The1600mm White Straight Desk features 25mm desk tops and 3mm ABS Edging It benefits from a sturdy Double upright leg design The office desk includes adjustable feet, cable ports and silver finish cantilever frame White finish Easy assembly 5 year warranty On all Momento Office Furniture
Beschreibung WEDO Metall-Schlüsselringe im 300er Sortimentskasten glanzvernickelte Metallringe aus gehärtetem Stahl, Inhalt: 70x Druchmesser 16 mm/20 mm, 40 x Durchmesser 25 mm, 30x Durchmesser 26 mm flach, je 20x Durchmesser 30 mm - normal, gewellt, farbig, je 10x Durchmesser 35 mm - normal, flach, 10x Durchmesser 38 mm (262 300)
BACHMANN Halterung für CONI Einbaurahmen, kurz (911.9100) - 1 Stück (911.9100)
Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Heftkapazität 10 Blätter
Beschreibung ELBA Hängehefter chic ULTIMATE, DIN A4, anthrazit kaufmännische Heftung, extrem widerstandsfähiger Canson- Karton, 240 g/qm, inkl. Sichtreiter u Schildchen, mit Organisationsaufdruck, Maße: (B)318 x (T)6 x (H)245 mm gepackt zu 25 Stück (85741 AZ)
Everflex 115 GP building mastic is an oil based compound intended for general pointing and sealing of many joints in traditional forms of construction. The sealant is rapidly and simply applied by extrusion from a cartridge gun. The product has good adhesion to most clean, dry surfaces. BENEFITS- Overpaintable.- Adheres to most common surfaces.- Semi drying - remains permanently plastic beneath surface skin.- High solids formulation - excellent gap filling properties without shrinkage.- Good external weathering properties. AREAS FOR USE- Perimeter pointing internally and externally around doors and windows.- Adheres to concrete, brick, wood, metals and glass without the use of a primer. C3 cartridge size.