1. No tar or other carcinogenic substances. 2. Harmless to others or the environment. 3. No danger of second-hand smoking. 4. Can smoke in a public place
Fascia G un Muscle Relaxation Massager Gym High Frequency Vibration Percussion MassageFeature:1. 75dB low noiseIt is quiet. Whisper quiet when compared to other massage g uns. So just relax and enjoy the quiet massage! Compact and lightweight, the massager is designed to be flat, small, and easy to be carried arround. The muscle massager uses pulsating vibrations to provide benefits for health. Brings tired body Restore vitality.2. 60Hz high frequency stimulationThe massager can activate the muscles, stimulate blood flow, greatly reduce muscle recovery time, relieve pain and relax from head to toe.3. Equipped with 4 massage heads.4 types of massage heads can be switched, custom soft massage heads provide a comfortable massage experience while reducing bone damag.The standard massage head is suitable for small muscle groups.The large massage head is suitable for large muscle groups.The cone-shape massage hear is designed for joint parts, deep tissue, trigger points.4. 2500mAh power lithium battery3 hours of charging, 4 hours of using high gear.5. 6-speed shifting, adjustable speed6-speed speed control design to meet different massage needs. Allowing you to focus on deep tissue work, increased circulation, or mobility.Specifications:Voltage input: 100~240V 50/60HzOuput:12.6VType: Li-ionMaterial: PP+ABSMassage Head Material: PPCapacity: 2500mAhWorking Hour: 4-5 HoursPower cord length:152cmSwitching mode: double switch, power + gearStrength gear: 6 gears adjustable + LED indicato
Microcristalliner Hydroxylapatit aus Rinderknochen Calcium ist der am häufigsten vertretene Mineralstoff im menschlichen Körper und wird zu 99% im Skelett gespeichert. MicroCristalliner HydroxylApatit (MCHA) ist natürlichen Ursprungs und reich an Calcium. Da er aus Rinderknochen gewonnen wird, enthält er weitere Bestandteile (Mineralstoffe, Proteine, Matrixbestandteile und Glycosaminoglykane). Besonders mit fortgeschrittenem Lebensalter ist eine ausreichende Zufuhr von Calcium wichtig. Verzehrempfehlung: 3 x 1 Kapsel pro Tag zu oder zwischen den Mahlzeiten.
Le charbon vegetal va vous permettre de vous debarrasser de toutes les toxines presentes dans votre corpsgracea ses proprietes de desintoxication. Il sera parfaitement tolere par votre corps et agira sur la plupart de vos troubles digestifs et intestinaux comme les ballonnements, les crampes d estomac, les douleurs et toutes les autres causes d inconfort. LeCharbon Vegetal du laboratoire Feniouxva absorber toutes les substances indesirables presentes dans votre corps comme les residus de pesticides ou d engrais, les bacteries toxiques et les additifsqui peuvent etre presents dans votre alimentation. Il vous aidera aussi a reprendre de bonnes habitudes alimentaires tout en s attaquant a tout ce qui cause vos troubles intestinaux. Le meilleur dans tout ca c estqu il vous aidera a recuperer un ventre plat pour vous aider a vous preparer pour l ete. Ingredients / INCI : Charbon vegetal, Gelatine. 6 gelules par jour vous apportent : Charbon vegetal : 1,5 g.
Fantastic flavour, very creamy and great vapour production. 10ml (0.34 fl oz)MPG/VG Ratio 70%/30%Bowman products may contain nicotine which is an addictive drug. If unsure of use, please consult your doctor.Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used within Bowman productsBowman products are not intended as a nicotine replacement therapy, nor do they function as a cessation device, they are intended as an alternative to smoking.Bowman products are intended for use by existing smokers aged 18 or over as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes.Bowman products are not to be used by children, pregnant or breast feeding women or persons in ill health.Bowman products contain no tar, no tobacco and no carbon monoxide.
Multicolors for your option with 650/900/1100mah battery, Please leave a message about your choice of the COLORS you want, or we will send randomly.