TOUR DETAILS Similar to the Drive, Fly, Float tour, this excursion features a thrilling helicopter descent to the canyon floor. This tour allows more time to wander along the bottom of the canyon and take in the views from a unique vantage point. After being picked up at your hotel, you’ll ride through the Mojave Desert in our unique Pink Adventure Tour Trekkervehicle. Enjoy the comfort of your own leather captain’s chair, with plenty of legroom and oversized windows for best views. The Mojave Desert is the only habitat in the world to feature Joshua Trees, so try to spot dense forests of them en route to the Grand Canyon. You’ll also see Lake Mead, a reservoir created by the Hoover Dam. Upon arrival at the West Rim, you’ll climb aboard an ECO Star helicopter for a trip over the edge. Your ride features the latest innovations, like wraparound windows that showcase the canyon from every angle. Theater-style seats and air conditioning maximize comfort, while surround sound headsets and reduced-noise rotors make it easy to hear your personalized tour narration. Your finale comes at a private landing site 300 feet above the river for a rare, up-close look at the area. After your descent, stroll along the rim for photos and learning opportunities. Your local Certified Interpretive Guide has unique insight into the area’s geology, natural landmarks and ecosystems. They will also share information about the native people who call it home. Enjoy a picnic lunch, then see historic dwellings in a Hualapai village. You may even see dances performed in full tribal dress. There's also time to shop for handcrafted gifts, souvenirs, art and sundries. Your next stop is the famous Skywalk—a West Rim must-see. Upgrade your tour for a small $25 fee for unbeatable views from the Skywalk. Not for the faint-of-heart, the Skywalk is a transparent walkway that extends 70 feet past the rock rim and floats 4,000 feet above the canyon floor! You won’t regret stepping onto the glass after you see the vast expanse around you. Don’t miss the chance to have your picture taken by the designated photographer, as cameras and phones aren’t allowed. On the drive back to Las Vegas, your guide will take your picture at the Hoover Dam and regale you with tales of the dam’s construction during the Great Depression. We are proud to provide luxury services on this tour, including a BBQ lunch buffet with vegetarian options, sides and salad, bottled water. We also include all admission fees in your tour.
Immerse yourself in one of New York's most instantly recognizable areas with The Wall Street and 9/11 Memorial Tour by Wall Street Walks with tickets from
Dolphin Lagoon™/ Dolphin Swim Experience Make a friend that will live in your heart forever when you experience the highlight of your day, a one-on-one dolphin encounter. Learn about dolphin behaviour and communication. Wade into the dolphin lagoon. Come nose to bottlenose with one of these fascinating and intelligent animals, take hold of its dorsal fin and hold on for the ride of a lifetime. The highlight of a visit to Discovery Cove is the opportunity to swim with a bottlenose dolphin during a 30-minute interactive adventure. Accompanied by a trainer guests interact with their dolphin in deeper water for an exciting dorsal fin tow ride back to shore. Children must be at least 6 years old to swim with dolphins. Children ages 6-12 must be accompanied by a paying adult who also is participating in the dolphin swim experience. Attractions at Discovery Cove Some of the park’s most popular attractions include: The Grand Reef The Grand Reef is one of the Cove’s newest and most breath-taking attractions, featuring palm-lined sandy beaches, mysterious underwater grottos, and an impressive shark-infested lagoon. Visitors can delve into the depths of the reef’s enormous saltwater pool and snorkel with a wonderful kaleidoscope of sparkling tropical fish, eels and rays. You can also upgrade your package and participate in SeaVenture, an exciting underwater tour of the Grand Reef’s hidden coves. Explorer’s Aviary is the park’s remarkable free-flight aviary. The aviary is home to more than 250 different tropical birds and is one of the park’s biggest attractions. Guests can walk among hundreds of beautifully coloured exotic birds, feeding them out of their hands and watching them soar freely above their heads. The Wind-Away River The Wind-Away River is an enormous freshwater river that circles the park and winds its way through many of the main attractions, including Explorer’s Aviary. Guests are free to ride the river’s gentle waves and float dreamily past some of the park’s most beautiful landscapes, including cascading waterfalls, idyllic white sand beaches, and luscious tropical rainforests. At the end of the river is the park’s enormous freshwater pool, where visitors can relax and enjoy the glorious surroundings of Discovery Cove Orlando. Dolphin Encounter (Optional upgrade) One of the park’s most popular and famous attractions is the Dolphin Swim Experience, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that allows visitors the chance to touch, play and swim with the Cove’s resident bottlenose dolphins. The experience lasts 30 minutes and is open to all visitors aged six years and over. SeaVenture (Optional upgrade) SeaVenture, The Grand Reef’s innovative experience is an underwater walking tour where, while wearing a dive helmet, you’ll feel right at home under the sea. Private cabanas (Optional upgrade) For an additional fee, visitors to the park can hire a cabana, a private area in which they and up to five others can relax and enjoy the park's surroundings in peace. The cabanas are hidden away among the park's beautiful landscape and comprise chaise lounges, towels, and a table and chairs. Explorer’s Aviary Just beyond a spectacular waterfall, you’ll find a series of towering aviaries. You encounter hundreds of tropical birds nose-to-beak while they feed right out of your hand. There are several areas to explore and food is provided so you can get up close and personal with the residents here. Serenity Bay Relax in the refreshingly warm waters of this oversized freshwater pool. Laguna Grill® Take full advantage of the all-inclusive package and dine at Laguna Grill for breakfast and lunch. Several snack bars are conveniently located around Discovery Cove each serving snacks, chips, pretzels, candy, soft drinks, frozen drinks and alcoholic beverages. Insider’s Tip: After check-in, stop by the Laguna Grill for the included breakfast, then look for the equipment stations where you can get fitted for a wetsuit or vest and pick-up your swim masks and snorkels. Complimentary lockers are available and towels are provided in the changing rooms. Showers are available with soap and shampoo provided. If you purchased a dolphin encounter or other animal interaction be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before you assigned time at the location specified.
