Dieser Wein von Rombauer ist ein wunderbares Beispiel dafür, welche Qualitäten ein kalifornischer Zinfandel erreichen kann. Die dunkel lilafarbene Komposition aus Zinfandel und einem sehr kleinen Anteil Petite Sirah duftet verführerisch intensiv nach...
WOTOFO RECURVE RDA is an innovation compared to the existing straight sleeve design on all RDAs. The sleeve of this RDA curves like a recurve bow implying energy and efficiency. It is 24mm in diameter and features side & bottom airflow hitting on postless coil installations to give a sensational flavor burst. Postless build deck for easy coil installation Base groove design for convenient airflow regulation 810 resin drip tip, perfect fit lips design Fits for Squonker feeding operate 24mm diameter 510 thread Brand: Wotofo Model Recurve RDA Diameter 24mm Size 35 x 24mm Net Weight 45g
Introducing the ultimate edition of the Fire Luke tank, The FreeMax Mesh Pro Sub-Ohm Tank. Featuring a new multi-mesh coil system with compatibility to the original tank, as well as 6mL maximum juice capacity and dual slotted bottom airflow. The crowning achievement lies within the coil system, featuring more surface area that results in even heating of cotton and eJuice for a consistent vaping experience. The new Mesh Pro Coil System if fully compatible with the FireLuke Tank and FireLuke Pro Tank. Massive dual slotted bottom adjustable airflows measuring in at 16mm by 4mm each allows for ample air channels into the chamber, producing maximum flavor and clouds. Finally, the new retractable sliding top-fill provides easy refills perfect for on-the-go. 25mm Diameter 6mL Maximum Juice Capacity Optional 5mL Juice Capacity - Slimmer Profile Superior Stainless Steel Construction with Resin Mesh Pro Coil System - Kanthal Single Mesh 0.15ohm Coil - Rated for 40-70W - Kanthal Double Mesh 0.2ohm Coil - Rated for 60-90W - Kanthal Triple Mesh 0.15ohm Coil - Rated foor 80-110W(not included) - SS316L Single Mesh 0.12 Coil - Rated for 400
With rose blossoms The name White Peony originates from Chinese mythology. It is the most popular and beautiful courtesan that has ever existed. That is why a particularly popular and exquisite tea variety is presented here as well. It is extremely tempting with its irresistible lychee and rose fragrance and the floral white tea has a delicate and refreshing flavour. Preparation: Add 2 g of Lychee White Peony to 200 ml of hot water (80 ° C) and leave to brew for about 5 - 7 minutes.
Le Coffret decouverte 80 sachets Touch Organicest un coffret compose de huit thes differents. Le Coffret de the bio Touch Organic presente 8 saveurs incontournables de The Vert, Blanc et Noir : The vert nature bio The vert aromatise au jasmin bio The blanc nature bio The vert aromatise a la menthe bio The blanc aromatise aux fruits rouges bio The vert aromatise a la mangue bio. The blanc aromatise a l abricot bio The noir Earl Grey bio. Le coffret contient 80 sachets, soit 10 sachets pour chaque type de the. Tous les thes presents dans le coffret Touch Organic sont naturels et issus de l agriculture biologique. Laissez-vous tenter par le coffret decouverte afin de decouvrir des sachets de the vert nature, mais aussi du the vert aromatise au jasmin, du the blanc nature, du the vert a la menthe, du the blanc aux fruits rouges, du the vert a la mangue, du the blanc a l abricot et enfin du the noir earl grey. Il y a pour tous les gouts.
Der Wein ist frisch, fruchtig und sehr reich, ganz im Stil eines Burgunders. Seine Farbe ist goldfarben und klar, er besticht mit Aromen von Aprikosen, Birnen und grünem Apfel, mit einer Note von Nuss, Haselnuss und weissen Blüten, und er ist leicht buttrig im Abgang. Die Vanille-Eiche-Note ist sehr subtil und gut eingebunden, dazu kommt noch ein Hauch von Zitrone. Am Gaumen ist es ein komplexer und sehr ausgewogener Wein mit ausgeprägter Frische und einem langen Abgang.