Stahlwille INHEX Extra long sockets have 1/2in square drive and are suitable for hexagon socket head head screws. They are manufactured from chrome alloy steel and are chrome plated. Manufactured to DIN 7422 (metric sizes). MADE IN GERMANY.Stahlwille In-Hex Socket 1/2in Drive Xtra Long. Size: 5mm.Overall length: 120mm.
7 x Übernachtung, 7 x reichhaltiges Frühstücksbuffet, Begrüßungstrunk, 7 x 3-Gang-Wahlmenü am Abend, 1 x Besuch in der Schauwerkstatt in Seiffen - frei -, 20 % Ermäßigung im Wellnessstübel, kuscheliger Leihbademantel und Badeslipper liegen auf dem Zimmer bereit, Wander- und Routenvorschläge, 1 x Stunde Kegel- oder Bowlingbahnnutzung (pro Zimmer) - gratis -, 1 x Teilmassage - gratis -
3 x Übernachtungen in der gebuchten Zimmerkategorie, 3 x abwechslungsreiches Frühstücksbuffet, Shuttlebus zu den Weihnachtsmärkten in Nürnberg, Würzburg und Rothenburg ob der Tauber, freie Nutzung des 1000 m² Spa Bereich mit kombiniertem Innen-/Außenpool, Saunen, Solebad, Massage- und Wellnessanwendungen, Ruhezone und Liegebereiche auf der Dachterrasse, inkl. W-Lan
Bahco 1-476 4in Key Files have a handle developed according to the scientific ERGO™ process. This set is perfect for fine filing and polishing jobs. The set contains one of each handled file: hand, warding, square, three square, half round and round. Supplied in a snap-shut plastic wallet with hanging hole. Type of cut: 3 Smooth.Blade Length: 100mm.
Antica édite des reproductions de cartes géographiques de l?époque d?Henri IV et de Louis XIII, sur un papier parchemin vieilli de façon artisanale: Sur ces cartes vous découvrirez «vostre» région telle qu?elle était en 1600: les fortifications, les...
These heavy-duty toolboxes are ideal for use on the worksite, garage or around the home. They have a centre galvanised finish, this gives the toolbox a sturdy durable construction and is also rust-resistant, as are the two heavy-duty metal latches. They have a removable plastic tray which is ideal for smaller tools like screwdrivers, spanners etc, or tapes and fixings that can be found at a glance. The lid incorporates a saw groove for holding pipes and timber for cutting when there is no work bench available. The lid on has a honeycomb design to give it extra strength and durability, and the soft grip handle folds flat in to the lid when not in use.Dimensions: 662 x 293 x 222mm.