IMPORTANT: Please allow an extra 2-3 days for delivery. Artificial grass that can be used to create a perfect lawn. Installation means you can avoid the hassle of maintaining natural grass by the side of a pond. This is a the best grade of Aquagrass with a deep 35mm pile. Use Aquagrass Prestige to create a lush looking lawn.
TEPRO GARTEN Tepro 8534 Grillbesteck 3-teilig (8534)
The patented liner in Dancook´s kettlebarbecue collect grease and ashes - and because the combustion air is pre-heated, the cooking effect is encreased by 50%. The advantages are reduced use of briquettes and easier cleaning. That is the unique idea behind the Dancook kettlebarbecue. A Dancook kettlebarbecue is best characterized by its simple design and its many unique details. The materials used are stainless steel and aluminium. The 6 mm grid and the many built in details guarantees optimal cooking results every time. In addition, Dancook supplies an extensive range of accessories. Cooking Grid 40cm, Charcoal Grid 28cm
Our new 'Riverstone' falls have been created to add an instant authentic appeal to your pond. Use individually or join together to create a longer waterfall. River Slate range come in a beautiful aged appearance - grey with a touch of algae green for an ultra realistic effect.
PONTEC 50748 Unterwasserfilter-Set Pondorell 3000 (50748)
mineralischer Spezial-Flüssigdünger für alle Balkon- und Kübelpflanzen, wie z.B. Petunien, Margeriten und Fuchsienenthält alle für eine gesunde Entwicklung der Pflanzen lebenswichtigen Haupt- und Spurennährstoffewirkt sofort, stärkt die Widerstandskraft und stimuliert das Wurzelwachstummit dem Plus an Eisen für gesunde und grüne Blätter (gegen Blattvergilbung) EG-DÜNGEMITTEL. NPK-Dünger-Lösung 6+4+5 mit Spurennährstoffen, chlorarm.