Do what you love! Schreib dir die Welt, wie sie dir gefällt! Der neue College Fashion zeigt die stylishen Trends aus der aktuellen Mode. Eine Extraportion Vitamine gibt's mit dem Exotic Fruit in leuchtend gelben und grünen Farben. Noch bunter? Triangle schlägt die Brücke zwischen harmonischen und kontrastreichen Farben. Die angesagten Dreiecke zeigen klar, dass auch Geometrie stylish sein kann. Trendbewusste Vielschreiber werden in der College Fashion Line sicher fündig. Das Best Writer Geschenkset von ONLINE mit dem Schönschreibfüller in trendigem Design und zwei weiteren Griffstücken, ausgestattet mit drei hochwertigen Kalligrafie-Federn in den Federstärken 0,8 mm, 1,4 mm, 1,8 mm für kreatives Schreiben garantiert ein angenehmes, flüssiges Schreibgefühl. Nachfüllbar mit ONLINE Kombipatronen oder Standard-Tintenpatronen. Mit dem Best Writer macht Schreiben und Gestalten richtig Spaß. Stück für Stück geprüfte Qualität - Made in Germany. Auf die robusten Federn gewährt ONLINE 5 Jahre Garantie.
Blackout privacy filters are designed for use in open, high-traffic environments where on-screen data needs to be kept private. The technology makes on-screen information visible only to persons directly in front of the screen without blurring or distorting the image.With mobile devices being used more in public, privacy protection has become an increasingly important issue. Shoulder surfing as it has become labelled, is a growing form of identity theft in which private on-screen information is either viewed or photographed over the shoulders of anyone using a mobile device. Whether you use a smartphone, laptop or tablet, you can protect your privacy in public with PrivaScreen™ Filters. PrivaScreen™ Filters blackout the screen image when viewed from 30º side angles to prevent prying eyes from reading your screen. Yet on-screen data is clearly visible from a straight-on view, allowing you to work worry-free, even on the go.To find the perfect privacy screen for your computer click here.DimensionsAspect Ratio - 16:09Diagonal (inch) - 12.5Width (inch) - 10.9375Width (mm) - 278Height (inch) - 6.125Height (mm) - 156Privacy filter fits widescreen laptops with a diagonal screen measurement of 12.5 inch (viewable area only), 16:9 aspect ratio, easy to attach and remove, reduces screen glare to help prevent eye strain, blackout side view when viewed from a 30º side angle, protects screen from scratches and fingerprints, 100% recyclable
M:Line Four Drawer Lockable Filing Cabinets- Sunshine Yellow The M:Line cabinet is recommended for those who require increased filing capacity for the office, home office or study. A wide range of colours is available to make it easy to match your interior, or make a statement with the addition of an eyecatching colour. This filing cabinet features a 50kg capacity per drawer with increased durability, and an anti-tilt mechanism to prevent tipping when the upper drawers are opened. Drawers are 100% extendable and fully lockable. Please note: This is a made to order item and has a delivery time of 15-21 working days We are happy to provide colour samples if you are unsure. Please do not hesitate to ask, as this is a non-returnable item. (images are for information purposes only) The M:Line cabinet comes fully assembled to assure the highest standard of durability
The Phoenician Engineering medical grade large 4 piece grinder is 3.225" in Diameter, 2.225" in Height and are 9.0 oz in weight. This large anodized 4 piece grinder comes with a proprietary quick lock threadless system which makes it impossible to cross thread and also contain removable screens. Each Phoenician is individually serialized and comes with a Lifetime Warranty. This Phoenician lid incorporates an ashtray as well as a rolling paper dispenser for convenience and to make your friends jealous. This product may take from 3 to 5 days before shipping.
DURACLIP® das Original: von DURABLE entwickelt, aus strapazierfähiger Folie, mit langlebiger Klemme aus Spezialstahl. Zum professionellen Präsentieren, Ordnen und Aufbewahren von ungelochtem Schriftgut im Querformat (z.B. Excel-Tabellen, Powerpoint-Präsentationen etc.). Aufdrucke, z. B. Firmenlogos, verwandeln DURACLIP® in einen individuellen Werbeträger. Mit transparentem Vorderdeckel. Fassungsvermögen: 130 Blatt DIN A4 Querformat Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Produktfarbe Schwarz, Blau Material PVC Maximale Kapazität 30 Blätter Format A4 Verpackungsinhalt Menge pro Packung 1