SKYDECK CHICAGO At 1,353 feet and 110 stories above the streets of downtown Chicago, The Ledge at the Willis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower) Skydeck will transform any visitor's--or local's for that matter--experience with the Windy City. In January 2009, Willis Tower owners began a major renovation of the beloved Skydeck, which originally opened in 1974, and served as a premier tourist attraction throughout the skyscraper's tenure as the Sears Tower. When ownership changed hands, the fresh blood added a fresh look--and adrenaline rush--to the 103rd floor in the form of retractable glass balconies extending about 4 feet over Wacker Drive and the Chicago River below. Still the 8th tallest building in the world, and the absolute tallest in the Western Hemisphere, Willis Tower's Skydeck draws 1.5 million people a year who are eager to ascend the 110-story, 1,454 foot (443 meter) building for awesome panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. Your journey to the top of the Willis Tower starts with a walk through an airport-style metal detector, followed by a slow elevator ride down to the waiting area where visitors queue for tickets. A sign will tell you how long you'll have to wait to get up high; this is a good time to confirm the visibility. Even days that seem sunny can have upper-level haze that limits the view. On good days, however, you can see for 40 to 50 miles (64 to 80 kilometers), as far as the states of Indiana, Michigan. Iowa, and Wisconsin. While you wait, you can watch a film about Willis Tower factoids. Then you'll wait a little longer before the ear-popping, 70 second elevator ride up to the 103rd floor deck. From here, the entire city stretches below, and you can see exactly how Chicago is laid out. Willis Tower, Skydeck, and The Ledge Fast Facts The hundreds of forehead prints visitors left behind each week on Skydeck windows served as this inspiration for The Ledge. The Ledge boxes can each bear about 4-1/2 metric tons of weight, and adventurers who trust that statistic enough to prove it can often be found jumping and bounding around the entirely translucent enclosures as Chicago's heavy traffic and infrastructure bustle below. The Ledge’s glass panels weight 1,500 pounds apiece, and each box is comprised of three layers of half-inch thick glass laminated into one seamless unit. In addition to serving 1.3 million tourists per year in its 4.5+ million square feet of space, Willis Tower is home to more than 100 companies, including prominent law, insurance, transportation, and financial services. The Ledge's glass boxes retract into the Skydeck main floor for easy maintenance, probably mostly cleaning off the 974 dead birds that must fly into them every month. The Moonwalk is the most popular dance performed on The Ledge, followed closely by the Running Man. Riverdance clocks in at a distant third. Bringing people who are afraid of heights to The Ledge is not recommended, unless you are mean-spirited or really don't like them. In which case, you should probably just take them here. Willis Tower was known as Sears Tower for decades, until the 30th anniversary of Diff'rent Strokes, at which point it was rightfully renamed SHEDD AQUARIUM EXHIBITS AMPHIBIANS! Get ready for a toadally ribbiting experience! Shedd’s new special exhibit, Amphibians, hops into the aquarium May 16 and is included with admission. In Amphibians, you’ll meet 40 species of frogs, salamanders and rarely seen caecilians. Learn how amphibians’ lives are full of change, from their life cycles to their adaptations to live in nearly every environment on Earth. Find out how too much change can spell trouble for amphibians — and how you can help them cope with big changes in our world today! Waters of the World Travel the world in 80 habitats. Dive into Oceans, from coastal kelp forests to the seafloor. Explore the self-contained ecosystems of Islands and Lakes. Visit Rivers—big and small—and learn more about our local waters in the new At Home on the Great Lakes exhibit. Meet hundreds of amazing animals, from tiny mantella frogsto a a giant octopus, from a Grand Cayman blue iguana to Nile knifefish, and from moon jellies to sea stars. We even have map turtles, in case you get lost. Caribbean Reef Take a 360-degree tour of an underwater reef community. Follow a green sea turtle. Peek at a moray eel in a rocky crevice. Watch regal rays glide by. Get eye-to-eye with parrot fish and sharks. Visit Caribbean Reef, Shedd’s award-winning 