Clearblue Double-Check & Date Pregnancy TestClearblue Double-Check & Date Pregnancy Test contains 2 pregnancy tests you can double-check your result and also see how far along you are (1-2, 2-3 or 3+ weeks since conception). Both tests are over 99% accurate from the day your period is due and are very easy to read. They can be used up to 4 days before your period is due, however are less accurate the earlier you take the test. If you test early and get a negative result, you should test again when your period is due.Clearblue Double-Check & Date Pregnancy Test contains:1 x Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test with Colour Change Tip1 x Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator
Clearblue Digital SingleThe pregnancy test that has it all Our new one-step digital pregnancy test gives you greater certainty in performing and reading your early home pregnancy test. Results are shown in words, 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant.' No more lines to interpret.
The test is over 99% accurate from the day of your expected period A flashing hourglass symbol shows you that the test is working to give you reassurance while waiting for your result. The Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy Test gives you results 5 days sooner The Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy Test is sold in packs of One Test plus One Free Test or Two Tests plus One Free Test. Easy-to-understand instructions in English and Spanish are included.
Suresign Midstream Pregnancy TestSuresign Pregnancy Test is a quick and easy way to find out if you are pregnant, using a urine sample to detect for the presence of human Chronic Gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is produced 48 to 72 hours after conception and can normally be detected seven days following conception. Results are given using coloured lines.Suresign Pregnancy Test can be used as early as 4 days before your period is due and is 99% accurate when used one day after the period is due.Full instructions included.Higher Sensitivity than competitors; detects 15mIU/mL of hGC allowing for detection as early as four days before the period is due*Four windows to allow for increased absorbance.Tested to the highest standard; 99% accurate when used one day after the period is due.Results in 3 minutes.* When used four days before the period is due, the test is approximately 90% accurate for women with a regular cycle.
Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception 30sPregnacare Conception formula has been developed on the basis of worldwide studies showing that certain nutrients can play an important role in helping to build nutritional stores ready for pregnancy and support good reproductive health.Pregnacare Conception provides a carefully balanced comprehensive formulation of micronutrients for the maintenance of reproductive health in women, including the specific nutrients. The formula also includes vitamin B12 and folic acid at 400mcg, the exact recommended level to help safeguard the early stages of foetal development. The formula includes key nutritional elements: Folic Acid - Pregnacare Conception provides 400mcg folic acid, the exact level recommended by the UK Department of Health for all women who are trying to conceive. As well as the healthy development of the foetal neural tube, folic acid may also play a role in conception, and is required in the first days and weeks of life, before you are even aware that you are pregnant. Minerals with natural vitamin E - Important co-factors in enzymes, to help protect genetic material from free radical damage. Vitamin B12 - Part of the B complex group of vitamins.How to UseUse Pregnacare conception as soon as you start trying for a baby.To help build the body's nutritional stores it can even be used up to 3 months before you start to try for a baby. Directions One tablet per day with or immediately after your main meal. Swallow with a full glass of water or a cold drink. Pregnacare Conception should only be taken on a full stomach. IngredientsPregnacare Conception contains the following active ingredients per tablet: L-Arginine 100mg; Inositol 50mg; N-Acetyl Cysteine; Betacarotene 3mg Vitamin D (300 IU) 15 mcg; Vitamin E 30 mg; Vitamin C 90 mg; Vitamin B1 8 mg; Vitamin B2 5 mg; Niacin 20 mg; Vitamin B6 10 mg; Folic Acid 400 mcg; Vitamin B12 20 mcg; Biotin 150mcg; Pantothenic Acid 6mg; Iron 14 mg; Selenium 50 mcg; Magnesium 60 mg; Zinc 15 mg; Iodine 140 mcg; Copper 1 mg. Pregnacare Conception is free from artificial colourings, gluten, preservatives and yeast.
Vitabiotics Pregnacare Plus Dual Pack - UK's No1 Pregnancy Supplement Brand 28 Pregnacare Plus vitamin and mineral tablets for before conception, pregnancy and breast-feeding plus 28 Omega-3 capsules Pregnacare Plus prenatal tablets with 400mcg Folic Acid plus high purity Omega-3 with DHA just one-a-day Pregnacare Plus combines the original Pregnacare tablet formula, the leading supplement in pregnancy care, with high quality Omega-3 (DHA 300mg) capsules in a convenient 2-in-one pack. Pregnacare Plus has been carefully developed to help safeguard dietary requirements, from pre-conception, during pregnancy and through to the end of breast-feeding. You can start taking Pregnacare Plus at any point of pregnancy. Each tablet provides a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals including the exact recommended level of 400 ug folic acid and 10 ug viamin D. Includes folic acid, vitamin B12 and zinc to support neural tube development - Moderate iron as well as B vitamins for blood formation - For both mum and baby at this nutritionally demanding time. Each capsule provides 300 mg of DHA, the level recommended by international experts. DHA plays an essential role in the healthy development of the brain, nervous system and eyes in the foetus and newborn infant - Pregnacare Plus is also ideal during breast-feeding. Sourced from the purest pharmaceutical grade fish oi. Free from artificial colours, preservatives, salt, yeast, gluen and lactose. Pregnacare is not tested on animals. Effective support without excessive levels - Because Pregnacare has been specially formulated by experts for pregnancy, it contains certain nutrients at levels above the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). All ingredient amounts are within safe levels for pregnancy: To protect your growing child, Pregnacare avoids excessive levels of iron and other nutrients Pregnacare does not contain vitamin A, as high levels are not advised in pregnancy If required, an additional calcium supplement such as Osteocare may be taken with Pregnacare. Food Supplement Seek professional advice before using if you are under medical supervision or suffer from food allergies. Do not take if you are allergic to soya, fish or fish products. Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Contains pharmaceutical grade fish oil. As Pregnacare contains vitamin K, if you are taking oral anticoagulants (e.g. warfarini) do not take these tablets except on the advice of a doctor. Vitamin K is not known to specifically interact with the action of aspirin or heparin. This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may harm young children. Not to be taken on a empty stomach. Store below 25 C in a dry place, out of sight and reach of children. Directions One Pregnacare tablet per day, plus one omega-3 capsule per day. Swallow each with a glass of water or a cold drink and take with a main meal. Not to be chewed. Do not exceed recommended intake. Pregnacare tablets and capsules should only be taken on a full stomach.
Clearblue Pregnancy Test Kit DoubleThe only pregnancy test that changes colour to let you know it's working. Missed your period? Think you might be pregnant? Clearblue Easy +/- Results Pregnancy Test can be used as early as 5 days before you expect your period
Over 99% accurate from the day of your expected period The color sure tip changes color to let you know the test is working. Displays easy to read + or - results in 2 minutes Gives you results 5 days sooner The Clearblue Easy +/- Results Pregnancy Test is sold in packs of One or Two Tests. Easy-to-understand instructions in English and Spanish are included.