Solaray Griffonia 5-HTP - 50mg est un complement alimentaire propose par Monde Bio. Presentation Solaray Griffonia 5-HTP - 50mg : Griffonia 5-HTP - 50mg Solaray est considere comme un complement alimentaire qui va vous permettre d obtenir : Son Utilisation : Prendre 1 capsule par jour avec un verre d eau, en dehors du repas. Precautions d emploi : Ne pas depasser la dose journaliere recommandee. Tenir hors de portee des enfants. Deconseillee aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes. Ce produit n est pas un medicament. Precautions d emploi Conserver soigneusement ferme dans un endroit frais et a l abri de l humidite Ne pas depasser la dose journaliere recommandee Tenir hors de la portee des enfants Les complements alimentaires ne se substituent pas a une alimentation variee et equilibree et a un mode de vie sain. Label et Certification : Non teste sur les animaux. Statut : complement alimentaire.
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Abbott Nutrition Multi-Thick Instant ThickenerMulti-Thick Instant Thickener is a modified maize starch instant food and fluid thickener which has been designed for the dietary management of patients with dysphagia.Multi-Thick is a powder that can be mixed into a variety of food and drink, including warm and cold drinks, pured food and oral nutritional drinks.Before taking Abbott Multi-Thick, you should consult a healthcare professional who will advise you on the quantity of Multi-Thick to be used to thicken food and drink to the appropriate consistency.
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MacuShield is specifically designed to include antioxidants, which help to protect the sensitive areas of the eye against damaging light and age-related changes. These antioxidants boost the natural defences of the eyes against potentially harmful blue light found in sunlight, TV screens and LED lights. Studies also suggest that MacuShield