90,000-gallon circular habitat in the grand rotunda. Amazon Rising Take an exotic journey in the Amazon, home to one-third of all living things. Watch out for anacondas and piranhas, spiders, rays and a camouflaged caiman. In churning river channels, still lakes and even flooded treetops look for tetras, turtles and fruit-eating fish called tambaqui. See how the region’s animals, plants and people adapt to the water’s dramatic annual rise and fall. Abbott Oceanarium The Abbott Oceanarium immerses you in the vibrant coastal ecosystem of beluga whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, sea otters and sea lions. You’ll also find a host of fishes and invertebrates that make their homes where freshwater flows into the ocean or where tides turn seascapes to landscapes and back again each day. Use our self-guided map to discover how animals are linked to each other, their homes and you. Polar Play Zone Kids have a place at Shedd that they can call their own—Polar Play Zone. It’s cool as ice and twice as nice! The penguins think so, too. Play! Splash! Pretend! What would you like to be? A sleek sliding penguin? A deep-sea explorer? How about both? In Polar Play Zone, you can slip into a penguin suit and try being a bird in the Icy South play area. From there, head to the Icy North to explore the belugas’ Arctic waters in a kid-sized submarine. Don’t forget to shake hands—or is it arms?—with colorful sea stars in the touch pools. In Polar Play Zone, you’ll learn about polar opposites—big and small, fast and slow, shallow and deep, even north and south—while you play. The Oceanarium Aquatic Presentation is included however based on available seating and remaining show times at the time of guest arrival. (2018 Aquatic Presentation Schedule) Stingray Touch (seasonal experience) is included. Open late May through October. 4D Experience is not included however the 4D experience tickets may be purchased at the theatre for $3.00 per -person
Zonas del Parque The Beginning The Beginning es donde empieza la diversión. Recoja sus entradas y pases y, por supuesto, mapas del Parque. ¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Los Model Citizen (los trabajadores de LEGOLAND) están listos para ayudarle. ¡Además de estar listos para intercambiar sus minifiguras con usted! LEGO® NINJAGO® WORLD ¡Conviértase en un maestro del Spinjitzu y ponga sus habilidades de ninja a prueba! Imagination Zone ¿Dónde si no podría estimular su creatividad con LEGO? ¡Por supuesto en la Zona de la Imaginación! Este espacio tiene muchísimos sets y edificios para jugar de forma gratuita y los mejores modelos LEGO del Parque. Land of Adventure Las 5 atracciones de Land of Adventure bien seguro sacarán el explorador que cada miembro de la familia tiene en su interior. Castle Hill Castle Hill crea la ilusión de un tiempo romántico de la historia donde reyes y reinas reinaron, y los caballeros rescataban damiselas en peligro. Pirate Shores ¡Agarraos fuertes grumetes y navegantes de agua dulce! Suba a bordo de esta increíble y emocionante aventura. Pirate Shores incluye atracciones de agua con aventuras en alta mar cautivadoras que conseguirán emocionar a bucaneros de todas las edades. Miniland USA Vea el Puente Golden Gate de San Francisco, el Capitolio en Washington D.C., el divertido Mardi Grass de Nueva Orleans, la Grand Central Station de Nueva York y el Strip de Las Vegas. ¡Todo el mismo día! O viaje hasta una galaxia muy muy lejana. Y por cierto, sabemos que está pensando: hay unas 32.496.352 piezas de LEGO, más o menos. Fun Town Fun Town es en realidad la ciudad de los niños. Ya sea conduciendo coches, navegando en barco o apagando fuegos, los niños siempre están al mando. LEGO® FRIENDS HEARTLAKE CITY ¡Haga nuevos amigos en la mejor de las ciudades! Explorer Island ¡Viaje en el tiempo cuando los dinosaurios paseaban por la tierra! Desentierre fósiles o vea la isla desde el punto de vista de un dinosaurio con la montaña rusa de la isla. ¡La nueva y mejorada App móvil de LEGOLAND hace que planear su día sea más fácil! Características: Tiempos de espera de las atracciones Un mapa interactivo para explorar con más facilidad Ofertas para comidas y compras exclusivas Guía de espectáculos y animación diario para que no se pierda nada. Información de las atracciones, incluyendo una guía de alturas Horarios del Parque y dirección Un localizador para el coche que marca donde ha aparcado Útiles consejos para el Parque *Puede llevar las entradas impresas o en su dispositivo móvil.
