Leuchtendes Gelb mit grünlichen Reflexen, Duft nach frischen grünen Äpfeln, feinperlend. Passt zu: Canapees, Lachsmousse.
The Oni is back and in excess of anyone's imagination with the Oni 167W which is presently controlled by an Official Evolv DNA250 Chip. This chipset takes after its predecessors and takes into consideration full customization with its official Evolv DNA250 chip. The DNA 250 chip will provide the Oni 167W with all modifications and updates via Escribe software. The Oni Version DNA250 highlights an exceptionally one of a kind compatible battery type ability. The battery port casing that uses 2x 18650 batteries caps at 167 watts. The 18650 casing can be expelled and replaced with a LiPo battery pack. Changing to a LiPo pack lets the Oni to be boosted to 250 watts! T6061 Aluminium body 0.91" OLED screen Powered by an official DNA 250 chip Upgradeable Escribe Software Industrialized T6061 Aluminum Construction Temperature Limit 200¡ãF - 600¡ãF Powered by 2 x 18650 (not included) Full Body Customization Intuitive OLED Display Magnetized Battery Door Three-Button Operation Reverse Protection System 97% Output Efficiency Cell-by-Cell Monitoring Cell Balancer Atomizer Protection Low Resistance Protection Short Circuit Protection Overheat Protection Low Voltage Step Down Protection 510 Connection Brand: asMODus Wattage Output Range 1-250W Voltage Output Range 1-9V Min Kanthal Resistance 0.1ohm Min Temperature Resistance 0.08ohm Resistance range 0.1-2ohm(VW); 0.08-1ohm(TC) Size 90.5 x 54 x 27mm
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Vapor Storm Puma Baby, the upgraded vaping device of the Vapor Storm Puma, is still made of the light weight ABS material for good hand feeling. Decorated with unique graffiti series design, the Puma Baby Kit brings you more fashion and passion. Powered by single 18650 battery, the Puma Baby can fire up to the output of 80W with advanced TC mode. And the Puma Baby also has 0.91 inch OLED display, which can bring you detailed working information. ABS plastic material with good hand feeling Unique graffiti patterns with attractive colors 80W maximum output power Bright 0.91-inch OLED screen 10 seconds continuous vape time Temperature range at 100-315
Schönes Rubinrot mit opulenten Aromen von feiner Waldfrucht und einem Hauch Vanille, am Gaumen schönes Tannin, feine Röstaromen vollmundig und samtig, mit enormer Länge und Fülle. Passt zu: dunklem Fleisch oder Wild mit einer kräftigen Jus und herzhaften Beilagen, wie geschmorte Schweinebäckchen in Rotweinjus mit karamellisierten Zwiebeln, Speckbohnen und Kräuterkartoffeln.
Intensives Rubinrot mit violetten Farbreflexen. Elegantes und charakteristisches Bukett, das Noten von Brombeeren und Johannisbeeren harmonisch mit den Syrah-typischen Würzakzenten verbindet. Im Geschmack ausgewogen, sauber, frisch.