Sometimes taking a stroll through Central Park feels like being in a timeless romantic film. Perhaps it’s the horse-drawn carriages and the tree-lined pathways. Or perhaps it’s the fact that, well, hundreds of movies have been shot in Central Park. The unique New York City walking tour through world-famous Central Park highlights more than 30 film and television locations that have been used in TV shows and movies shot in the most filmed location in the world, Central Park. This two-hour walking tour is a fun and relaxing way to spend an afternoon strolling through what was the first public park built in America. There are 40 locations in all, which means that you’ll have ample opportunity to pose for the camera a la Holly Golightly. Led by actors and actresses, the New York tour of Central Park Movie Sites also showcases locations from Taxi Driver, Wall Street, Crocodile Dundee, The Producers, Godspell, Prisoner of Second Avenue, Independence Day, King of New York, Barefoot in the Park, The Way We Were, New York Stories, The Out of Towners, Little Manhattan, I’m Not Rappaport and many others. Visit other landmarks in the park such as The Carousel, Bow Bridge, Wollman Rink, Gapstow Bridge, The Dairy, Sheep’s Meadow, Cherry Hill, and the skyline of the Upper West Side. As you are traveling through Central Park on our guided sightseeing tour, you will see the stone Gapstow Bridge which is featured in Home Alone 2. From the bridge you will be able to see the famous 19-story Plaza Hotel, which has been featured in several films including The Way We Were, Barefoot in the Park, Brewster’s Millions, It Could Happen To You, Big Business, Crocodile Dundee, Almost Famous, King of New York and many more. Next you will be traveling to the Wollman Skating Rink, one of the two ice skating rinks located in the park. This rink was featured in Serendipity, Home Alone 2, Stepmom, The January Man and Love Story. After visiting the ice skating rink you will be heading to the most known attraction in Central Park, the Carousel. For just $2 you can enjoy the carousel ride where films such as The Producers, The Spanish Prisoner, Up the Sandbox and I’m not Rappaport were filmed. Next you will see a beautiful Victorian gothic building known as the Dairy, which is featured in Independence Day. The Mall, also known as the Promenade, is the next thing you will be walking through on this guided sightseeing tour. You will definitely be able to tell why this area is so popular for socializing and relaxing. Movies such as Serendipity, Vanilla Sky, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Big Daddy and Kramer vs. Kramer all had scenes that were featured in the Promenade. After a stroll through the Promenade, you will spot the Bethesda Terrace, with the famous Bethesda Fountain located in the middle. As you are making your way through the crowd of people relaxing here you will be in the location where films such as Ransom, Godspell, Home Alone 2, Green Card, It Could Happen to You, Deconstructing Harry, Out of Towners, Prisoner of Second Avenue and Stuart Little II were filmed. The Bethesda Terra is also finale location for the big musical number, “That’s How You Know,” from Enchanted. Giselle (Amy Adams) questions Robert (Patrick Dempsey) on how he displays his affection for Nancy (Idina Menzel) and spontaneously starts the musical production number, with everyone in the park performing with her. Take a look at the huge twenty-two acre lake which is Central Park’s largest body of water, not including the Reservoir. On a warm day people will be participating in all kinds of water activities such as row boating. The Manchurian Candidate was featured at this famous lake. Although you won’t have enough time to eat at the Boathouse Restaurant on the walking tour you can surely stop and grab something to eat afterwards. This is the restaurant featured in films such as When Harry Met Sally, Sex and the City and Little Manhattan. At this point of the walking tour you will be situated mid-park at 74th street and making your way to the Bow Bridge. This cast iron bridge was featured in films such as Autumn in New York, Keeping the Faith, Little Manhattan, The Way We Were and Woody Allen's Manhattan. The bridge stretches over the lake and leads you right to Cherry Hill. Here you will notice beautiful cherry trees in the springtime and feel as if you were part of the scene where films such as The Mirror has Two Faces, Big Daddy, Cruel Intentions and Little Manhattan. Once you have toured Cherry Hill, the tour guides will take you to the cultural landmark, the Bandshell, featured in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, I’m Not Rappaport, Mighty Aphrodite and Hair. You can stand where Martin Luther King and plenty of musicians stood to make speeches or conduct performances at this location. Next the tour will take you through Strawberry Fields. This area was dedicated to John Lennon in 1985 after his death in 1980. John Lennon’s death affected thousands of people and this small area in Central Park located on the West side between 71st and 74th street serves as a tribute to his life and music. This location was also featured in Little Manhattan. Next stop on the Central Park TV & Movie Sites Tour is the Sheep’s Meadow, a location used in Wall Street, It Could Happen to You, The Fisher King, Antz, and Little Manhattan. Although there are no longer any sheep hereyou will be passing my hundreds of people who relax, sunbathe, and play frisbee in this wonderful park. From this location you will be able to see The Dakota, which made its debut in Rosemary’s Baby and Vanilla Sky (and is also the site of John Lennon’s shooting). As you are approaching the end of the guided tour you will reach Tavern on the Green. This famous restaurant appeared in Ghostbusters, New York Stories, Wall Street, Made and The Out of Towners. The tour will end at Columbus Circle, where Taxi Driver, Keeping the Faith, Ghostbusters, Borat, Enchanted and Crocodile Dundee were shot. On Location Tours makes sure to highlight all of the famous locations in Central Park that are featured in their favorite films. The New York Tours are a fan-favorite with movie buffs and tourists alike.
