Das rast möbeldesign Terra Massivholzbet: schlicht und modern Mit dem rast möbeldesign Terra...
The Prince Rebounce Mattress is medium coil sprung mattress that has been designed to maximise support by using high specification UK manufactured bon ell springs and luxury renounce fibre fillings for extra longevity. Deep layers of fillings cover the spring system to provide a plush sleeping domain which ensures a restful night's sleep. The luxurious fabric used to cover the mattress is soft to the touch and flexible. There are also flag stitched turning handles on both sides of the mattress for easy care and brass vents which will guarantee that the mattress stays fresh and healthy for many years to come.
Urbanes Design mit Perfektion. Das Rast Möbeldesign Massivholzbett Bologna präsentiert sich schlicht, sachlich und präzise und demonstriert seinen Wert selbstbewusst.