From England's glorious World Cup victory in 1966, the unforgettable Live Aid concert in 1985, FC Barcelona's stunning UEFA Champion's League triumph in 2011 or the historic ongoing tradition of the FA Cup Final, the Wembley Stadium Tour gives you the chance to relive your greatest moments, and create some new ones, as you go behind-the-scenes at the most famous stadium in the world.
Sense the history in the England Changing Rooms
Take Roy Hodgson's hot-seat in the Press Room
Take photographs from some of the best views in the stadium
Experience the tension of the Players Tunnel
Climb the 107 sacred Trophy Winner's steps
Visit the Royal Box and get your hands on the FA Cup*
Your guided tour will include access to Wembley's historical treasures such as the 1966 World Cup crossbar, the Jules Rimet Trophy commemorating England's World Cup glory, the original flag from London's 1948 Olympic Games and much, much more. *Replica representation of The FA Cup. Tour and Route subject to availability, alteration and cancellation at short notice.
The Wembley Tour now also includes The FA 150 Exhibition celebrating 150 years of English football. Highlights include the original FA Rule Book written in 1863, a timeline telling the full story of the modern game and trophies such as the original FA Cup, the original FA Charity Shield and the 1966 Jules Rimet Trophy.
The Original Tour Puede ver el mapa de ruta completo en este enlace. Ruta Amarilla La Ruta Amarilla presenta los principales lugares de interés de Londres, como la Torre de Londres, la Catedral de San Pablo, el London Eye y el Marble Arch. Cruzando el río cuatro veces, le garantiza unas vistas espectaculares del impresionante paisaje de Londres a lo largo del Támesis. La Ruta Amarilla T2 dispone de audioguía en 11 idiomas diferentes (inglés, alemán, francés, español, italiano, ruso, japonés, portugués, mandarín, árabe y brasileño) y en la Ruta Amarilla T1 hay guías en directo. El punto de partida principal de esta ruta se encuentra en Coventry Street, Piccadilly Circus, pero podrá abordar el autobús en cualquier parada a lo largo de la ruta. Ruta Azul - The Royal Borough Route La sección sur de la Ruta Azul permanece sin cambios, cubriendo el popular distrito comercial de Kensington con los famosos Harrods y Harvey Nicholls, así como los museos de Kensington incluyendo el Victoria & Albert Museum, el Museo de Ciencias, el Museo de Historia Natural y el recién reubicado Museo del Diseño (apertura el 24 de noviembre de 2016). El Royal Borough de Kensington y Chelsea es el barrio más pequeño de Londres, pero también uno de los más poblados. Apodado 'Albertopolis', la zona contiene algunas de las propiedades residenciales más caras en Londres, junto con un gran número de museos (muchos con entrada gratuita) y las instituciones culturales. Ruta Naranja: The British Museum Tour The British Museum es la atracción más popular de Londres con más de 6 millones de visitantes al año. Dedicado a la historia de la humanidad, el arte y la cultura, el museo ha albergado a más de 8 millones de exposiciones (¡no todas al mismo tiempo!) El Nuevo diseño de la ruta le ofrece fácil acceso desde las estaciones de tren de Kings Cross, St Pancras y Euston. Los clientes que lleguen a estas estaciones podrán llegar fácilmente al centro de Londres para cambiar a la ruta amarilla que cubren todos los lugares de interés de la ciudad. Ruta Verde La ruta verde es útil si quiere cruzar la ciudad rápidamente para ir de un lugar a otro. Funciona cada 20 minutos con el primer autobús que sale de Charing Cross Road (Leicester Square) a las 9:00h y termina a las 14:35h. Ruta