Silhouette:A-Line; Hemline / Train:Floor Length; Closure:Zipper UP; Built-In Bra:Yes; Embellishment:Strappy,Pure Color; Fabric:Stretch Chiffon; Sleeve Length:Long Sleeve; Tips:Professional dry cleaner only,Colors may vary slightly due to different monitor settings; Boning:Yes; Style:Minimalist,Elegant; Occasion:Wedding Guest,Formal Evening; Neckline:V Neck; Front page:Evening Dresses; Listing Date:11/25/2021; Bust:; Hips:; Hollow to Floor:; Waist:
Recorded commentary in English, Arabic, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Mandarin Live Guided Tour in English on the Magical Night Tour Journey CITY TOUR Explore the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, the iconic Louvre and the Emirates Palace. Visit a wide variety of museums, a Souk, dhow boats, a fort and a historic district. Tour Highlights Sheikh Zayed Mosque Emirates Palace Louvre Museum (UC) Al Hosn Fort Etihad Museum Capital Leaning Tower Heritage Village Mangroves Corniche Royal Palace Etihad Towers WTC Souk YAS TOUR Enter the action—packed entertainment zone Yas Island, an island like no other! Visit Ferrari World, a F1 Racing Circuit, Yas Waterworld, Yas Marina & Warner Bros. Theme Park. Tour Highlights: Ferrari World F1 Marina Circuit Drag Racing Strip Racing School Karting Track Yas Waterworld Yas Mall Warner Bros Viceroy Beach Yas Marina DHOW CRUISE Jump onboard an Arabian Dhow and glide down the Abu Dhabi coastline. Enjoy stunning views of the capital’s skyline, palaces, an island and the Marina Creek. Tour Highlights Corniche Marina Eye Lulu Island Beaches UAE Flag Pole Marina Creek Emirates Palace Fishing Village Abu Dhabi Skyline Bab Al Bahr hotel
London Eye Das London Eye ist mit 135 Metern eines der höchsten Aussichtsräder der Welt. 32 Glaskapseln, mit je 25 Fahrgästen, tragen Sie auf eine 30-minütige Reise durch die beeindruckendsten Ausblicke auf, über und um London, mit bis zu 40 Kilometer Sicht in alle Richtungen. Kombinieren Sie Ihren Besuch mit der London Eye Schifffahrt, einer 40-minütigen Sightseeing Rundfahrt auf der Themse, entlang der Houses of Parliament, dem Tower of London und der St Paul's Cathedral. Das London Eye 4D Experience ist ein bahnbrechender 3D Film mit Theatereffekten, wie z.B. Wind, Blasen und Nebel, für das 4D. Der Film selbst ist eine bewegende Geschichte eines kleinen Mädchens in London mit ihrem Vater. Ihre Sicht auf berühmte Londoner Sehenswürdigkeiten ist verdeckt durch Menschen und Verkehr, aber eine Möwe lenkt Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf das London Eye und ihr Vater nimmt sie mit auf eine Fahrt; endlich hat sie einen fantastischen Blick auf die Stadt. Farbenfrohe Parties in den Glaskapseln, Zeitraffer des London Eye bei Tag und Nacht und ein spektakuläres Feuerwerk vereinen sich zu einer emotionalen und unterhaltsamen Erfahrung; der perfekte Auftakt zu einem Erlebnis des London Eye. Bitte beachten Sie: Kein Einlass für unbegleitete Kinder. - Das Ticket gilt für den nächsten freien Flug im London Eye - Sollte das London Eye für den Rest des Tages ausgebucht sein, ist das Ticket auch am Folgetag gültig. - Da es nachmittags meist ziemlich voll ist empfehlen wir einen Besuch morgens. Nach Ihrer Buchung müssen Sie beim London Eye anrufen und Ihr Zeitfenster buchen. Wenn Sie das nicht tun können Sie am Eingang abgewiesen werden wenn es zu voll ist. London Zoo Tiger Territory: Heimat der zwei vom