Motorcycle Spot Light Bar Set With Two Turn Signals For Harley CustomDescription:TofitmostHarleytouringsoranycustomapplications.Thelightbarispre-drilledtoallowforinternalwiringoflightsSteellightbarwithRoundChromeMetalspotlightturnsignalsBlackfinishedwithreflectiveinteriordrivinglightDrivingLights:4clearlens,43/4wide,43/4tallfrombasetotop.21/2longfromlenstopoint.TurnSignalLights:Minibulletstyle,2wide,2-1/2tallfrombasetotop,2-7/8longfromlenstopoint.Colorisamber.Specification:Color:BlackSize:showinthepictureMaterial:HighQualitySteel/ABSPlasticCategory:PassingFogMiniHeadlightsBulbType:IncandescentNote:Thislightbarisnotcustommadeforanybikes.ThereforesomeminormodificationmaybeneededPleasecheckbracketmeasurementtoensureifitwillfityourbikeNoinstructionincluded,ProfessionalinstallationrecommendedNotDOTapproved.ForoffroadorshowuseonlyLawsconcerningthisproductvaryfromstate/provincetostate/provinceYourstate/provincemayprohibititsuseonpublicroadsorrestrictitsusetonovelty,showuse,offroadareas,orracefacilityareasonly.Insomestates/provincesoff-roadusesarealsoprohibited.ThemanufacturerandretailerassumenoresponsibilityforanyuseorapplicationofthisproductinviolationofanyapplicablelawBeforeinstallingthisproduct,pleasecheckyourstate/provincialandlocal/municipallawsandregulationsPackageIncluded:2 X PassingSpotLight2 X TurnSignals1 X Bracket
Bringing all the class-leading Tech family performance benefits to a lightweight Enduro boot, the Tech 3 Enduro incorporates a range of protection features into its durable microfiber upper while the specially developed Alpinestars rubber compound all-terrain specific sole provides excellent grip. Features
Upper is made from innovative and light microfiber material that is flexible and abrasion resistant. Light microfiber front and rear bellow stretch inserts offer greater flexibility and comfort in key area. Internal toe-box constructed with high-grade synthetic material for high abrasion. Extended PU synthetic gaiter helps seal out excessive water and dirt entry. Contoured TPU calf protector plate, TPU higher medial protector, TPU outer lateral ankle and TPU heel counter offer support and resistance to impacts. Rear TPR gaiter patch applied on top of the TPU calf protector gives protection and comfort on rear flex area. Injected TPU shin plate connected with the TPU medial protector panel, hook and loop grip upper closure, plus TPR flap for broad ranging calf fit adjustment and support. The TPU higher medial external protector is designed with technical texture for improved grip. Bio-mechanical medial blade system allows front rear flex giving support and protection to the ankle. The ergonomic TPU triple buckle straps allow smooth frontal flex from the medial protector to the lateral side without compromising ease of movement. New closure system includes three polymer buckles with an innovative closure system. This closure includes a micro-adjustable ratchet with memory and a quick release/ locking system with self-aligning design for easy, precise closure. The buckles are replaceable. Innovative one-piece TPU injected dual compound foot shell, reinforced by a metal shank inside a co-injected toe reinforcement. Soft foam surrounds the ankles and collar offering comfort and shock absorbing performance. Entire textile lining for more comfort. Replaceable EVA footbed with textile lining on top. Specific Alpinestars all-terrain design sole and high grip rubber compounds. The sole is replaceable. EN 13634:2010.
The visor is for the following helmet model:
H-E1 Adventure
*example picture