Phoenician Engineering offers a luxury grinding experience with their top of the line grinders, now in a handy portable size to fit comfortably in your pocket! With these 2-piece grinders, you can assure that your favorite legal smoking herbs are cut to perfection to make your rolling and smoking experience that much more enjoyable. Made of medical-grade 6061-T6 aluminum that has been anodized, these grinders resist wear and tear and are the perfect premium grinder to take with you anywhere. Every Phoenician is individually serialized and comes with a Lifetime Warranty. This product may take from 3 to 5 days before shipping.
MINERVA Lineal, Länge: 200 mm (052000 / 5200) - 1 Stück (52000)
Phoenician Engineering offers a luxury grinding experience with their top of the line grinders, now in a handy portable size to fit comfortably in your pocket! With these 2-piece grinders, you can assure that your favorite legal smoking herbs are cut to perfection to make your rolling and smoking experience that much more enjoyable. Made of medical-grade 6061-T6 aluminum that has been anodized, these grinders resist wear and tear and are the perfect premium grinder to take with you anywhere. Every Phoenician is individually serialized and comes with a Lifetime Warranty. This product may take from 3 to 5 days before shipping.
Diese kunstvoll designte Sammelmappe mit umwerfenden Twinkle-Effekt überzeugt nicht nur mit einem wunderschönen goldenen Muster mit blauen Akzenten, sondern ebenso mit ihrer Funktionalität und einer hochwertigen Verarbeitung. Sie erleichtert das Kategorisieren, Ordnen und Aufbewahren von losem Papier, wichtigen Unterlagen, Fotos oder Zeichnungen und erhöht die Übersichtlichkeit. Außerdem schützt das Polypropylen, aus dem die Ordnungsmappe hergestellt ist, den Inhalt zuverlässig und wirkungsvoll vor Verschmutzungen und unerwünschten Knicken. Die elegant glitzernde Sammelmappe besitzt drei Innenklappen und Gummi-Eckspanner, sodass sie sicher verschlossen ist und nichts aus der Mappe herausfallen kann. Das DIN A4 Format der Ordnungsmappe ist ideal dafür geeignet um Dokumente und Unterlagen in gängigen Größen darin aufzubewahren. Natürlich können auch Dinge mit kleinerem Format, wie Briefe, Postkarten, oder Fotos, problemlos zuverlässig in der Mappe aufbewahrt und transportiert werden. Mit
The Be Lit brand always gives you a premium rolling experience with their bright and interesting tray designs, and these medium rolling trays are no exception! At a handy and manageable size of 12" x 8" in size for your rolling needs, you will have ample space to enjoy your smoking experience the way that you want to. This quality metal tray features a crisp and colorful print of magically tasty jelly beans on its front for your viewing pleasure, making it really stand out amongst your other rolling supplies and liven up your smoke! The perfect accessory for any smoking aficionado, these metal rolling trays are exactly what you are looking for.