Creme raffermissante pour les Seins dEco Masters™ aspire a repulper, lifter et raffermir la poitrine grace a une formulation elaboree avec soin. La Creme raffermissante pour les Seins comprend de nombreux ingredients de qualite premium. A appliquer quotidiennement a travers un massage stimulant.
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La Base de teint 30ml Boho Green Make-up matifie et unifie la peau du visage. La texture fine et legere de la Base de teint 30ml Boho Green Make-up laisse un fini transparent sur la peau et s adapte a toutes les carnations. Utilisee seule, elle donne un rendu tres naturel. Sous le fond de teint, elle aide a flouter les imperfections et a reduire la visibilite des pores. En preparant la peau au maquillage, la base de teint permet de prolonger sa tenue tout en apportant de la souplesse. Facile a etaler, elle illumine la peau et apporte de l eclat au teint. La formule vegane et certifiee biologique par Cosmos Organic est composee a 100% d ingredients naturels, dont 31,20% d ingredients certifies biologiques. Pour plus de confort, elle contient du beurre de karite, aux proprietes nourrissantes et apaisantes, et de l huile de jojoba qui protege la peau des agressions et reequilibre la production de sebum.
Complement aide minceur qui boost votre sante, systeme immunitaire et votre energie. Ideal pour les personnes qui font attention a leur sante (3) .
Biodegradable body cleansing tool The plant-based konjac sponge is enriched with raspberry extract to mildly cleanse the skin, remove dead skin cells, soothe the skin and does not cause any irritation. Thus, the cleansed skin is better equipped to absorb subsequent body care products. The biodegradable konjac sponge has a practical shape and soft texture that leaves the skin radiantly beautiful and looking healthy. Application: Soak the sponge in warm water to soften. Gently squeeze out any excess water and use in conjunction with a mild soap (Le Cajoleur) or its own. Follow with the "Le Coach Fermeté" or "La Surdouée". Important to note: Rinse the sponge after use, gently squeeze out any excess water and leave to dry. Do not store the sponge in water. The sponge can be used for 2 - 3 months, depending on how well it is cared for and how often it is used. Replace the sponge once it starts to break or crumble. The old sponge can be disposed of in the organic waste bin.
Night Pheromones for Men is a fragranced pheromone application, to augment male to female desirability with three vital pheromones. The Night Pheromones for Men stick has a pleasingly warm musky masculine scent. In a discreet pocket-sized stick, it can be used whenever and wherever you want.