Púrpura La ruta purpura es útil si se aloja en hoteles situados en Bayswater, Notting Hill, Holland Park o Lancaster Gate, o dese air de compras a Westfield Shepherds Bush. Opera hacia la zona este y oeste, funciona con más frecuencia hacia el este, permitiéndole unirse a la ruta amarilla en Marble Arch. Ruta Roja La Ruta Roja ofrece comentarios multilingües en 11 idiomas diferentes (inglés, alemán, francés, español, italiano, ruso, japonés, portugués, mandarín, árabe y portugués brasileño), así como un canal único para niños (en inglés). Con 35 paradas convenientemente situadas alrededor de Londres, siéntese, relájese y disfrute de los lugares de interés: Hyde Park, las Casas del Parlamento, el Shard y Madame Tussauds. El punto de partida principal de esta excursión se encuentra en Grosvenor Gardens, Victoria Train Station, pero podrá abordar el autobús en cualquier parada a lo largo de la ruta. EXPLORE LOS TOURS A PIE POR LONDRES GRATIS Conozca de cerca la increíble historia de Londres. ¡Incluido GRATIS con cada billete de autobús! Tres fabulosos paseos que le pondrán en el corazón de la ciudad más emocionante del mundo: Paseo del Cambio de la Guardia: Vea Buckingham Palace, St. James Palace y los regimientos que los custodian en este emocionante paseo, a medida que marcha junto a los guardias de Buckingham Palace.* Sale diariamente a las 10:00h desde el Centro de Atención al Cliente de The Original Tour. Paseo del Rock 'n' Roll: Haga un paseo de 90 minutos por el corazón de la herencia Rockera de Londres: Los Beatles, los Rolling Stones, David Bowie y The Sex Pistols - ¡Es sólo Rock 'n' Roll, pero te gustará! Sale diariamente a las 13:00 desde el Centro de Atención al Cliente de The Original Tour. Paseo de Jack el Destripador: Sigue los pasos del asesino en serie más famoso del mundo mientras le revelan la criminal historia acerca de lo ocurrido en la oscura calle de Whitechapel en 1888. Sale diariamente a las 16:00 de la parada de The Original Tour en la Torre de Londres, en Tower Hill * En los días en que no hay Cambio de la Guardia (martes, juéves y sábado), el tour le llevará a fer el Cambio de Guardia en caballo y a continuación visitarán Buckingham Palace. El Cambio de Guardia no se celebra si está lloviendo. ** Todos los recorridos duran aproximadamente 90 minutos. Tenga en cuenta que el Paseo de Jack el Destripador terminará en la estación de metro de Aldgate East y no en una de sus paradas de autobuses. *** Los Paseos guiados a pie están incluidos GRATIS con el billete de the Original Tour, pero se pueden comprar por separado por 11,20 € cada uno. Madame Tussauds Londres Madame Tussauds de Londres fue el primer Madame Tussauds del mundo... millones y millones de personas se han congregado en las puertas de Madame Tussauds desde que se abrieron hace 200 años y actualmente sigue siendo una actividad tan popular como antes. Hay muchas razones para este éxito duradero, pero en el fondo la clave de todo es la curiosidad humana. Los visitantes de hoy son enviados en un viaje extraordinario y emocionalmente por los reinos de los poderosos y famosos. Las típicas barreras de los museos desaparecen aquí para que los visitantes realmente se puedan acercar a las celebridades, leyendas del deporte, pesos pesados de la política y iconos histórios, dando a conocer hechos históricos, eventos y momentos que marcaron el mundo. Luego acercase a stus Superhéroes favoritos de Marvel antes de prepararte para experimentar la espectacular y exclusiva película Marvel Super Heroes 4D, donde los Superhéroes de Marvel luchan para salvar a Londres de una condena inminente. ¿Con quién desea hacerse una foto?
