Abschalten kann gelernt werden Im Zeitalter von Stress und Hektik müssen wir wieder lernen, abzuschalten. Der Loslassen-Kräutertee soll uns dabei unterstützen, die Energie wieder auf die wirklich wichtigen Dinge zu fokussieren. Der Loslassen-Tee duftet frisch zitronig mit einer lieblichen Blumennote. Der ausgewogene Geschmack kann als fruchtig-zitronig mit einer süßlichen Nuance beschrieben werden. Ein harmonisches Heißgetränk, das jedes Frühstück zu einem Genuss macht. Zutaten: Sonnenblumenblätter bio, GRÜNER HAFER bio, Zitronenmelisse bio, Ringelblumen bio, Sonnenblumenblütenblätter bio, Goldmelisse bio, Holunderblüten bio, Kornblumen bio, Rosenblüten bio Enthaltene Allergene: Gluten, Hafer
Here comes the newest SMOK MAG BABY KIT! As the mini edition of SMOK MAG Kit, MAG BABY KIT consists of MAG BABY MOD and TFV12 Baby Prince Tank. It features built-in 1600mAh battery and supports for up to 50 watts of output power. Also, MAG BABY KIT supports for temperature control/power smart dual mode, allowing you to enjoy a different taste and smoke. Combined with TFV12 Baby Prince Tank, it will bring you denser cloud and purer flavor. This time SMOK MAG BABY KIT will change your vaping experience again! Ergonomic design for comfortable holding Easy-to-read 0.96 inch OLED screen Built-in 1600mAh battery with a maximum output of 50W TC Range at 200'F-600'F / 100'C-315'C Multiple protections avoiding potential risks Paired with TFV12 Baby Prince Tank, which is 4.5ml capacity. Brand: Smoktech Variable wattage 1-50W Voltage range 0.5-9V Resistance range 0.1-2.5ohm(VW Mode)/0.05-2ohm(TC Mode) Tank Capacity 4.5ml Size 115 x 46 x 27mm
Artery PAL II Kit is thin and portable in your hands. With 3ml e-liquid capacity and a built-in 1000mAh battery, you can vape for a really long time with Artery PAL II Kit. What's more, the Artery PAL 2 kit comes with two excellent coils, 1.2ohm regular MTL coil, and 0.6ohm mesh coil, it will bring great flavor and decent vapor production. The innovative slide refilling system upgrades the juice filling to a new level! Aluminum 6063 Material LED Battery Life Indicator Unique side refilling system Innovative MTL coil and Mesh coil Compact and portable design Best for MTL & sub-ohm vape Adjustable airflow Built-in 1000mAh battery via USB charging Coil Resistance: 0.6ohm Mesh coil(15-23W, best with 70VG e-juice)
1.2ohm Regular coil(7-12W, best with 50-70VG e-juice)
1.0ohm Regular coil(9-13W, not-included) Brand: Ehpro Model Artery PAL Juice Capacity 3ml/2ml Size 83 x 43 x 17mm
Die autochthone Lagrein-Traube steht für den besonderen Rotwein-Genuss aus Südtirol. Der granatrote Nals Margreid Lagrein bietet ein facettenreiches Bukett mit Noten von reifen Kirschen, Veilchen und Schokolade. Am Gaumen ist dieser fruchtig-würzige...
Couscous elabore a partir de semoule de ble dur cultive dans le Sud Ouest et en Camargue : volonte de perenniser cette culture dans le bassin mediterraneen. Preparation instantanee Specificite du produit : Ce couscous presente la particularite d etre elabore a partir de semoule de ble dur cultive en France dans le Sud Ouest et en Camargue. La valorisation de ce ble dur sous la forme de ce couscous participe a notre volonte, partagee avec un groupe de producteurs, de cooperatives et d un fabricant de semoule, de perenniser et developper cette culture dans le bassin mediterraneen. La biodiversite reste ainsi protegee. Ingredients: Semoule de ble dur demi-complete issue de l agriculture biologique Information allergenes : Contient du gluten Traces d allergenes, nous consulter Conseils d utilisation : Preparation instantanee: verser un vol. d eau bouillante salee sur un vol. de couscous, couvrir, laisser gonfler 5 mn, puis egrener a la fourchette. Certifie AB Certifie ECOCERT