AM: Portuguese, English, Spanish & German.
PM: Portuguese, English, French & Italian.
Pick-up at central hotels in Lisbon; Transport by coach; Guided visit; Entrance fee to the Coach Musuem*; Visit to the church of the Jeronimos Monastery*; Port wine tasting.
Gratuities (optional); Food & drinks unless specified; Hotel drop off; Entrance fee to the Jeronimos Monastery. Hotel Drop-Off
09:00 & 14:30
Hotel pick up in Lisbon (selected hotels only). Hotels in Cascais/Estoril - €8 per person.
Approx. 4 hours
Daily except 25th December & 1st January
Present your Voucher to the Tour Guide.
*Both close on Mondays. In replacement - visit to the National Palace of Ajuda.
Die HMS Belfast ist einer der mächtigsten großen leichten Kreuzer, die je gebaut wurden und heute das einzige Schiff siener Art, das während des Zweiten Weltkriegs im aktiven Dienst gewesen ist. Die HMS Belfast spielte eine führende Rolle bei der Zerstörung des Schlachtkreuzers Scharnhorst sowie der Landung in der Normandie. Bis 1965 im Dienste der Royal Navy, wurde sie 1971 für die Nation als einzigartige Erinnerung an das britische Marineerbe gerettet. Launch! Shipbuilding Through the Ages Diese neue, familienorientierte Ausstellung wird praktische und computergestützte interaktive Displays sowie Film- und Filmmaterial nutzen, um Techniken des Schiffbaus vom "Zeitalter des Segels" bis zu modernen Vorfertigungsmethoden zu demonstrieren. Die Ausstellung wird sich mit der Wissenschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialgeschichte des Schiffbaus in Großbritannien beschäftigen, und die interaktiven Elemente der Ausstellung werden es Kindern jeden Alters ermöglichen, sich zu engagieren und diese Geschichte zu erleben. Erkunden "Was sollen wir als Gegenleistung für so viel geben?" HMS Belfast ist eines der mächtigsten großen leichten Kreuzer, die je gebaut wurden, und ist nun das einzige überlebende Schiff ihrer Art, das während des Zweiten Weltkriegs aktiven Dienst stand. Während ihrer 32-jährigen Amtszeit spielte sie eine wichtige Rolle sowohl im Zweiten Weltkrieg als auch im Koreakrieg und erfüllte friedenserhaltende Aufgaben in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren. Die HMS Belfast wurde 1971 vor der Zerstörung gerettet und ist heute Teil des Imperial War Museum und das erste Schiff, das seit Nelsons Sieg für die Nation erhalten wurde. Mit seinem Team von Mitarbeitern und Freiwilligen - von denen viele eine erfahrene Crew sind - ist das Imperial War Museum bestrebt, dafür zu sorgen, dass die HMS Belfast immer noch eine Rolle dabei spielt, die Besucher an ihren einzigartigen Platz in Großbritanniens maritimem Erbe zu erinnern. Geschichte der HMS Belfast Der Begriff "Kreuzer" geht auf die Zeit der Segelschiffe zurück, als große Fregatten von der Hauptflotte getrennt werden konnten, um unabhängig zu fahren. Wie ihr Pendant aus dem zwanzigsten Jahrhundert war der Segelkreuzer ausreichend stark und schnell, um feindliche Handelsräuber anzugreifen und zu zerstören. Während des 19. Jahrhunderts, als die Segel dem Dampf Platz machten und hölzerne Schiffe durch Eisen- und später Stahlschiffe ersetzt wurden, entwickelte sich der Kreuzer zu einem mächtigen Kriegsschiff, das die Handelsrouten des Imperiums patrouillierte und die freundliche Handelsschifffahrt schützte. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg (1914-1918) entstand eine einzige Kategorie von Kreuzern, deren Größe durch die Größe ihrer Geschütze angezeigt wurde; So ist HMS Belfast ein 6-Zoll-Cruiser, der für den Schutz des Handels, für Offensivaktionen und als leistungsstarke Unterstützung für amphibische Operationen konzipiert wurde. Bitte beachten Sie: Kinder unter 16 Jahren müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden. Bitte planen Sie 1½ - 2 Stunden für Ihren Besuch ein.