We are excited to announce a new drop ride and show – Escape Alcatraz – has arrived at the San Francisco Dungeon ! The new ride creates a thrilling finale to the sixty-minute Dungeon experience, complete with fresh sets, script, characters, and costumes, culminates in a heart-pounding drop ride simulating a jump from the infamous island prison into the frigid and choppy waters of the San Francisco Bay. Escape Alcatraz is now included in all tickets. The Dungeons is the first for Merlin in the USA and Madame Tussauds is the fifth addition to the USA and a cornerstone on Merlin Entertainments roll out of new sites across the USA, Asia, Europe and Australasia. The San Francisco Dungeons is an experience that will inform and entertain, is scary but fun, that sees the funny side of horror and is grippingly captivating. Humour sets Dungeons apart with this actor-led live shows as it trawls through history and brings every visitor face-to-face with the chilling truth our past. Madame Tussauds is the ultimate celebrity fun day out, where else can you get up close and personal with A-List celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights and historical icons and relive the lives, events and moments that made the world talk about them. HALLOWEEN AT THE SAN FRANCISCO DUNGEON 2015 SCARE DATES ANNOUNCED OCTOBER 1ST – OCTOBER 31ST, 2015! Miss Piggott is returning to The Home of Halloween, The San Francisco Dungeon! Join Miss Piggott as you experience 200 years of history through 9 live actor shows. October heralds the return of Miss Piggott, a saloon owner who may or may not run a little shanghaiing business on the side. She's been away looking for some new girls for her saloon, but she's been hearing some news about this Jack fellow who's moving in on her turf and might be threatening her girls. She'll be scoping out the situation, so she might pop up for a night at a bar or two in the city, working the crowds and listening in for some of the latest gossip. She's planning to be back in the Dungeon by Halloween, right in time to chase Jack away, and ply her new customers with some more tricks and treats. The San Francisco Dungeon is the first attraction of its kind in North America and brings to life the stories of the old Bay Area with a full theatrical cast, special effects, gripping storytelling, and 360-degree sets. The San Francisco Dungeon is the ultimate live action journey through the Bay Area’s murky past where the audience is part of the show. ** No child or children under the age of 13 will be admitted to The San Francisco Dungeon unless accompanied and supervised by a paying adult aged 18 years or over.
Historic setting: The Household Cavalry Museum sits within Horse Guards in Whitehall, central London, one of the city’s most historic buildings. Dating from 1750, it is still the headquarters of the Household Division, in which the Household Cavalry has performed the Queen’s Life Guard in a daily ceremony that has remained broadly unchanged for over 350 years. The Household Cavalry: The Household Cavalry was formed in 1661 under the direct order of King Charles II and now consists of the two senior regiments of the British Army – The Life Guards and the Blues and Royals. We have two roles: as a mounted regiment (on horseback), we guard Her Majesty The Queen on ceremonial occasions in London and across the UK and are a key part of the Royal pageantry; as an operational regiment we serve around the world in armoured fighting vehicles. We currently have units deployed on active service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our fighting capacity is matched by our strategic role in international peace keeping and humanitarian operations. Collections: Over the centuries we have amassed an outstanding collection of rare and unique treasures from ceremonial uniforms, royal standards and gallantry awards to musical instruments, horse furniture and silverware by Fabergé. Each exhibit has its own compelling story to tell and many are on display for the very first time. You can see two silver kettledrums given to the regiment in 1831 by William IV; the pistol ball that wounded Sir Robert Hill at Waterloo and the cork leg which belonged to the first Marquess of Anglesy, who, as the Earl of Uxbridge, lost his real one at Waterloo. Modern additions to the collection include Jacky Charlton’s football cap – he did his national service with the regiment and Sefton’s bridle – the horse that was injured in the 1982 Hyde Park bombings. Much of the collection has resulted from the close association that has existed between the Household Cavalry and Royalty. We have, after all, protected successive kings and queens from rebels, rioters and assassins for nearly 350 years. Working Stable Block: Visitors can gain a unique behind-the-scenes look at our working stable block. All the horses here are on duty and at different times of the day you will see something going on - you might see the horses being brought in, groomed, fed and watered, their hooves oiled and shoes checked, their saddles adjusted ready to go on guard or just see the stables themselves being cleaned. Both our horses and riders go through a rigorous and demanding training. In the Museum's many interactive and multimedia presentations, you will hear first hand accounts of what this training is like and the techniques our soldiers use to master their horses and complete the gruelling preparations for regimental inspections.