For those concerned about the effects of global warming and the ability to save energy and help to save our planet for the future, Black & Decker have produced the TLD100 thermal leak detector unit. If tracking down power-draining drafts in your home is literally driving you up the wall, this clever infrared scanner will effortlessly uncover those hidden leaks. The LDT100 thermal leak detector will help you to identify and give advanced warnings of the issues and highlight areas for concern with the inefficient insulation of your home or work place, as there are a number of appliances that like- TV's, VCR's, cable boxes, DVD and CD players, cassette decks, cordless phones, microwaves that all may still use energy when switched off. This energy keeps display clocks lit and memory chips and remote controls working. This unit is powered by a single 9 Volt Alkaline battery that sits neatly into the handle where the switch is located. The switch changes the unit from Fahrenheit or Celsius. The
100 ausgestanzte Elemente für Wabenkunst, Steinpilz klein, 9 cm x 8,8 cm, zum Basteln von 5 Waben-Objekten.
50 edle Faltpapiere, 10 cm x 15 cm, 110 g/m², mit Prägung in Brush-Optik und Perlmuttschimmer, violett (Rückseite matt).
Marque: Keptin Jr Dimension = 24cm. L avable en machine a 30 C. Fabrique en Hollande. 100 % coton issu de l Agriculture BiologiqueCertifie coton bio par Skal
4 Übernachtungen inklusive Verwöhnpension, - Reichhaltiges Frühstücksbuffet, - Nachmittagsjause im SPA-Bistro, - 5-Gang Abendmenü mit Hauptgängen zur Wahl, 1 Mautgebühren für die Alpenstraße, so können Sie den Dobratsch ganz bequem erwandern, Führung durch den Kräutergarten des Hotels, Wanderkarte der Region und Leihwanderstöcke, 1 Flasche Kräuteröl als Abreisepräsent