Aussterben bedrohten Sumatra-Tigern des Zoos, die nach einer umfassenden Sanierung ein brandneues 3,6 Millionen Pfund teures Gehege bekamen. Im Tiger-Territory begeben sich Besucher auf eine Reise durch einem indonesischen Lebensraum und begegnen den wunderschönen Tigern durch Glasfenster die vom Boden bis zur Decke reichen. Die neue Anlage, die fünfmal so groß ist wie das frühere Tigergehege, wurde mit dem ZSL-Team aus Tierpfleger, Naturschützern und Experten entworfen um sicherzustellen, dass es den Bedürfnissen der Großkatzen perfekt entspricht. Tiger sind ausgezeichnete Kletterer und beobachten ihr Terrain gerne von einem hochgelegenen Aussichtspunkt und Tiger Territory erlaubt ihnen genau dies zu tun. Die Anlage verfügt über hohe Bäume auf denen die Katzen klettern können und hohe Fütterungssäulen, um ihre natürlichen räuberischen Verhaltensweisen zu fördern. Für die meisten Katzenarten eher unüblich: Tiger lieben das Wasser. Besucher können beobachten wie sie in ihrem maßgeschneiderten Pool abhängen. Wenn sie nicht im Wasser spielen, haben die Tiger Zugang zu Indoor-Höhlen, in denen die Besucher den großen Katzen beim Entspannen zugucken können. Sorgfältig angepflanzt um die tropischen Blätter der Insel Sumatra zu imitieren, studierte das Team von Experten des Gartenbaus Bilder der einheimischen indonesischen Flora, die der Tierpfleger Teague Stubbington bei seinem jüngsten Besuchs des ZSL-Tigerschutzprojekts gemacht hatte. Tiger-Territory arbeitet auf der ganzen Welt um das Schicksal des Sumatra-Tigers zu ändern. Damit wird es ZSL ermöglicht Tiger im ZSL London Zoo zu züchten und mehr über dieses flüchtige Tier zu erfahren. Das European Breeding Programme und das Global Management Species Programme for Sumatran Tigers werden vom ZSL London Zoo koordiniert – hier sind ZSL Spezialisten verantwortlich dafür eine gesunde und vielfältige Tigerpopulation in Zoos auf der ganzen Welt zu gewährleisten. Tiger Territory wird eine Generation von Menschen informieren und dazu inspirieren die Tiger zu schätzen, ihre Rolle in dessen Überlebenskampf zu unterstützen und somit weiterhin Hoffnung für die nächsten Jahre zu schaffen. Animal Adventure Wir haben gerade unseren neuen Kinderzoo namens Animal Adventure eröffnet. Diese Ausstellung bietet Tausenden von Kindern die Möglichkeit in die Sehenswürdigkeiten, Geräusche, Gerüche und Erfahrungen des Lebens im Tierreich einzutauchen. Penguin Beach Der 1.200 m² großer Pool der Ausstellung ist viermal größer und dreimal so tief wie der alte Pinguinpool des Zoos. Er fasst 450.000 Liter Wasser. Unsere große Vorführfläche macht die Fütterungszeit zu einem noch größeren Spektakel als zuvor. Penguin Beach Live bietet zweimal täglich Fütterungen, bei denen die Besucher beobachten können wie die Vögel um ihr Essen tauchen. Penguin Beach ist eine Brutstätte für Kolonien von Humboldt-, Goldschopf-, Brillen- und Felsenpinguinen und eine spezieller Pinguinkinderspielplatz, in dem die Kinder schwimmen lernen können. Butterfly Paradise Die Butterfly Paradise Ausstellung im ZSL London Zoo zeigt Arten aus mehreren Großregionen wie Afrika, Südostasien und Mittel- und Südamerika. Meet the Monkeys Vor zwei Jahren haben wir unsere Meet the Monkeys Gehege eröffnet für eine Brutgruppe von Bolivianischer Totenkopfäffchen. Ihr Lebensraum wurde so entworfen, dass es den bolivianischen Regenwald so nah wie möglich nachbildet obwohl es im Zentrum