IRWIN Hilmor Centre Pin for use on EL25/32, CM35/42 and K3B.
1 x Begrüßungsgetränk, 3 x Übernachtung mit Schlemmer-Frühstücksbuffet, 3 x Abendessen (4-Gang-Wahlmenü), 1 x Cochemer Schiffsrundfahrt, 1 x Verkostung von Mosel-Weinen, 1 x hausgebackener Kuchen mit Kaffee, 1 x Abschiedsgeschenk
Din A4 Bogen Ultra Gloss Sticker mit Tulpen und Ranunkeln.
ALM Manufacturing Replacement Trimmer Lines to fit most models of garden trimmers. Available in various lengths and thicknesses. Manufactured in the UK. 1.3mm, 30 metres, White fits ALL Lightweight Electrics.
ZTTO 8/9/10/11 Speed 11T / 12T / 13T rueda libre piñón del volante para Bicicleta Bike MTB Cassette Cog en Región montañosa y carretera
The Bostitch SB-2in1 Combi Finish Stapler/bradder is a versatile stapling and nailing gun with easy to load dual purpose magazine. The ideal tool for a wide range of nailing and stapling jobs including Wood panelling, Cabinet/Wardrobe construction, Fencing, Wire mesh and Trellis, Mouldings and trim work, Plywood casings and Sheet flooring. Specification Magazine Capacity: 100 (max). Fires: Brads: BT13 Series: 15-35mm, Staples: SX Series: 15-35mm. Operating Pressure: 75-100 PSI, 5.0-7.0 Bar. Weight: 1.08kg.