In der Nase ein Reigen von Südfrüchten, wie Mango, Papaya und Avocado. Im Geschmack ein intensives Aromenspiel aus einem exotischen Früchtekorb. Passt zu: Käse und Gänseleber.
These coils are perfect for advanced vapers who may not have the time to build, or any vapers looking to experience the quality vaping experience that comes from the more advanced coils. Name: Pre-made Coil Wire Coil AWG 28GA Resistance 1.3ohm Wire Diameter 0.32mm Quantity 100
Tipo:Encendedor a Gas; Estilo:Novedad; Características:Estuche; Material:Metal; Contenido del Paquete:1 Encendedor
Introducing a new addition to our kit range, the Aspire Typhon 100 Revvo Kit A brand new kit, combining the imaginative, innovative Revvo tank, and the Typhon 100 mod.The Revvo tank with an all new coil design, the ARC, Aspire Radial Coil, where the coil itself sits horizontally in the tank similar to a 'stove-top' for great flavor and great vapor production.It's a 24mm diameter tank with a 3.6ml standard and a 2ml TPD version.The tank has a fully adjustable top airflow by way of 3 airflow slots, and super easy top fill through a spring loaded filling tube.The mod itself is both compact and ergonomic, with a curvy design and is powered by a 5000mAh internal battery, with a maximum output wattage of 100W.The Typhon 100 also supports VW/VV/Bypass/CPS/TCR.The kit comes with three splashed colors: Blue, Green and RedThe tank comes in a TPD compliant 2ml version and a standard 3.6ml version.No one has yet produced such an innovative replaceable coil for an RTA tank until...
Reifes Goldbraun, eleganter Duft von Pflaumen, Mandeln und Karamel, ausgewogen mit zartwürzigem Nachhall. Leicht gekühlt bei 9 C als Aperitif zu Salzgebäck, Nüssen, würzigen Vorspeisen oder pikanten Zwischengerichten.
Feine Sauerkirscharomen, Brombeere, würzige Noten, ein Hauch von Mandeln, reifes Tannin, balanciert und elegant am Gaumen. Passt zu: Pastagerichten, Fleischgerichten, gegrilltem Fleisch.