von London liegt. Aquarium Das Aquarium ist seit 1853 im ZSL London Zoo beheimatet und hat eine sehr interessante Geschichte. Es ist in drei verschiedene Hallen unterteilt, in denen verschiedene Fischarten beheimatet sind. Das Aquarium ist ebenfalls an vielen verschiedenen Naturschutzprojekten und Zuchtprogrammen beteiligt Blackburn Pavilion Fliegen Sie zu unserem neuen tropischen Blackburn Pavilion und lassen Sie sich in einem Vogelparadies im Zentrum von London entführen! Clore Rainforest Lookout Neu im ZSL London Zoo. Spüren Sie die Hitze Südamerikas in unserem tropischen Biom, wo exotische Bäume gedeihen und südamerikanische Affen, Vögeln und Wirbellosen sich frei entfalten können. Hier gibt es keine Trennwand zwischen euch und diesem erstaunlichen Lebensraum. Gorilla Kingdom Diese bahnbrechende £5,3 Millionen Ausstellung holt Zentralafrika ins Herz von London. Es bietet Besuchern die Möglichkeit, die erstaunliche Welt dieser Tiere in einer natürlichen Umgebung ohne Gitter zu erleben. Interaktive Möglichkeiten und Bildungsaktivitäten werden Besucher aus allen Lebensbereichen ansprechen. Gorilla Kingdom hebt die Bedrohungen hervor denen diese majestätischen Kreaturen in der Wildnis ausgesetzt sind. ZSL arbeitet daran sie zu beschützen, und diese Ausstellung markiert eine wichtige Entwicklung im Bewusstsein und in der Unterstützung deren Notlage.
Two Visits
Visit the Space Needle for spectacular views twice within 24 hours – once during the day, once at night. From 520’ the Observation Deck provides a 360° view of Seattle and beyond that commands your attention. See the snow-capped Cascade Mountains to the east and the majestic Olympic mountain range to the west with breathtaking indoor and outdoor viewing. For Pacific Northwest cuisine that is matched only by the views served with it, visit SkyCity, the Space Needle’s revolving restaurant.
Unparelelled views of Mt. Rainer to the south, the Cascade range to the East, and the majestic Olympics to the West.
Perched atop a hill in Seattle Center, its 605-foot height appears even taller.
Zoom in on the action below with a Swarovski telescope, for free.
Colorful, imaginative graphics around the outer edge of the observation level and the informative displays along the interior tell you what you are looking at so you don't have to guess.
Discover playful sea otters, graceful octopuses, luminous moon jellies and more. Be amazed by Window on Washington Waters, a 120,000-gallon exhibit with daily dive shows. Touch live sea creatures in our tide pools. Immerse yourself in our Underwater Dome’s 360° view. Take a virtual trip to the tropics in our Pacific Coral Reef exhibit.
Visitors are entertained by a fabulous assortment of charming marine mammals, including sea otters, harbors seals and fur seals.
Frequent interpretive shows highlight marine life from the Puget Sound region.
Two large tidepools allow visitors to reach in and feel live seastars, urchins, sea anemones and kelp.
The Underwater Dome provides 360-degree views of Puget Sound life within a 400,000-gallon tank
Learn about Seattle on this entertaining, one-hour, live-narrated cruise of Elliott Bay and the Seattle Harbor. View the spectacular panoramic background of the majestic Cascade and Olympic mountain ranges. See the city’s historic waterfront, sparkling Emerald City skyline, busy shipyards, colorful Alki Beach and breathtaking natural beauty.
Take in amazing views of the Seattle skyline, Elliott Bay waterfront, the Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges, shipping terminals, and historic neighborhoods.
Expert narration offers interesting facts about waterfront piers, Seattle’s maritime history and Space Needle.
You’ll have terrific views of the Space Needle.
Catch a glimpse of container ships and The Washington State ferry fleet — the largest in the U.S.
Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP)
Experience the power of pop culture in MoPOP's colorful Frank Gehry-designed building! Explore some of the most significant moments in rock music, science fiction, and popular culture with hands-on experiences, iconic artifacts, and award-winning exhibitions featuring luminaries in the fields of music, literature, television, video games. CityPASS includes general admission to MoPOP at Seattle Center, located just steps from the Space Needle.
Watch music performances and light shows in Sky Church, featuring a mammoth 60’ HD LED screen.
Explore the tools of rock'n'roll in Sound Lab, where you can play instruments, jam out with friends in soundproof rooms, and record your own song.
Travel to a pixelated world of wonder and play in Indie Game Revolution, and get the whole family in on the fun by playing one of the twenty featured single and multiplayer games.
Trace the historical development of the signature instrument of rock ‘n’ roll in Guitar Gallery: The Quest for Volume, presenting 55 vintage, world-changing guitars from the 1770s to the present.
View an original manuscript page from Game of Thrones, in Fantasy: Worlds of Myth and Magic, the Vince Lombardi Trophy in We Are 12™: The Seattle Seahawks and the Road to Victory, a Gizmo puppet from Gremlins in Can’t Look Away: The Lure of Horror Film, the Staff of Ra headpiece from Raiders of the Lost Ark in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame exhibition, and Klingon robes from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction.
Travel alongside the legendary Jimi Hendrix at the height of his fame in Wild Blue Angel: Hendrix Abroad, 1966-1970.
Discover the world of gorillas, elephants, lions, birds and more at a top award-winning zoo. See Humboldt penguins "fly" underwater in a state-of-the-art exhibit. Go eye-to-eye with orangutans in an open forest canopy. Explore Zoomazium’s nature play space. Smell the roses in a glorious Rose Garden. And enjoy squealing Asian small-clawed otters coming in 2013! Minutes from downtown.
Pacific Science Center is Washington’s leading institution for fun and engaging learning for children, families and guests of all ages. Explore hundreds of interactive exhibits, wander among fluttering tropical butterflies, touch live marine animals, explore distant galaxies and immerse yourself in a giant-screen IMAX® movie.
The Tropical Butterfly House is warm and sunny every day of the year thanks to full-spectrum lighting.
Learn how personal choices can positively affect our health and well-being atProfessor Wellbody's Academy of Health and Wellness, a new 7000-square foot permanent exhibit that presents health as a life-long process of balancing exercise, diet, proper rest and hygiene.
Meet seven robotic dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era in Dinosaurs: A Journey Through Time.
Learn about new advances in health scientific innovation at The Studio.
CityPASS includes one regular IMAX® movie.
Immerse yourself in a world where curiosity, creativity and color come to life. Throughout the Galleries, ever-changing Garden and signature Glasshouse, you’ll be inspired by artist Dale Chihuly’s innovation and passion. Includes complimentary audio tour (smartphone required).
Enjoy the marine life, films and fun at Aquarium de Paris ! This unique attraction in the heart of Paris combines cutting-edge sea-life displays with the most up-to date audiovisual presentation techniques. See all the drama and colour of the undersea world - up close. Discover 43 aquariums containing over 10,000 fish and marine invertebrates, including 25 sharks, a touch pool, 2 cinemas, various spectacles and informative talks giving you and your family a magical day. Walk through the 11 metre tunnel and get nose to nose with the dangerous denizens of the deep. It’s an experience like no other! There’s plenty of hands-on stuff too. Kids love the pools where you can touch and feed the fish. If you’ve never stroked a carpe now’s your chance. Discover the secrets of cinema through spectacular stage settings, interactive activities, special effects inspired by mythical scenes.. There’s something for everyone at Aquarium de Paris ! Highlights include: • Stroke a sturgeon! • Get up close and personal with sharks and stingrays • Be a cartoon super-hero!