Shearwater is a classic Newport-style schooner yacht, only recently recognized as a national landmark in 2009. The vessel was built by Rice Brother Corporation in East Boothbay, Maine, back in a time when yachting was a rare combination of elegance and adventure; Rice Bros. were well known for building luxury pleasure yachts and produced some 4,000 hulls over a period of 64 years. The keel was laid down on January 4, 1929 and a news clip from the Boothbay Register reflects alongside a photograph "Tyler Hodgon at the old Tide Mill is getting out timbers for the schooner to be built at Rice’s. Vessel to be built of native white oak." Traditionally built from hand-hewn native white oak, she was the last boat to be constructed at that yard - likely due to the ensuing Great Depression brought on by the Stock Market Crash that occurred later that autumn. East Boothbay was a small coastal town with shipbuilding being its only industry. About 40 workmen were employed for the construction of SHEARWATER. Her designer Theodore Donald Wells was born in Hudson Falls, N Y on October 22, 1875. He was a naval architect and marine engineer, a member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and also the Institute of Naval Architects London. His education included post-graduate work at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. He began his career as a member of the firm Herreshoff and Wells, N. Y. City in 1902. Working with Herreshoff no doubt had an influence on his designs, which bear similarities to many of the famous Herreshoff designed yachts of that time. From 1903 to 1907 he worked for Wintringham and Wells and then began practicing his profession under his own name. Mr. Wells joined the Navy Department in March 1917 and became Superintending Constructor of the Baltimore District U. S. N. Notable yachts designed and constructed under his supervision are "Viking" a 272 foot steel motor yacht built for George F. Baker in 1929 by Newport News and "Karina" a three masted schooner built for Robert E. Tod in 1932 by Staten Island Shipbuilding. Mr. Tod was a well-known offshore yachtsman as was his former yacht ‘Thistle", which competed in the Emperors Cup ocean race. SHEARWATER was launched on May 4, 1929 and photographs in the Boothbay Register reflect her graceful and elegant lines. Her first Captain, Leon Esterbrook of Edgarton, MA, arrived to take charge of the fitting out. Her owner Charles E Dunlap was a member of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, Oyster Bay, NY and this became SHEARWATER’s first homeport after her completion in late September 1929. It was there in Oyster Bay that she first started to thrill those who sailed in luxury aboard her and those who were privileged to crew her on race day. Since her launching and documentation in Lloyd’s Register of American Yachts in 1929, she has had a colorful history and has been carefully maintained and restored to standards that few contemporary vessels are able to match and is truly a piece of American Maritime History. On November 7, 1942 SHEARWATER was requisitioned by the War Shipping Administration and became a member of The United States Coast Guard’s Coastal Picket Patrol during World War Two. She was painted gray and bore the numbers CG67004. Based at Little Creek, Virginia she patrolled the waters east of the Chesapeake Bay entrance and south towards Cape Hatteras. Her skipper during that period reflected on how they used their free time while out on submarine patrol to race against other yachts and in his own words "sailed in tandem with the schooner Lord Jim, racing in and out of port, up and down the east coast and winning." She was designed and built as a gaff rigged schooner but during this period was changed to a Marconi rig. She carries over 2,550 square feet while under full sail. A true veteran world cruiser, she first transited the Panama Canal in July 1946 and in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s completed a two and a half-year global circumnavigation. In December 1971 Mrs. John B. Thayer of Rosemont, wife of a former trustee and treasurer, donated SHEARWATER to the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute of Environmental Medicine. She was used by the university as a laboratory for research on physiological responses to the stresses of living and working underwater. Captained by James Shearson, she was fitted with compressors, generators, monitoring instruments and a small decompression chamber. She has participated in many Ancient Mariner and Classic yacht races in U S waters as well as racing in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand while on her circumnavigation in the early 1980’s. It is rumored she was once dismasted in the famous Newport to Bermuda race. She was last raced by the current owners in San Diego in May 1995 in the American Schooner Cup and finished second overall. She entered the yacht charter industry in 1966 whilst on the West Coast sailing to the Channel Islands and was again used to generate income to keep her shipshape while owned by the University of Pennsylvania. During the chartering industry’s infancy in the Caribbean, SHEARWATER was known as the " Queen of the Fleet". Today she continues this tradition offering the most unique sailing experience and has passed rigid Coast Guard inspections and can carry up to 49 passengers. We welcome you to join us for an excellent opportunity to experience the ambiance of a vintage sailing vessel while delighting in the splendors of The Manhattan sky-line, the Statue of Liberty or the beauty of the oceans beyond.