gently exfoliates to refine and smooth skin texture help boost cell renewal infused with black pepper and menthol to leave the skin tingling the uplifting aroma will awaken your senses no parabens, sulphates or mineral oil
Proto-col Green Magic - Poudre Aide Minceur - Brule les graisses - stimule l'action des muscles - Produit vu a la television - marque reference du marche (3)
Gentle, antioxidant cleansing for all skin types The Premium Facial Puff with Green Tea takes skin cleansing to a whole new level. The sponge is enriched with antioxidant green tea that has soothes the skin, protects the cells and binds free radicals. The Premium Facial Puff with Green Tea is perfect for protecting skin against premature aging due to environmental influence. Skin becomes more plump and soft with a radiant fell and renewed elasticity. The sponge has a diameter of approximately 8 cm. perfect for all skin types also suitable for skin that is prone to irritations, hypersensitivity & sensitivity skin-soothing & binds free radicals protects the skin from environmental influences balances the pH value gentle & deep exfoliating effect refines the pores use with or without a cleanser 100% natural & free from colourants and other additives wonderfully soft & gentle when wet Ingredients: Konjac, green tea
Raspberry Ketone Plus est un aide-minceur concu a partir de cetones de framboise, ingredient connus pour aider dans le perte de poids. Aide a la perte de calorie -2
Veritable poudre cuite au four, la terre cuite minerale est ideale pour structurer votre visage et beneficier d un teint bronze eclatant toute l annee. Cuivre dore lumineux, bronze, brun rosehellip; abricot hale, choisissez votre nuance en fonction de la saison. Comme toutes les poudres, la terre cuite minerale est sans talc. Entre artisanat et modernite, le boitier en bambou verni s offre avec raffinement et originalite dans une pochette en coton pour mieux proteger cet ecrin. Les produits de la gamme ZAO se pretent particulierement a des idees cadeau grace a leur superbe presentation et au cote ludique des recharges. Composition: Bambusa arundinacea stem powder (poudre de bambou micronisee) : Regenere l epiderme: Substance blanche extraite des jointures du bambou, principalement composee de silice pure, elle a ete tres utilise dans la medecine orientale.
This item is suitable for pedicure and manicure. Suitable for professional salon or home use.
Sharp curved cutter head, suitable for trimming nail groove, thick nails and so on. Great for trimming thick nails, hard nails, corn, etc. Specially designed for ingrowing nails, with the longest and sharpest cutting edge. Made of high quality stainless steel, durable enough for your daily using.