Ein ausgewählter Wein von einer kleinen Domaine in der Provence - Intensive Frucht, würzig - herb, saftig, trocken
La Torche de Sauge Blanche a bruler de Californie et de feuilles d Eucalyptus est une torche de fumigation pour aider a purifier votre interieur, votre esprit et vos objets de toute energie negative. Sauge blanche de Californie de l espece Salvia Apiana. La Sauge blanche a bruler (Salvia Apiana) est originaire de Californie et est utilisee depuis des siecles par les Amerindiens durant les ceremonies de purification et les prieres. La Sauge blanche est un puissant purificateur. Il ouvrirait aussi l energie du coeur. La sauge est utilisee dans les ceremonies amerindiennes en raison de son pouvoir de purification, dans le but de nettoyer l aura et l environnement. Il elimine les energies lourdes et negatives. Il permet a l esprit et a l ame de se purifier. Ouvrez les fenetres pour que l energie negative puisse s echapper. La Sauge stimule egalement les reves nocturnes. Eucalyptus L Eucalyptus est utilise pour proteger, favoriser la sante et fournir de l energie durant la purification.
LOGO : Europeen/ AB ORIGINE : Agriculture UE/non-UE FABRICATION : France INGREDIENTS : couscous multicereales (88%) (semoule blanche de ble dur, semoules completes de ble dur, kamut, epeautre, mais), flocons d azukis, kasha (sarrasin torrefie), bouillon vegetal (oignon,coriandre,curcuma,celeri,huile d olive,carotte,ail,poireaux,poivre,persil), sel marin ALLERGENES : contient du gluten et du celeri SPECIFICITES PRODUIT : recette instantanee ; source de fibres CONSEILS D UTILISATION : verser la preparation dans un grand saladier. Ajouter 500 ml d eau chaude ou l equivalent en volume du couscous multicereales. Couvrir et laisser reposer quelques minutes. Lorsque la semoule est bien gonflee, aerer avec une fourchette. Ajouter eventuellement un filet d huile d olive ou une noix de beurre. Rectifier l assaisonnement si necessaire. Se consomme en accompagnement chaud ou froid. Certifie AB
Hastur MTL RTA is designed for mouth to lung and restricted lung hit vapers. 24mm in diameter. It comes with two 510 drip tips and 5 swappable air flow resisters ( 1.0mm, 1.6mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 3.5mm ), which are convenient for customers. Bigger posts can reduce the size of the chamber, new and easy refilling system provide better customer experience. Designed by Brian N(CA,USA) Bigger posts to reduce the size of chamber Raised building deck with easy locking post 5 swappable air flow resisters New and easy refilling system Food grade 304 stainless steel Two 510 drip tips and two glass tubes Two 510 drip tips ( 3.5mm and 2.0mm ) 510 threading connection Supports wattage : 5-50W 24mm diameter Brand: Cthulhu Model Hastur Tank Capacity 3.5ml Diameter 24mm Size 43 x 24mm
The authentic REVENANT REV GTS 230W box mod comes with supreme luxury, HD screen and beautiful ergonomic design, and is powered by dual 18650 batteries for maximum output up to 230W. The phenomenal menu system gives you options galore for full control and the screen even features multi-color option detail to create match your vaping lifestyle. 510 atomizer connector 2h Charging time 25mm Diameter Supports 2pcs 18650 batteries (sold separately) Supreme luxury and beautiful ergonomic design The phenomenal menu system gives you options galore for full control Equipped with a special button for quick switch whenever you need it HD display screen inspired by dashboard design, multi-color option detail to create match your vaping lifestyle Thread Type: 510 thread Brand Model REV GTS Power Range 5-230W Modes POWER/VT(NI200,SS,TI) / TCR(M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6) / BYPASS / PREHEAT Voltage Range 0-8.5v Resistance Range 0.08-3
mmmm delicious! As soon as you enter Aunt Trudl's house you can smell the mouthwatering aroma of apples and cinnamon! LEt the scents of her apple strudel wash over you with this delicious tea. The comforting fruit tea blend allows you to experience these scents and flavours every day! The gorgeous, fruity and sweet scent of cinnamon and apples determines the flavor of the tea. It's just like drinking a homemade apple strudel.