voltage is 7.5V, the maximum output current is 50A and the maximum output power is 220W. Aluminum alloy construction 0.91 inch OLED Display Houses 2 x 18650 (sold separately) Temp Range at 200?-600? / 100?-315? 510 threading connection Micro-USB port Output Wattage 7-220W Max Output Voltoge 7.5V Max Output Current 50A Resistance Range 0.1ohm-3ohm KA mode/0.05-1ohm for T/Ni 200/5S316 mode Memory Mode M1/M2/M3 Taste Mode Norm/Soft/Hard/User Size 90 x 56 x 26mm
Von intensivem Strohgelb mit goldenen Reflexen duftet der Wein nach weissen Blüten und fruchtigen Aromen von Banane und Ananas. Am Gaumen lebhaft und balanciert, überzeugt er mit seinem vollen Körper und seiner Eleganz. Harmonisches, sehr frisches Finale. Passt zu: mittelkräftigen Fleischgerichten, asiatischen Gerichten, Wildgeflügel und Schweinefleisch.
The Augvape Intake RTA with 24mm diameter features two airflow tubes to direct the air from top to the bottom of the coil to bring maximum flavor, which is one of the reason why it is called Intake RTA. It comes with a 4.2ml bubble glass tubes and a 2.5ml straight glass tube, and designed as leakage proof and easy top filling system. The build deck has two posts design with open channels for easy single coil building. Including low profile resin drip tip and a tall Delrin drip tip, the 510 drip tip can also be used with the included 510 adapter. Stainless steel construction 4.2/2.5ml juice capacity Glass tank (27*22*27mm/24*22*24mm) Top airflow in, bottom airflow out Super easy to build, super easy to refill Bottom airflow direct to the coil Dual posts deck with open channels for extremely single coil building Real leak proof and flavor chasing Simple top refilling design 24mm overall diameter Brand: Augvape Model Intake RTA Tank Capacity 4.2/2.5ml Diameter 24mm Size 50.5 x 24mm
Smok Nord kit is a distinctive pod system device.Being a button-triggered device, it has 1100mAh battery capacity. It is equipped with two exclusive coils, Nord Mesh 0.6
Produit pret a l emploi : nettoie tout du sol au plafond Aux huiles essentielles bio Sans colorant ni parfum de synthese Non teste sur animaux FABRICATION / ORIGINE : France COMPOSITION : 30% eau, 5-15% solvant,