SCHOLZ Steckregal 464223 Anbau 1.200x2.280x600mm 6OH vz (464223)
Von Nobo Experten entworfen. Das hochwertige Nobo Diamond Flipchart ist eine elegante, moderne Lösung für das Büro. Die magnethaftende glatte Glasoberfläche ist angenehm zu beschreiben und einfach zu reinigen. Mit Nobo Seltenerd-Magneten dient die Tafel gleichzeitig als Anschlagtafel, an der Dokumente oder Bilder befestigt werden können. Magnethaftende Glastafel Gehärtetes, 4 mm dickes Glas für den sicheren Gebrauch Haltbare Konstruktion mit Ablage aus Metall Mobiles Gestell mit 5 arretierbaren Laufrollen 2 bewegliche Blockklammern Mit 2 Nobo Seltenerd-Magneten 700 x 1000 mm Hauptmerkmale Technische Details Verpackungstiefe 115,5 cm Verpackungshöhe 19,5 cm Verpackungsbreite 89,5 cm
Ein zeitloser Klassiker. Das dormiente Massivholzbett Plain verzaubert durch sein einfaches, praktisches Design. Sieben Holzarten stehen zur Auswahl. Eine Rückenlehne kann optional hinzugefügt werden. Desweiteren ist das Bett auch in Sondermaße erhältlich.
Adapt back to back desks 1200mm x 1200mm - silver frame, oak topComprising a sturdy steel subframe and bench tops which take on a floating appearance, Adapt offers a clean and minimal look to the workplace. Desk legs can be shared, making it an aesthetically pleasing, cost effective and practical system for high density office spaces. The Adapt benching solution is a real stand out in the modern office environment.Features Include :Two straight desks 1200x600mm back-to-back with scalloped cut outs in the desktopsExtended sturdy steel framework and bench tops which take on a floating appearance25mm desktops available in beech, oak, white, walnut and white with oak edgingDesk legs can be shared, making it an aesthetically pleasing, cost effective and practical systemHigh quality modular bench desk system to suit modern open plan office environmentsHorizontal and vertical cable management allows cables to rise from the floor via mass cable risers and shared cable trays
Features: Brushless pump, permanent magnetic rotor, maintenance-free. Enameled wire coil and circuit board are sealed by epoxy resin. The coil adopts pure copper enameled wire, lower temperature rise and longer life span. Amphibious pump, you can use it in the water or out of water(follow the installation instruction). 5.5*2.1mm female DC12V for power input. IP68 waterproof grade, totally submersible in the water. Detachable design, providing convenience for cleaning work. With a filter, avoiding blocking the inlet. 4 rubber suckers on the bottom, can adsorb on the smooth surface and reduce noise and vibration. Small size, high efficiency, low noise. Suitable for aquarium, fountain, car cooling, computer water cooling system and circulation systems. Note: 1. Please check the voltage and power of the pump power before power on. 2. Please cut off the power before you install/put in/take away the pump from the water; otherwise, the pump can't outlet water due to the air in it. 3. It can be used in the water or other liquids(without particles and impurities); NOT for viscous and acid-base liquids. 4. DO NOT dry burn the pump, otherwise it would be damaged. 5. Switch on-off the power repeatedly for several times to eliminate the air in the pump impeller and the pipe. 6. When the pump is used in high temperature environment(100C), it can only be installed with non-diving method.
Gradlinig und elegant. Beim Rast Möbeldesign Modularbett Due können Sie sich Ihre persönliche Kopfteillehne auswählen. Das gradlinige Massivholzbett kombiniert traditionelle Eckverbindungen des Schreinerhandwerkes mit innovativem Design und wird höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht.