These Metal Footprints Clipper Lighters showcase a subtle yet durable color combo that boast footprint logos on a metal sleeve over the clipper lighter. Clipper lighters are equipped with a replaceable flint that doubles as a poker and are refillable! Grab up some extra butane so youre never caught without fire.
This four pack of classic Clipper Green Madness Lighters showcases four different retro themed art styles. Each refillable lighter is adorned with a one-off design; meaning these lighters are one of a kind! Clipper lighters come with a removable flint that doubles as a poker, which makes these fun lighters the eco-friendly option. These lighters were made in limited quantities, so grab your collectible four pack now!
Pelikan griffix Schulschere, spitz, 12er Thekendisplay mit Softgriff für komfortables Schneiden, mit Namensschild - 1 Stück (602990)
Zig Zag has been a trusted brand name in rolling papers for over 100 years. They use only the purest water, and the cleanest pulp ensuring a smooth even burn every time. Theyre new unbleached papers are exactly what they sound like, no bleach, no chemicals, just the purest taste out there. Each paper is watermarked to ensure authenticity and so you know youre only smoking the finest. Each box comes with 24 packs of papers. Zig Zag Unbleached are also available in 1 1/4 too, the best selling size in the US and Europe.
transotype Schneide-Set ""Cutting Kit"" beinhaltet: 1 x Schneidematte 300 x 220 mm transparent, - 1 Stück (17590)